10.1687, Sum: for Query:10.1663 Institutional Mechanics
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Nov 5 23:05:45 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1687. Fri Nov 5 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1687, Sum: for Query:10.1663 Institutional Mechanics
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Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 11:31:58 EST
From: "Arlyn Freed" <arlynou at hotmail.com>
Subject: for Query: 10.1663 Gustave Guillaumes' essay on Intuitional Mechanics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 11:31:58 EST
From: "Arlyn Freed" <arlynou at hotmail.com>
Subject: for Query: 10.1663 Gustave Guillaumes' essay on Intuitional Mechanics
Muchas gracias, je vous remerci and THANK YOU to all
who responded to my request for help locating the
l'"Essai de mecanique intuitionnelle" by Gustave
Guillaume (1951?). Due to the wonderful aid offered
by the linguistic community I am close to acquiring
this text. For future Guillaumian researchers I have
attached the results of my quest.
Walter Hirtle, a Guillaume scholar, had written that
this essay would soon be published [Current Issues in
Linguistic Theory, V.31, p168, John Benjamins
Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia c1984].
Dr. John Hewson, (Memorial University of Newfoundland
-Canada), informed me that Mr. Hirtle is now retired,
and he believed the essay existed only in ms form.
Profesor Francisco Hernandez Paricio (Universidad de
Zaragosa-Spain), researched his library facilities
on my behalf as well as suggesting that I contact
Ronald Lowe, the director of the Guillaume foundation
at the University of Laval - Canada.
Mr. Lowe's response indicated that the "Essai de
mecanique intuitionnelle" has never been published,
and does exist only in manuscript form but it is
available through the foundation. Anyone interested
in this (or any other Guillaume document) should visit
the new (still under construction) web site for the
foundation: http://www.fl.ulaval.ca/fgg
or contact: Madame Renée Tremblay
Renee.Tremblay at lli.ulaval.ca
Secrétaire archiviste du Fonds Gustave Guillaume
(Faculté des lettres)
Département de langues, linguistique et traduction
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, local 3203
Université Laval -- Québec, Canada G1K 7P4
Téléphone ..... (418)656-2131, poste 4717
Télécopieur ... (418)656-2622
Once again, thanks to all of you
(and there were many!)
for your helpful responses.
Best Regards,
Ms. Arlyn Freed
Ohio University
OPIE/TA- Linguistics
Gordy Hall, Office #354
Athens, OH 45701 USA
e-mail: arlynou at hotmail.com
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1687
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