10.726, Calls: Dependency Grammars, Pragmatics

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu May 13 03:15:13 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-726. Wed May 12 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.726, Calls: Dependency Grammars, Pragmatics

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Mon, 10 May 1999 23:04:40 -0400 (EDT)
From:  kahanes at magellan.umontreal.ca (Sylvain Kahane)
Subject:  Dependency Grammars

Date:  Wed, 12 May 1999 16:31:13 +0200
From:  jef verschueren <versch at uia.ua.ac.be>
Subject:  7th International Pragmatics Conference

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 10 May 1999 23:04:40 -0400 (EDT)
From:  kahanes at magellan.umontreal.ca (Sylvain Kahane)
Subject:  Dependency Grammars


(Annonce en francais a la suite)


          DEADLINE EXTENDED : JULY 1 1999

The Journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" (T.A.L.) will publish a
special issue on the following theme :


This special issue will be devoted to the various aspects of  natural
language processing using  dependency grammars. That concerns all automatic
systems or NLP-oriented linguistic models directly using dependency trees
as structure of representation, as well as those using equivalent notions
such as syntactic heads or syntactic functions.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- presentation of automatic systems (parsing, generation, translation,
disambiguation, correction, speech recognition, teaching ...) based on
- presentation of electronic resources (dictionaries, annotated corpora,
grammars) based on dependencies;
- presentation of algorithms for dependency grammars;
- presentation of NLP-oriented linguistic models based on dependencies;
- evaluation of automatic systems based on dependencies and comparison with
other systems;
- study of the syntax-semantics interface from a dependency trees point of view.

Papers submitted may focus on a particular linguistic phenomenon provided that
they throw a light on or entail a reflection about the use of syntactic
dependencies in natural language processing.


Papers (30 pages max, Helvetica 12) are accepted in
RTF, Latex or Word formats. Latex style is downloadable from
http://www.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/tal/tal.html. Papers can
also be submitted in French.

Papers should be submitted by e-mail (preferably) to:

  sk at ccr.jussieu.fr

or by hard copies:

  Sylvain Kahane
  Universite de Montreal
  CP 6128 Centre-Ville
  Montr\233al H3C3J7 Canada


The submission deadline is extended to July, 1, 1999.
If you plan to submit a paper, please contact Sylvain Kahane as soon as
Decisions of the editorial board and referees' reports would be transmitted
to the authors in september and final versions, probably required in november


The Journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" is published by ATALA
(http://www.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/) and distributed by Klincksieck.

 A. Abeille (Univ. Paris 7), B. Habert (ENS Fontenay)

Editorial Board :
 A. Abeille (Univ. Paris 7)
 C. d'Alessandro (CNRS LIMSI)
 P. Blache (LPL CNRS)
 D. Clement (Bergische Universitat Wuppertal)
 A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail)
 C. Gardent (Universit\228t des Saarlandes)
 M. El-Beze (LIA, Univ. Avignon)
 B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud et LIMSI)
 C. Jacquemin (IUT Nantes et LIMSI)
 J.-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM)
 E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs)
 B. Victorri (CNRS, Paris)
 P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Univ. Paris 6)

Scientific Board :
 M. Borillo (CNRS, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
 R. Carre (ENST, Paris)
 J.-P. Descles (Univ. Paris 4)
 C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris)
 M. Gross (LADL, Univ. Paris 7)
 R. Grunig (Univ.Paris 7)
 M. King (ISSCO, Gen\232ve)
 P. Lafon (CNRS, ENS Fontenay St Cloud)
 F. Rastier (CNRS, Univ. Paris 4)
 W. von Hahn (Univ. Hambourg)
 Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ.)
 A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble)




Un prochain numero de la revue "Traitement Automatique des Langues" (T.A.L)
sera consacre au theme suivant :


Ce numero special portera sur les differents aspects du traitement
automatique des langues par des grammaires de dependance. Cela concerne
tous les systemes automatiques ou modeles formels utilisant directement des
arbres de dependance comme structure de representation syntaxique, ainsi
que ceux utilisant des notions connexes comme la notion de tete syntaxique
ou celle de fonction syntaxique.

