15.94, Calls: Translation/Ireland; Phonology/UK

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Jan 15 17:23:50 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-94. Thu Jan 15 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.94, Calls: Translation/Ireland; Phonology/UK

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date:  Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:45:14 -0500 (EST)
From:  Gabriela Saldanha
Subject:  1st Dublin City University Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies

Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:02:25 -0500 (EST)
From:  patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk
Subject:  12th Manchester Phonology Meeting

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:45:14 -0500 (EST)
From:  Gabriela Saldanha
Subject:  1st Dublin City University Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies


1st Dublin City University Postgraduate Conference in Translation

26-Mar-2004 - 27-Mar-2004
Dublin, Ireland
Meeting URL: http://www.ctts.dcu.ie/CFPpgconf.html
Contact email: Gabriela.Saldana at dcu.ie
Linguistic Subfield: Translation

Meeting Description:
This one and a half day conference will provide a platform for
graduate students and postdoctorates in Translation Studies to present
their research and discuss matters relevant to their work in a
supportive environment. Masters students thinking about pursuing
doctoral research are also invited to attend. A number of staff
members from the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS)
specialised in a wide range of subjects will be present to offer
feedback to the speakers. Prof. Michael Cronin and Prof. Jennifer
Williams will close the conference by rounding up issues raised in the

Call deadline: 25-Jan-2004

Presentations on all areas of Translation studies are welcome. Papers
should report on one or more of the following:
*Research findings
*Methodological issues
*Ethical issues

Please see the conference website at
http://www.ctts.dcu.ie/CFPpgconf.html for details on submission of

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:02:25 -0500 (EST)
From:  patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk
Subject:  12th Manchester Phonology Meeting

12th Manchester Phonology Meeting
Short Title: 12mfm

Date: 20-May-2004 - 22-May-2004
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Contact: Patrick Honeybone
Contact Email: patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk
Meeting URL: http://www.englang.ed.ac.uk/mfm/12mfm.html

Linguistic Sub-field: Phonetics ,Phonology

Meeting Description:

We are pleased to announce our Twelfth Manchester Phonology Meeting
(12mfm). The mfm is the UK's annual phonology conference, held in late
May every year in Manchester and organised by people in various parts
of the country, and abroad. In an informal atmosphere, we discuss a
wide range of topics, including the phonological description of a wide
range of languages, issues in phonological theory, aspects of
phonological acquisition and implications of phonological change;
anyone interested in phonology can submit an abstract on anything

Twelfth Manchester Phonology Meeting

20-22 MAY 2004

Deadline for abstracts: Sunday 15 February 2004

Special session: 'Phonology and Loanword Adaptation' (featuring
Michael Kenstowicz, Carole Paradis, Moira Yip)

Held in Manchester, UK; organised through a collaboration of
phonologists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of
Manchester, the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, the Universite
Toulouse-Le Mirail, the Universite Montpellier-Paul Valery and

Conference website: www.englang.ed.ac.uk/mfm/12mfm.html

We are pleased to announce our Twelfth Manchester Phonology Meeting
(12mfm). The mfm is the UK's annual phonology conference, held in late
May every year in Manchester and organised by people in various parts
of the country, and abroad. In an informal atmosphere, we discuss a
wide range of topics, including the phonological description of a wide
range of languages, issues in phonological theory, aspects of
phonological acquisition and implications of phonological change;
anyone interested in phonology can submit an abstract on anything
phonological.  Full papers will last around 30 minutes with around 10
minutes for questions, and there will be a high-profile poster session
lasting one and a half hours.

There is no conference theme - abstracts can be submitted on anything,
but, following the success of such sessions in previous years, a
special themed session has been organised on 'Phonology and Loanword
Adaptation'. This will feature invited speakers and conclude in an
open discussion session when contributions from the audience will be
very welcome. Abstracts on this theme are also certainly welcome.

SPECIAL SESSION SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)
* Michael Kenstowicz (MIT, USA)
* Carole Paradis (Universite Laval, Canada)
* Moira Yip (University College London, UK)

**This is a summary - please consult the website for full details**

* There is no conference theme - abstracts can be submitted on
anything. Abstracts should be sent to Patrick Honeybone by email
(patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk) by 15th February 2004.
* Abstracts should be no longer than one side of A4, with 2.5cm or one
inch margins, single-spaced, with a font size no smaller than 12, and
with normal character spacing.
* Please send two copies of your abstract - one of these should be
anonymous and one should include your name, affiliation and email at
the top of the page, directly below the title.
* Please use one of these formats for your abstract: rtf, Word, pdf,
or plain text. If you need to use a phonetic font in your abstract,
either embed it in a pdf file, or use the SILdoulos93 font, which can
be downloaded for free from this site:
* Please indicate whether you would prefer to present your work as an
oral paper or a poster, or whether you would be prepared to present it
in either form.
* If you need technical equipment for your talk, please say so in the
message accompanying your abstract and we will do our best to provide
it, although this cannot be guaranteed.
* We aim to finalise the programme, and to contact abstract-senders by
mid-March. At present, there are no plans for publishing the general
proceedings of the Meeting. We would like to keep the mfm as an
informal forum where speakers can air new ideas which are still in the
early stages of development.

**Further important details** concerning abstract submission are
available on the conference website - please make sure that you
consult these before submitting an abstract:


Organising Committee:
The first named is the convenor and main organiser - if you would like
to attend or if you have any queries about the conference, please feel
free to get in touch with me (patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk, or phone +44
(0)131 651 1383).
* Patrick Honeybone (Edinburgh)
* Ricardo Bermudez-Otero (Newcastle upon Tyne)
* Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand (Manchester)
* Philip Carr (Montpellier-Paul Valery)
* Jacques Durand (Toulouse-Le Mirail)
* Nigel Vincent (Manchester)

Advisory Board:
* Jill Beckman (Iowa)
* Mike Davenport (Durham)
* Daniel L. Everett (Manchester)
* Paul Foulkes (York)
* S.J. Hannahs (Durham)
* John Harris (UCL)
* Larry Hyman (Berkeley)
* Martin Kraemer (Ulster)
* April McMahon (Sheffield)
* Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut)
* Glyne Piggott (McGill)
* Catherine O. Ringen (Iowa)
* Tobias Scheer (Nice)
* James M Scobbie (QMUC)
* Dan Silverman (Illinois, Edinburgh)
* Moira Yip (UCL)

We are aware that the mfm dates clash with those of the Third North
American Phonology Conference
(www-cmll.concordia.ca/linguistics/naphc/). We find this *very
unfortunate indeed* but there is unfortunately nothing that can be
done now by the organisers of either conference to move their dates,
as venues were booked and speakers invited independently and cannot
now be changed. For our part, we recognise that it would have been
good if there had been some way of consulting with the organisers of
other phonology conferences to avoid this kind of thing, but we
blindly went ahead with dates around 20th of May, as we always have in
the past. We hope very much that this can be avoided in future, and
propose to work to set up some means to allow this. We think, though,
that the phonological world is big enough to support two conferences

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-94

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