10.1819, Books: Semiotics, Translation
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Nov 29 18:50:32 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1819. Mon Nov 29 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1819, Books: Semiotics, Translation
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
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Assistant Editors: Lydia Grebenyova <lydia at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:32:46 -0500
From: "St. Jerome Publishing" <StJerome at compuserve.com>
Subject: Semiotics, Translation
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:32:46 -0500
From: "St. Jerome Publishing" <StJerome at compuserve.com>
Subject: Semiotics, Translation
Recent Titles from St Jerome Publishing. Manchester. UK
The Semiotics of Subtitling
Zoe de Linde and Neil Kay
Subtitling serves two purposes: to translate the dialogue of foreign
language films for secondary audiences (interlingual) and to transform
the soundtrack of television programmes into written captions for deaf
and hard-of-hearing viewers (intralingual). While both practices have
strong linguistic roots, often being compared to text translation and
editing, this book reveals the complex influences arising from the
audiovisual environment. Far from being simply a matter of linguistic
equivalence, the authors show how the effectiveness of subtitles is
crucially dependent upon the hidden semiotic relations between text
and image; relations which affect the meaning of the visual-linguistic
message and the way in which that message is ultimately received.
Focusing primarily on intralingual subtitling, The Semiotics of
Subtitling adopts a holistic approach, combining linguistic theory
with empirical eye-movement analysis in order to explore the full
depth of the medium and the reading behaviour of viewers.
ISBN 1-900650-18-5
c. 240 pp. January 1999. Pb. £24.50/$41 inc. postage and packing
The Practices of Literary Translation
Edited by Jean Boase-Beier and Michael Holman
The essays in this volume address one of the central issues in
literary translation, namely the relationship between the creative
freedom enjoyed by the translator and the multiplicity of constraints
to which translation as process and product is necessarily
subject. The contributors draw on a wide variety of genres, cultures
and languages, maintaining a balance between the theory and the
practice of literary translation. What emerges most clearly from these
discussions is that the translator's task is subject to constraint and
at the same time supremely creative. It is constrained not only by the
original text but also by the different ways in which source and
target languages encode reality, by target-culture ideological
expectations and the functional non-equivalence of apparently
identical poetic patterns. On the other hand, the translator
creatively exploits the altered cultural, linguistic and literary
context, thus realizing the different potential of the target language
in an act of literary re-creation.
This volume will be of interest to teachers, students and scholars of
literary translation, as well as to practising translators who wish to
inform themselves about issues of current concern.
ISBN 1-900650-19-3
c. 160 pp. March 1999. Pb. £22/$37 inc. postage and packing
Related Title: Translation and Literary Criticism
Dialogue Interpreting
Special Issue of The Translator (Volume 5/2, 1999)
Guest-edited by Ian Mason
Dialogue interpreting includes what is variously referred to in
English as Community, Public Service, Liaison, Ad Hoc or Bilateral
Interpreting - the defining characteristic being interpreter-mediated
communication in spontaneous face-to-face interaction. Included under
this heading are all kinds of professional encounters: police,
immigration and welfare services interviews, doctor-patient
interviews, business negotiations, political interviews, lawyer-client
and courtroom interpreting and so on. Whereas research into conference
interpreting is now well established, the investigation of dialogue
interpreting as a professional activity is still in its infancy,
despite some highly promising publications in recent years. This
special issue of The Translator, guest-edited by one of the leading
scholars in translation studies, provides a forum for bringing
together separate strands within this developing field and should
create an impetus for further research.
Viewing the interpreter as a gatekeeper, coordinator and negotiator of
meanings within a three-way interaction, the descriptive studies
included in this volume focus on issues such as role-conflict,
in-group loyalties, participation status, relevance and the
negotiation of face, thus linking the observation of interpreting
practice to pragmatic constraints such as power, distance and
face-threat and to semiotic constraints such as genres and discourses
as socio-textual practices of particular cultural communities.
