13.109, Confs: Linguistic Ethnography, University of Wales

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Fri Jan 18 02:16:37 UTC 2002

LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-109. Thu Jan 17 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 13.109, Confs: Linguistic Ethnography, University of Wales

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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	Jody Huellmantel, WSU		James Yuells, WSU
	Michael Appleby, EMU		Marie Klopfenstein, WSU
	Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.	Heather Taylor-Loring, EMU
	Dina Kapetangianni, EMU		Richard Harvey, EMU
	Karolina Owczarzak, EMU		Renee Galvis, WSU

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Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:32:47 +0000
From:  "Dr. Winifred Davies" <wid at aber.ac.uk>
Subject:  Linguistic Ethnography Second Research Seminar

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:32:47 +0000
From:  "Dr. Winifred Davies" <wid at aber.ac.uk>
Subject:  Linguistic Ethnography Second Research Seminar

The second research seminar of the BAAL Special Interest Group on Linguistic
Ethnography will be held at the University of Wales Conference Centre in
Gregynog (near Newtown, Powys. Wales, UK) on the weekend of April 27-28th,
2002. The overall aim of this research seminar will be to extend and further
develop the dialogue about theory and method in ethnographic research on
language and literacy initiated in the first seminar in this series at the
University of Leicester (details of the Leicester seminar are available at
http://www.baal.org.uk/ling_ethno). This dialogue will be extended and
developed in three broad ways at Gregynog:
(1) By considering issues of theory and method arising from ethnographic
research in bilingual and multilingual settings;
(2) By revisiting the notion of  'genre' and its use in ethnographic
research on language and literacy;
(3) By exploring links with ethnographic research conducted by other social
scientists in the UK.

The first theme has been adopted because the seminar is to be held in a
bilingual context in Wales.

Further information about this research seminar is available at the
following website:


The local organisers are based at the University of Wales Aberystwyth. They
are: Marilyn Martin-Jones, Department of Education (mqm at aber.ac.uk) and Wini
Davies, Department of European Languages (wid at aber.ac.uk).

Dr Wini Davies,
Adran Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd/Dept of European Langs,
Aberystwyth SY23 3DY

Tel: 01970-622557
Ffacs/Fax: 01970-622553

LINGUIST List: Vol-13-109

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