14.1948, Calls: General Ling/Canada; General Ling/NY USA
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Thu Jul 17 02:50:36 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1948. Wed Jul 16 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.1948, Calls: General Ling/Canada; General Ling/NY USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 15:54:54 +0000
From: di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca
Subject: Approaching Asymmetry at the Interfaces
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 16:50:38 -0400
From: Wayne Finke <wayne_finke at baruch.cuny.edu>
Subject: Language in the Era of Globalization
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 15:54:54 +0000
From: di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca
Subject: Approaching Asymmetry at the Interfaces
Approaching Asymmetry at the Interfaces
Short Title: AAI
Date: 24-Oct-2003 - 25-Oct-2003
Location: Montreal Quebec, Canada
Contact: Anna Maria Di Sciullo
Contact Email: di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
Second call for papers Approaching Asymmetry at the Interfaces
October 24-25, 2003
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Invited speakers:
Manuela Ambar, University of Lisbon
Richard Kayne, City University of New York
Juan Uriagereka, University of Maryland
Edwin Williams, Princeton University
The fact that asymmetric relations are privileged relations in the
derivation of linguistic expressions has been demonstrated in various
works in syntax, phonology and morphology. The role of these relations
at the interfaces remains nevertheless an open question. What makes
the contact between the expressions generated by the grammar and the
external systems, C-I and SM, possible at all? That asymmetry would
enable this contact would be revealing of a core property of the
subsystems of cognition.
The advent of the Minimalist Program led to the abandonment of the Y
model and to the adoption of a phase model to derivation, spell-out,
and interpretation. In this framework, legibility conditions are what
make grammars usable by the performance systems. The question arises
whether purely formal properties of relations, such as asymmetry,
contribute to legibility. If configurational asymmetry does have such
a contribution, theoretical consequences can be drawn, for example,
with respect to the legibility of phases, and to the restrictions on
their shape and size. Empirical predictions can be made with respect
to binding and scope relations at LF as well as with respect to the
assignment of nuclear stress and linearization at PF. Also, if
configurational asymmetry is determinant for both the semantic (LF)
and the phonetic (PF) phases, restricted legibility interactions can
be envisioned between LF and PF, for example, in the case of Focus
assignment and binding relations, or with respect to the articulation
of force and intonation. Economy considerations arise in the process,
for example, with respect to the hierarchical articulation of the left
periphery and to the issue regarding whether or not the triggering
forces should be reduced to a minimum.
Papers are invited for 20 minute talks followed by a 10 minute
discussion period. Please send a one page (10p. Times New Roman)
abstract to the AAI Conference Committee at the following e-mail
AAI Conference Committee
AAI at uqam.ca
Deadline for submission: July 30th.
Notification of acceptance: September 1st.
For further information:
di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca
Asymmetry Project
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 16:50:38 -0400
From: Wayne Finke <wayne_finke at baruch.cuny.edu>
Subject: Language in the Era of Globalization
Founded by Dr. Mario A. Pei in 1965
October 2-4, 2003 at Baruch College (CUNY)
Response to the call for papers has been especially good and,
as the announced deadline of 15 July arrives, we can report that we
have accepted proposals for presentations at this international
conference by scholars from Australia, Belgium, Cameroon, Cuba, India,
Iran, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, the United Kingdom
and other countries, including, of course, many from the United
States. The keynote speaker is from Denmark.
We are extending the call for papers until 1 August 2003
because so many proposals have arrived just before the deadline that
we believe others will come soon after. If you wish to participate in
this conference and have not yet responded to the call for papers,
please send your proposal of 100-200 words immediately.
Due to the generosity of The City University of New York, we
are happy to announce that the registration fee is only US $60 (US $40
for full-time students and retirees). Note that this includes daily
coffee breaks, one gala luncheon, and a copy of the proceedings when
printed. (Proceedings will be sent by surface mail; if airmail
overseas if desired, add US $10). The proceedings of the previous
conference (Language and Identity, 2002) are just about ready to be
mailed. They include more than 40 papers.
The Hotel Madison, located a mere two blocks from the
conference site of Baruch College (CUNY), has agreed to a special low
rate for conference participants: $65 single, $75 double, including
taxes. E-mail: madihotel at aol.com
Please bring this conference to the attention of your friends
and colleagues who might be interested in attending and participating.
Do you have any questions? Contact Prof. Wayne H. Finke (e-mail:
wayne_finke at baruch.cuny.edu or by mail at Prof. Wayne H. Finke, Modern
Languages, B6-280, Baruch College, 1 Bernard Baruch Way, New York, NY
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-1948
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