ISBN 1-900650-21-5
c. 240 pp. 1999 Pb. £30 / $52.50 inc. postage and packing
Translating Cultures. An Introduction for Translators,
Interpreters and Mediators
David Katan
Translating across cultures' and `cultural proficiency' have become
buzz words in translation studies. This book attempts to introduce an
element of rigour and coherence into the discussion of culture and
provide a model for teaching culture to translators, interpreters and
other mediators. It is an introduction to current understanding about
culture aimed at raising our awareness of the role of culture in
constructing, perceiving and translating reality. The author makes a
cogent case for translators and interpreters to take a more active
role as mediators between two cultures and offers many insights for
those working or living between cultures who wish to understand more
about their cross-cultural successes and frustrations.
Culture is perceived throughout this book as a system for orienting
experience, and a basic presupposition is that the organization of
experience is not `reality', but rather a simplification - even a
`distortion' - which varies from culture to culture. Each culture acts
as a frame within which external signs or `reality' are
interpreted. The approach is interdisciplinary, taking ideas from
anthropology, Bateson's logical typing and metamessage theories;
Bandler and Grinder's NLP meta-model theory; sociolinguistics; speech
act theory; Sperber and Wilson's relevance theory, and Hallidayan
functional grammar. Authentic examples and commentaries on authentic
translations are offered to illustrate the various strategies that a
cultural mediator can adopt in order to make the different cultural
frames he or she is mediating between more explicit.
ISBN 1-900650-14-2
270 pp. 1999. Pb. £25.50/$42.50 inc. postage and packing
Translation in a Postcolonial Context.
Early Irish Literature in English Translation
Maria Tymoczko
Through extensive case studies of the translation of early Irish
literature into English, Maria Tymoczko frames a complex double
argument. Examining translation practices during the Irish struggle
for independence, she demonstrates the varied ways that translators
articulate resistance to British colonialism and cultural oppression
in their translations of Ireland's `national literary heritage'. This
ground-breaking analysis of the cultural trajectory of England's first
colony constitutes a major contribution to postcolonial studies,
offering a template relevant to most cultures emerging from
colonialism. At the same time, these Irish case studies become the
means of interrogating contemporary theories of translation. Moving
authoritatively between literary theory and linguistics, philosophy
and cultural studies, anthropology and systems theory, the author
provides a model for a much needed integrated approach to translation
theory and practice. In the process, the work of a number of important
literary translators is scrutinized, including such eminent and
disparate figures as Standish O'Grady, Augusta Gregory and Thomas
Kinsella. The interdependence of the Irish translation movement and
the work of the great 20th century writers of Ireland - including
Yeats and Joyce - becomes clear, expressed for example in the
symbiotic relationship that marks their approach to Irish formalism.
Translation in a Postcolonial Context is essential reading for anyone
interested in translation theory and practice, postcolonial studies,
and Irish literature during the 19th and 20th centuries.
ISBN 1-900650-16-9
c. 240 pp. March 1999. Pb. £22.50/$37.50 inc. postage and packing
Related Titles: Translation and Empire, Translation and Minority
If you wish to place an order you may do so by email, by fax or post or by
phone. To make payment we accept Visa/Mastercard, Switch, Delta, JCB. A
cheque in pounds sterling drawn on a UK bank or in US dollars by cheque
drawn on a US bank. If you make payment by bank transfer please add all
bank charges, this is probably the most expensive way to pay.
St Jerome Publishing
2 Male Road West
Manchester M23 9HH
United Kingdom
email stjerome at compuserve.com
website www.mcc.ac.uk/stjerome
Telephone 44 161 973 9856
Fax 44 161 905 3498
If you buy one of these books, please tell the publisher or author
that you saw it on LINGUIST.
The following publishers contribute to the support of The LINGUIST List:
Arnold Publishers
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge UP -USA
Cascadilla Press
Elsevier Science Ltd.
Holland Academic Graphics
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Lincom Europa
MIT Press (Books)
Mouton deGruyter
Multilingual Matters
Oxford UP
Pearson Education
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Anthropological Linguistics
Athelstan Publications
Finno-Ugrian Society
International Pragmatics Assoc.
IULC Publications
Linguistique Africaine
Vaxjo: Acta Wexionesia
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1819
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