15.3426, Calls: Linguistic Theories / USA; Applied Ling / Internet
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Dec 7 20:26:11 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3426. Tue Dec 07 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 15.3426, Calls: Linguistic Theories / USA; Applied Ling / Internet
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Ann Sawyer <sawyer at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 04-Dec-2004
From: Stanley Dubinsky < dubinsky at sc.edu >
Subject: New Horizons in the Grammar of Raising and Control (Workshop)
Date: 02-Dec-2004
From: Adrian Wurr < ajwurr at uncg.edu >
Subject: 2nd International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 15:20:52
From: Stanley Dubinsky < dubinsky at sc.edu >
Subject: New Horizons in the Grammar of Raising and Control (Workshop)
Full Title: New Horizons in the Grammar of Raising and
Control (Workshop)
Date: 08-Jul-2005 - 10-Jul-2005
Location: Cambridge, MA, United States of America
Contact Person: Stanley Dubinsky
Meeting Email: dubinsky at sc.edu
Web Site: http://www.cla.sc.edu/LING/grc/
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Syntax
Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2005
Meeting Description:
New Horizons in the Grammar of Raising and Control
LSA Linguistic Institute Workshop
Cambridge, MA
8-10 July 2005
Call for proposals
New Horizons in the Grammar of Raising and Control, supported in part by a
National Science Foundation grant, is a project consisting of a three-hour
panel at the January 2005 Linguistic Society of America annual meeting in
San Francisco, and a workshop at the July 2005 LSA Linguistic Institute at
Harvard/MIT. The topic of these meetings is the analysis of two grammatical
constructions, Raising and Control, which have been central to the development
of linguistic theory over the past 40 years. The aim of the January 2005
panel is to articulate a common set of research questions and formulate a
range of possible hypotheses which to be addressed at the July 2005
workshop. Issues addressed at the January panel will include (i) the scope
and limitations of movement accounts (covert and overt) in accounting for
these constructions, (ii) the role of semantics and syntax, respectively,
in the articulation of adequate analyses, (iii) the syntactic and semantic
properties of relevant null categories, and (iv) the cross-linguistic
typology of these constructions (e.g. forward and backward Raising and
Control). Workshop participants will be asked to address these and other
relevant issues, and are invited to bring new empirical data, especially
from understudied languages, into focus. Participation is sought both from
among theoretical linguists and from linguists whose research interests lie
in the interdisciplinary areas of language acquisition, historical
linguistics, sociolinguistics and language variation, and neurolinguistics.
Abstracts on topics dealing with the aspects of Raising and Control are
invited for 20 or 30 minute presentations (excluding discussion) or for
inclusion in a poster session. Abstracts should clearly indicate how they
will address questions raised at the January 2005 LSA Meeting Symposium on
Raising and Control (the abstracts for this symposium are accessible
http://www.cla.sc.edu/LING/GRC). Abstracts should be anonymous and no
longer than one page (an additional page for references and examples can be
included) with 1 inch margins and 12 point type. Submissions are limited to
one singly authored and one jointly authored abstract per author or two
jointly authored abstacts.
March 1, 2005. Notification of inclusion in the program by April 15, 2005.
Abstracts should be sent electronically to Stanley Dubinsky
(dubinsky at sc.edu) and William D. Davies (william-davies at uiowa.edu) as
attachments in PDF, RTF, Word, or Wordperfect format. If non-standard fonts
are required, use the 'embed fonts' option when you save the file. The
author's information (name, affiliation, postal address, and e-mail
address) together with the title of the paper should be in a separate file
or includied as part of the body of the e-mail message.
William D. Davies
Linguistics Department - EPB
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
william-davies at uiowa.edu
319-335-0215 (Phone)
319-335-3971 (Fax)
Stanley Dubinsky
Linguistics Program
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
dubinsky at sc.edu
803-777-2208 (Phone)
803-777-9064 (Fax)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 15:20:57
From: Adrian Wurr < ajwurr at uncg.edu >
Subject: 2nd International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research
Full Title: 2nd International Online Conference on Second and
Foreign Language Teaching and Research
Date: 16-Sep-2005 - 18-Sep-2005
Location: Internet, United States of America
Contact Person: Adrian Wurr
Meeting Email: ajwurr at uncg.edu
Web Site: http://www.readingmatrix.com/onlineconference/index.html
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2005
Meeting Description:
The Second International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language
Teaching and Research provides a venue for educators, established scholars
and graduate students to present work on a wide variety of pedagogical,
theoretical and empirical issues as related to the multi-disciplinary field
of second and foreign language teaching and research.
We invite you and your colleagues from around the globe to participate in
the Second International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language
Teaching and Research to be held on September 16-18, 2005.
The basic aim of this conference is to provide a venue for educators,
established scholars and graduate students to present work on a wide
variety of pedagogical, theoretical and empirical issues as related to the
multi-disciplinary field of second and foreign language teaching and
research. On these two days we will gather to share information and
capitalize on each others' learnings, experiences and contributions. This
conference will also give you an opportunity to make global connections
with people in your field. The two days of sessions will be supplemented by
keynote speeches delivered by distinguished professionals.
For more information visit
A listing of conference topics can be found at
Abstracts may be submitted online at
For more information contact Dr. Meena Singhal (editors at readingmatrix.com)
or Dr. Adrian Wurr (ajwurr at uncg.edu).
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3426
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