Voici une liste non limitatives de sujets sur lesquels des articles peuvent
etre soumis:

- presentation de systemes automatiques (analyse, generation, traduction,
desambiguisation, correction, reconnaissance de la parole, eao, ...) bases
les dependances;
- presentation de ressources electroniques (dictionnaires, corpus annotes,
grammaires) bases sur les dependances;
- presentation d'algorithmes pour les grammaires de dependance;
- presentation de modeles linguistiques orientes vers le TAL et bases sur
les dependances;
- evaluation de systemes bases sur les dependances ou comparaison avec
d'autres systemes;
- etude de l'interface syntaxe-s\233mantique \224 partir d'arbres de d\233pendance.

Les etudes peuvent porter sur un phenomene linguistique particulier dans la
mesure ou` elles donnent un eclairage particulier ou entraine une reflexion
plus generale sur l'utilisation des dependances syntaxiques en traitement
automatique de la langue.


Les articles soumis n'excederont pas 30 pages en Helvetica 12.
Ils seront acceptes dans un des formats suivants : RTF, LaTeX, Word.
La feuille de style LaTeX est accessible sur le site web de la revue
(http://www.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/tal/tal.html). On trouvera le detail
des instructions destinees aux auteurs a la fin de chaque numero de la
revue ou sur le site web.


Les soumissions se font en fran\231ais. Les soumissions en anglais sont
acceptees pour les auteurs non francophones.


Les articles doivent etre envoyes par voie electronique (preferentiellement):

  sk at ccr.jussieu.fr

ou en version papier:

  Sylvain Kahane
  Universite de Montreal
  CP 6128 Centre-Ville
  Montr\233al H3C3J7 Canada


La date limite des soumissions est etendue au 1er juillet 1999. Les
personnes qui ont l'intention de soumettre un article sont invitees a
prendre contact
avec Sylvain Kahane aussit\244t que possible.
Les decisions du comite de redaction et les commentaires des relecteurs
devraient etre communiques aux auteurs courant juillet et les versions
finales requises pour novembre 1999.


Deux numeros par an sont consacres a differents aspects du traitement
La revue est publiee par l'ATALA (http://www.linguist.jussieu.fr/~atala/)
et distribuee par les editions Klincksieck.

Redacteurs en chef
  A. Abeille (Univ. Paris 7), B. Habert (ENS Fontenay)

Comite de redaction :
  A. Abeille (Univ. Paris 7)
  C. d'Alessandro (CNRS LIMSI)
  P. Blache (LPL CNRS)
  D. Clement (Bergische Universit\228t Wuppertal)
  A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail)
  C. Gardent (Universit\228t des Saarlandes)
  M. El-Beze (LIA, Univ. Avignon)
  B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud et LIMSI)
  C. Jacquemin (IUT Nantes et LIMSI)
  J.-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM)
  E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs)
  B. Victorri (CNRS, Paris)
  P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Univ. Paris 6)

Comite Scientifique :
  M. Borillo (CNRS, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
  R. Carre (ENST, Paris)
  J.-P. Descles (Univ. Paris 4)
  C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris)
  M. Gross (LADL, Univ. Paris 7)
  R. Grunig (Univ.Paris 7)
  M. King (ISSCO, Geneve)
  P. Lafon (CNRS, ENS Fontenay St Cloud)
  F. Rastier (CNRS, Univ. Paris 4)
  W. von Hahn (Univ. Hambourg)
  Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ.)
  A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble)

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 12 May 1999 16:31:13 +0200
From:  jef verschueren <versch at uia.ua.ac.be>
Subject:  7th International Pragmatics Conference


Budapest, Hungary, 9-14 July 2000

Check the IPrA home page for more details at

The 7th  International Pragmatics Conference will be held on 9-14 July
2000 on the premises of Budapest Technical University (Building K), the
largest institution of higher education in Hungary, situated on the Buda
side of the city, overlooking the Danube, 10 minutes from the city

 CONFERENCE CHAIR: Ferenc KIEFER (IPrA President and Director of the
Linguistic Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

(Vienna), L\225szl\243 KOML\211SI (P\233cs), Zolt\225n K\214VECSES (Budapest), Enik
N\201METH (Szeged), Csaba PL\201H (Szeged), G\225bor TOLCSVAI NAGY (Budapest)

