12.461, Calls: Machine Translation, Perspectives on Aspect
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Tue Feb 20 22:20:51 UTC 2001
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-461. Tue Feb 20 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 12.461, Calls: Machine Translation, Perspectives on Aspect
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:11:30 +0100
From: "Christiane PANISSOD" <panissod at systran.fr>
Subject: TALN'2001 : Machine Translation Workshop
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:13:52 +0100
From: Sergio Baauw <sergio.baauw at let.uu.nl>
Subject: Perspectives on Aspect
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:11:30 +0100
From: "Christiane PANISSOD" <panissod at systran.fr>
Subject: TALN'2001 : Machine Translation Workshop
Workshop on Machine Translation
"Machine Translation and Large-Scale Applications"
5 July 2001
in conjunction with
TALN'2001(2-5 July 2001)
Europe - FRANCE
Submission deadline : 15 april 2001
Against the backdrop of an increasingly multilingual society, the
Machine Translation Workshop of TALN'2001 looks at the main challenges
to Machine Translation and multilingual NLP. Indeed, MT has seen a
remarkable development for the past few years in terms of the number
of translation requests (about a million translation requests everyday
on the Web) as well as in terms of the different types of formats
translated : translation of dynamic resources(FAQ, Web pages, daily
papers), emails, requests for search engines, etc. These different
types of translations demand different levels of quality, and induce
an important associated feedback in the form of additional bilingual
At the same time there is a growing need for more specialized
translation. For this "specialization" the construction of
wide-covering mutlilingual resources is an essential component of this
more demanding translation. Because of the increase of the number of
contributors (experts or users), the questions of exchange,
reusability and incrementability of the translation resources had to
be raised. The associated investment (public or private) lead to a
general tendency to initiate centralizations (cf. Elra), standards
(ISO 12220), transfer formalisms (OLIF), and more generally, to create
mutlilingual data exchange formats (UNL).
In any case, the choice of a linguistic data support cannot be separated
from pragmatic considerations concerning the scale, the volume of additional
resources becoming more important than the generic resources. These
resources can vary from "simple" terminological resources (aligned lexicons)
to more complex resources such as terminological grammars, transfer
dictionaries, and graphs/grammars of translation.
The focus of the workshop is not only recent machine translation research
and products, but also the latest developments in multilingual language
technology. The workshop aims at considering the questions of the
construction, the validation and the utilization of large-scale resources
applied to machine translation.
The papers submitted can be related to the different topics below, but also
to some other closely related topics :
- use of standardization formalisms on important volumes of data
- evaluation and realization of construction tools of such resources (from
corpus, monolingual resources...)
- integration and conversion of existing resources
- validation and "expert" improvement processes
- massive parallel acquisition of terminology in the framework of a network
of users
- management of mutlilingual resources compared to bilingual resources
- multilingual extraction and machine translation
You can either submit an abstract of 5 pages, or a complete version of your
paper(up to 10 pages).
Submitted papers should be in French or in English (for non French
speakers). The abstracts and the papers submitted should conform to the
submission format of TALN'2001 (style sheets are available on the TALN'2001
site http://www.li.univ-tours.fr/taln-recital-2001) : Times 12,
single-spaced, 10 pages at the most, including figures, examples and
Authors should send their submission as a file attached to an e-mail (ps,
pdf, rtf files, A4 format) at the following e-mail address :
workshop-taln at systran.org
The e-mail should contain the following information: submission title,
authors' names and affiliation. Submissions will be reviewed by two
experts of the Program Comittee. The final version of the accepted
papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.
The papers will give rise to 20 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes
of questions.
Christian Boitet, CLIPS-IMAG,equipe GETA, Grenoble http://clips.imag.fr/geta
Maurice Gross, LADL & UMLV, Marne-la-Vallee
Igor Boguslavskij, IPPI PAN, Moscou
Georges Carayannis, ELRA & ILSP, Athen
Joseph Dichy, Faculte des Langues, Universite Lyon II
Pierre-Yves Foucou, SYSTRAN, Paris http://www.systransoft.com
Daniel Grasmick, SAP, Waldorf
Jean Senellart, SYSTRAN, Paris http://www.systransoft.com
Tamas Varadi, Linguistics Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Remi Zajac, CRL/NMSU, Las Cruces, http://crl.nmsu/edu/~rzajac
Submission deadline: 15/04/2001
Notification to authors: 25/04/2001
Final version due (camera-ready) : 15/05/2001
Workshop : 5 July 2001
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:13:52 +0100
From: Sergio Baauw <sergio.baauw at let.uu.nl>
Subject: Perspectives on Aspect
Perspectives on Aspect
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS
Utrecht, December 12 - 14 2001
The Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS will host an international
conference on aspect. The aim of the conference is to offer a retrospective
view on the past thirty years of research on aspectuality and temporality
as well as develop perspectives on the future development of the field.
The conference will revolve around three themes, distributed over three
days: Formal theory formation, New theoretical insights and Typological
Day 1: Formal theory formation
On this day leading theories on aspect will be compared and related to each
other. Henk Verkuyl will give the opening lecture in which he presents a
survey of the main features in the aspectual theories of the past decennia
and the different choices made by theorists. Invited speakers of this day
will be: David Dowty, Manfred Krifka, Marc Moens / Mark Steedman. After the
presentations Hans Kamp will chair a forum discussion.
Day 2: New theoretical insights
The topic of this day will be the future development of research in the
domain of aspect and tense. Alice ter Meulen will give the opening lecture
on new perspectives that are emerging. Proponents of the new generation of
aspect researchers, Hana Filip, Chris Piñón and Gillian Ramchand, will
present their contributions.
Day 3: Typological variation
The leading idea for the third day's program is to establish a connection
between theoretical and typological research. Invited speakers for this day
are Östen Dahl and Emmon Bach. The forum discussion of this day will be
chaired by Barbara Partee.
In addition to the invited speakers, there will be a number of slots for
selected talks and poster presentations. We invite researchers in the field
of aspectuality to submit abstracts on the themes identified above.
Abstracts should be anonymous and should be no longer than 2 pages
including references and examples, with margins of at least 1-inch, letter
size 12. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one
joint abstract per author. Please provide 5 anonymous copies of an
abstract, and one camera ready original containing title, author's name and
affiliation. A separate card should contain the title of the paper,
author's name, affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
E-mail submissions are accepted, provided that the abstract is anonymous
and sent as an e-mail attachment (Word, RTF). The information about the
author (name, affiliation, address, etc.) should be sent along in the body
of the e-mail message. Submissions by fax will not be accepted.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: June 1st 2001
Abstracts should be sent to the following address: Perspectives on Aspect,
UiL OTS, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, Netherlands. Tel: +31 30 253-6006.
E-mail submissions should be sent to: aspect at let.uu.nl.
Organizing Committee:
Angeliek van Hout (Groningen University), Anna Mlynarczyk (UiL OTS -
Utrecht University), Henriëtte de Swart (UiL OTS - Utrecht University) and
Henk Verkuyl (UiL OTS - Utrecht University).
Sergio Baauw
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS
Utrecht University
Trans 10
3512 JK Utrecht
tel: +31 (0)30 2539163
fax: +31 (0)30 2536000
e-mail: sergio.baauw at let.uu.nl
LINGUIST List: Vol-12-461
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