14.794, FYI: Computing Workshops, International Olympiad
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Wed Mar 19 18:01:24 UTC 2003
LINGUIST List: Vol-14-794. Wed Mar 19 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 14.794, FYI: Computing Workshops, International Olympiad
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Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 14:34:11 -0500
From: Bill Kretzschmar <billk at atlas.uga.edu>
Subject: Humanities Computing Workshops at ACH/ALLC 2003
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 17:45:10 +0200
From: Ivan A Derzhanski <iad at math.bas.bg>
Subject: Call for Participation: International Olympiad in Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 14:34:11 -0500
From: Bill Kretzschmar <billk at atlas.uga.edu>
Subject: Humanities Computing Workshops at ACH/ALLC 2003
A full program of humanities computing training workshops will be
offered this year in conjunction with the annual joint meeting of the
Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for
Literary and Linguistic Computing, to be held at the University of
Georgia, May 27-June 2, 2003. See the conference web site at
http://www.english.uga.edu/webx/ for the full program and registration
information. The workshop program and fee schedule appear below:
Tuesday, May 27 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XML and the TEI I
Tuesday, May 27 9:30AM to 6PM Creating an Image Gallery
Database I
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XML and the TEI II
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM Creating an Image Gallery
Database II
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM TEI Training I
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XSLT
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM Intro to Document Type Definitions
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM TEI Training II
Workshop instructors will plan activities within the time slot
available; participants should plan to be available throughout the day
of the workshop.
Instructors include a team from the Maryland Institute for Technology
in the Humanities led by Susan Schreibman for the XML/TEI, XSLT, DTD,
and Image Gallery sessions, and a team of well-known TEI experts
(Julia Flanders, Terry Catapano, Syd Bauman, and Brett Barney) for the
TEI Training sessions. Full information about the workshops is
available http://www.english.uga.edu/webx/workshops.html.
Costs for Workshops
Any single workshop: TEI Members, $250; Not yet a Member of
TEI, $275
Any two workshops: TEI Members, $400; Not yet a Member of
TEI, $450
Any three workshops: TEI Members, $500; Not yet a Member of
TEI, $575
All workshops are open to the general public as well as to conference
registrants. Participants who wish to become members of TEI (there
are institutional, project, and individual options) should consult the
TEI Consortium Web site: http://www.tei-c.org/
Registration Deadline
In order to plan appropriately for workshops, we need to know the
number of registrants well in advance: please register by April 15th.
Late registrations for workshops will be accepted only on a
space-available basis.
Bill Kretzschmar
Professor of English and Linguistics
Dept. of English Phone: 706-542-2246
University of Georgia Fax: 706-583-0027
Athens, GA 30602-6205 Atlas Web Site: us.english.uga.edu
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 17:45:10 +0200
From: Ivan A Derzhanski <iad at math.bas.bg>
Subject: Call for Participation: International Olympiad in Linguistics
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the First International Olympiad
in Theoretical, Mathematical and Applied Linguistics
for secondary school students.
The Olympiad will take place from 7 to 13 September 2003
in Bulgaria, in the resort Borovetz on the mountain Rila
that is a most attractive venue for a summer holiday.
We invite the participation of teams of 4 contestants each
who should be aged 15-19 and either be students of a school
for secondary education or have graduated from one in 2003.
Teams may represent cities as well as countries. The hosts
will provide the team members and the accompanying adults
(one for each team) with accommodation and board free of
charge. There will be a registration fee of USD 10 per
contestant. Those requiring a visa to enter Bulgaria will
receive assistance with the formalities.
The problems that will be offered at the International
Olympiad will require no special knowledge. They will
tend to be devoted to some interesting phenomenon in one
or several languages. The conditions of the problems will
be handed out to each team in a language of their choice.
The Organising Committee can provide those interested
with a sample set of problems with solutions for use
in the preparation of the teams or in elimination contests.
Teams can register for participation in the International
Olympiad by writing to <iad at math.bas.bg> (Ivan Derzhanski)
and <ling at narod.ru> (Boris Iomdin) no later than 15 May 2003.
Indicate the class, age, place of residence and native
language of each contestant, as well as the language
in which the team would like to receive the conditions
of the problems.
The idea of holding an International Olympiad in Theoretical,
Mathematical and Applied Linguistics stems mainly from the
experience with the Olympics in Linguistics and Mathematics
in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since 1965, some three to five
hundred secondary school students have been participating
annually in the Moscow Linguistic Olympics, many of them
subsequently going on to study linguistics in college and
becoming professional linguists. A detailed account of the
history of the Moscow Olympics and a selection of problems
from past instalments is available (in Russian) at the
address < http://ling.narod.ru >.
Since 1984, linguistic contests have also been held regularly
in Bulgaria. In recent years similar events have been
organised in the United States and the Netherlands.
Furthermore, teams of Linguistic Olympics champions
from Moscow have successfully competed in Bulgaria
and vice versa, demonstrating the potential for international
cooperation in the field. Several other countries, including
Byelorussia, the UK, Latvia, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine, have
likewise shown interest.
The Organising Committee also welcomes assistance in
obtaining financial and media coverage support of the
International Olympiad from academic, educational and
commercial institutions, as well as linguists interested
in attracting young talent from all over the world into
this discipline.
the Organising Committee of the First International Olympiad
in Theoretical, Mathematical, and Applied Linguistics
for secondary school students:
Professor Alexander E. Kibrik, MSU*, Moscow, Russia (Chairman)
Professor Vladimir M. Alpatov, Institute for Oriental Studies,
RAS**, Moscow, Russia
Alexander S. Berdichevsky, MSU*, Moscow, Russia
Dr Ivan A. Derzhanski, IMCS--BAS***, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr Sergey Yu. Dmitrenko, Institute for Linguistic Research,
RAS**, St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr Grigoriy A. Durnovo, Institute for Oriental Studies, RAS**,
Moscow, Russia
Dmitry V. Gerasimov, SpbSU****, St. Petersburg, Russia
Professor Wlodzimierz Gruszczynski, Warsaw University, Warsaw,
Dr Xenia A. Guiliarova, MSU*, Moscow, Russia
Stanislav B. Gurevich, Anichkov Lyceum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dr Richard Hudson, University College London, London, UK
Dr Boris L. Iomdin, Institute for Russian Language, RAS**,
Moscow, Russia
Dr Ilya B. Itkin, Institute for Oriental Studies, RAS**,
Moscow, Russia
Academician Petar S. Kenderov, IMCS--BAS***, Sofia, Bulgaria
Professor Maxim A Krongauz, RSUH*****, Moscow, Russia
Svetlana O. Mayskaya, RSUH*****, Moscow, Russia
Dr Ruslan V Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK
Dr Elena V Muravenko, RSUH*****, Moscow, Russia
Dr Thomas E. Payne, University of Oregon, Eugene (OR), USA
Iliana P. Raeva, Angel Kunchev University of Rousse, Rousse, Bulgaria
Maria L. Rubinstein, RSUH*****, Moscow, Russia
Professor Vladimir A. Uspensky, MSU*, Moscow, Russia
Dr Valentin F. Vydrine, Museum of Anthropology, RAS**, St. Petersburg,
Academician Andrey A. Zaliznyak, Institute for Slavic Studies, RAS**
* MSU = Mikhail V Lomonosov Moscow State University
** RAS = Russian Academy of Sciences
*** IMCS--BAS = Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
**** SPbSU = St Petersburg State University
***** RSUH = Russian State University for the Humanities
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