 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: In addition to the members of the
Local Organizing Committee, the International Conference Committee will
include:  Christiane BALTAXE (Los Angeles), Laura BENIGNI (Rome), Josie
BERNICOT (Paris), Jan BLOMMAERT (Ghent), Thorstein FRETHEIM (Trondheim),
Monica HELLER (Toronto), Alexandra JAFFE (Hattiesburg), Manfred
KIENPOINTNER (Innsbruck), Kang-Kwong LUKE (Hong Kong), Jan NUYTS
(Antwerp), Klaus-Uwe PANTHER (Hamburg), Ben RAMPTON (London), Srikant
SARANGI (Cardiff), Alain TROGNON (Nancy), Jef VERSCHUEREN (Antwerp)


The conference is open to all topics of interest to pragmatics in its
widest sense as a cognitive, social, and cultural perspective on
langauge and communication. The special topic of this edition of the
International Pragmatics Conferences is Cognition in language use: The
role of perception and representation, memory and planning, and
metalinguistic awareness.

PLENARY LECTURES (titles are tentative)

 Jens ALLWOOD (G\246teborg), "Activity-based analysis of meaning and
 Wolfgang DRESSLER & Heinz STARK (Vienna), "Clinical impairments of text
pragmatics: Linguistic or cognitive?"
Ray GIBBS (Santa Cruz), "Inferring what speakers say and what they mean"

 Auli HAKULINEN (Helsinki), "What can a grammarian learn from
conversation analysis?"
 Maya HICKMANN (Paris), "Cognition and language in child development:
Old questions, new directions"
John LUCY (Chicago), "Fashions of speaking: Linguistic relativity in the
social sciences"
Csaba PL\201H (Szeged), "Language processing & modularity"
 Michael TOMASELLO (Leipzig), "The pragmatics of word learning in early
child language"

OTHER EVENTS include regular lecture sessions, poster sessions, panels,
and data sessions.

PANELS on a wide range of topics (both in the special topic area and in
domains of general interest) are already being prepared by Norine BERENZ
(Johannesburg), K\225roly BIBOK (Szeged), Igor BOGUSLAVSKY (Moscow),
Patrick BOYLAN (Rome), Frank BRISARD (Antwerp), Hubert CUYCKENS
(Leuven), Derek EDWARDS (Loughborough), Dariusz GALASINSKI
(Wolverhampton), Yueguo GU (Beijing), Paul ten HAVE (Amsterdam), Sachiko
IDE (Tokyo), Karol JANICKI (Bergen), Katarzyna JASZCZOLT (Cambridge),
Istv\225n KECSK\201S (Missoula), Andr\225s KERT\201SZ (Debrecen), Peter KLOTZ
(Bayreuth), L\225szl\243 KOML\211SI (P\233cs), Zolt\225n K\214VECSES (Budapest), Marta
MALECZKI (Szeged), Ulrike MEINHOF (Bradford), Enik  N\201METH (Szeged), Jan
NUYTS (Antwerp), Klaus-Uwe PANTHER (Hamburg), Tunde PAPP (Missoula),
Aneta PAVLENKO (Philadelphia), Uta QUASTHOFF (Dortmund), Kanavillil
RAJAGOPALAN (Campinas), Ken TURNER (Brighton), Li WEI (Newcastle), Ruth
WODAK (Vienna)


Letters of intent for the organization of panels, specifying a clear
pragmatics-related topic and explaining the rationale behind the
initiative, should reach the IPrA Secretariat as soon as possible, but
at any rate no later than September 15th 1999. Such proposals will be
negotiated directly in view of the contribution they make to the overall
program. Note that all contributions to panels have to be submitted in
precisely the same way as individual papers

Paper submissions for panel contributions (whether invited by the panel
organizer(s) or sent in  spontaneously), lectures and posters, as well
as proposals for data sessions should be sent before November 1st 1999
to the IPrA Secretariat.

For detailed instructions for the submission of conference
contributions, as well as for information on registration and other
conference-related matters, contact:

 IPrA Secretariat
 P.O. Box 33 (Antwerp 11)
 B-2018 Antwerp

 tel. + fax +32-3-230 55 74
 e-mail: ipra at uia.ua.ac.be

or consult our home page: http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-726

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