10.1026, Calls: Journal/IR-oriented NLP, WCCFL 19

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Jul 3 02:02:57 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-1026. Fri Jul 2 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.1026, Calls: Journal/IR-oriented NLP, WCCFL 19

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

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		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Fri, 02 Jul 1999 13:06:50 -0400
From:   Christian Jacquemin <jacquemin at limsi.fr>
Subject:  Journal T.A.L., IR-oriented NLP

Date:  Fri, 2 Jul 1999 14:40:15 -0700 (PDT)
From:  ALEXANDER IAN MACBRIDE <macbride at ucla.edu>
Subject:  WCCFL 19

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 02 Jul 1999 13:06:50 -0400
From:   Christian Jacquemin <jacquemin at limsi.fr>
Subject:  Journal T.A.L., IR-oriented NLP

Journal T.A.L.: Call for Submissions

Information Retrieval-oriented Natural Language Processing

Submission deadline: November 1st, 1999

Issue coordinated by Christian Jacquemin (LIMSI, Orsay)


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Because of the recent growth of electronic data available through the
Internet or digital libraries, information access has become a major
scientific issue.  Evaluation conferences in information retrieval
have promoted the development of search engines and indexing
techniques over very large text databases.

In such  a favorable context, several  factors have promoted the convergence
of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR):

   * New NLP techniques have been designed. They allow for efficient
     processing of large-scale textual data from various sources.
   * Fine NLP techniques for automatic indexing and document handling have
     lead to precision and recall rates higher than traditional text
     simplification techniques.
   * Evaluation conferences such as TREC (IR) or MUC (Information
     Extraction) have promoted interdisciplinary projects with researchers
     from NLP and IR, leading to fruitful interdisciplinary cooperations.
   * The emergence of new paradigms in NLP has raised new scientific issues
     and offered new experimental fields in Computational Linguistics.

Topics of interest (this list is not restrictive)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The topics of interest include:

   * morphological analysis, rule- or dictionary-based stemming,
   * robust and partial parsing for IR,
   * large-scale semantic disambiguation for IR,
   * automatic acquisition of semantic knowledge, automatic thesaurus
     construction for IR,
   * computer-aided construction of large-scale linguistic resources for IR,
   * recycling of IR data, such as thesauri, for IR-oriented NLP,
   * automatic indexing or abstracting,
   * automatic classification and routing, document categorization,
   * integration of linguistic components in IR-oriented NLP applications,
   * specification and evaluation of IR-oriented NLP systems,
   * computational terminology as a means for building resources for
     IR-oriented NLP.

Papers may focus on other topics in NLP provided that they address issues on
their  application to  IR (wrt  to automatic indexing,  text simplification,
query/document   pairing,    query   expansion,    text   segmentation   and
classification, etc).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Papers  (30 pages  max,  Helvetica 12)  are accepted  in RTF  or Latex  + ps
formats. Latex style is can be downloaded from

Submissions formats  are available in  the issues of the  T.A.L. journal and
will be sent to the contributors upon request to Christian Jacquemin.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Submissions can be written in French or in English.

Submission of articles
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Papers are preferably submitted electronically:

     jacquemin at limsi.fr

or through hard copies at:

     Christian Jacquemin,
     BP 133,
     91403 ORSAY,

Submission deadlines
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  submission  deadline is  November 1st, 1999 . If  you plan to  submit a
paper, please contact Christian Jacquemin before September 1st, 1999.

The  articles will be  reviewed by a  member of  the editorial board  and an
external reviewer specialized in IR-oriented NLP. Decisions of the editorial
board and  referees' reports will be  transmitted to the authors  before the
end of 1999.

The  final versions  of the accepted  papers will  be required for  February
15th, 2000 for a publication in summer 2000.

The Journal T.A.L.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

T.A.L. is the journal of the French association for Computational Linguistic
ATALA :  (http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/ATALA/ ).  Two issues  are published
every  year on various  topics in  Natural Language Processing.  The Journal
T.A.L. is distributed by the French publisher Klincksieck.

Editorial Board
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Editors:                       A. Abeill\233 (Universit\233 Paris 7)
                                Ph. Blache (LPL, CNRS)
                                B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud)
 Members of the Editorial       J. Anis (Universit\233 Paris 10)
 Board:                         Ph. Blache (LPL, CNRS)
                                D. Cl\233ment (Bergische Universit\228t
                                A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail)
                                Ch. Dalessandro (LIMSI, Paris)
                                M. El-Beze (Universit\233 d'Avignon)
                                C. Gardent (Universit\228t des Saarlandes)
                                Ch. Jacquemin (IRIN, Nantes)
                                J-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM)
                                B. Victorri (ELSAP, Caen)
                                E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs)
                                P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Paris 6)
 Scientific Committee:          M. Borillo (CNRS, P. Sabatier, Toulouse)
                                R. Carr\233 (ENST, Paris)
                                J-P. Descl\233s (Universit\233 Paris IV)
                                C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris)
                                M. Gross (LADL, Paris 7)
                                F. Rastier (Paris 4)
                                W. von Hahn (Univ Hambourg)
                                Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ)
                                A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble)
 Secretary:                     Jeanine Mary (UFRL Paris 7)

Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS, BP 133, 91403 ORSAY, FRANCE
tel +33 (0)1 69 85 80 22 / fax -- 80 88    mailto:jacquemin at limsi.fr
http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/jacquemi/  ftp://ftp.limsi.fr/pub/jacquemi/

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 2 Jul 1999 14:40:15 -0700 (PDT)
From:  ALEXANDER IAN MACBRIDE <macbride at ucla.edu>
Subject:  WCCFL 19

19th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

University of California, Los Angeles

February 4-6, 2000


Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks in all areas of
formal linguistics from any theoretical perspective.


Abstracts should be no more than one 8-1/2 by 11 page
in length.  An additional page for data and references
may be included.  Abstracts should be in 11-point type
or larger, single spaced, with 1-inch margins.  Please
mail ten anonymous copies and a 3 by 5 inch index card
with the following information:

area (phonology, syntax, etc.)
name of author(s)						
mailing address
phone number (optional)
e-mail address (optional)

Abstracts may also be submitted by e-mail.  Abstracts
submitted by e-mail should be of equivalent length to
hard-copy submissions meeting the requirements above.
E-mail submissions should be in ASCII and should form
the body of the e-mail message, following the author
information.  Avoid sending the text as an attachment.
Do not use special formatting or fonts.
E-mail submissions should be sent to:

wccfl at humnet.ucla.edu

The subject line should read ABSTRACT.

Submissions are limited to 1 individual and 1 joint abstract
per author.


Abstracts should be sent to:

Abstracts Committee, WCCFL XIX
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Linguistics
Box 951543
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543

The WCCFL web site:

E-mail: wccfl at humnet.ucla.edu

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1026

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