15.210, Calls: Neuroling/Scotland; Semantics/Japan
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jan 21 11:51:34 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-210. Wed Jan 21 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.210, Calls: Neuroling/Scotland; Semantics/Japan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:21:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeanny Ryffel planning at icsc.ab.ca
Subject: Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:21:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Norihiro Ogata ogata at lang.osaka-u.ac.jp
Subject: Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:21:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeanny Ryffel planning at icsc.ab.ca
Subject: Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems
Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems BICS 2004
University of Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom
29-Aug-2004 - 1-Sep-2004
Conference URL:
Contact Name: Jeanny Ryffell
Contact email: planning at icsc.ab.ca
Linguistic Subfield: Neurolinguistics
Call deadline: 31-Jan-2004
Meeting Description:
BICS 2004 encompasses: Cognitive Neuro Science (CNS 2004, Biologically
Inspired Systems (BIS 2004), Neural Computation (NC'2004)
Call information:
The science of neural computation focuses on mathematical aspects for
solving complex practical problems. It also seeks to help neurology,
brain theory and cognitive psychology in the understanding of the
functioning of the nervous system by means of computational models of
neurons, neural nets and sub-cellular processes. BICS2004 aims to
become a major point of contact for research scientists, engineers and
practitioners throughout the world in the fields of cognitive and
computational systems inspired by the brain and biology.
Participants will share the latest research, developments and ideas in
the wide arena of disciplines encompassed under the heading of
Please consult the conference website for more information on
submitting papers.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:21:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Norihiro Ogata ogata at lang.osaka-u.ac.jp
Subject: Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS)
31-May-2004 - 1-Jun-2004
Kanazawa, Japan
Contact Person: Norihiro Ogata ogata at lang.osaka-u.ac.jp
Conference URL: http://www.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~ogata/LENLS.html
Linguistics Subfield: Semantics
Call deadline: 31-Jan-2004
Meeting Description:
Recently, one of the main streams of the formal semantics of natural
language and logic has been developing "dynamic semantics." The aim of
this workshop is to explore the theory and application of dynamic
semantics to natural language. Areas of exploration will include the
application of dynamic semantics to natural language semantics,
programming languages, natural language processing, and other areas of
information engineering.
Call information:
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics
Kanazawa (Japan), May 31st - June 1st, 2004
Sponsored by The Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence
Important dates
31 Jan 2004 Deadline for submission of papers
30 Feb 2004 Notification of acceptance
31 March 2004 Camera-ready copies of papers
31 May -1 June 2004 Workshop
The accepted papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Submissions are invited on substantial, original and previously
unpublished research in all fields of Linguistics and Artificial
Intelligence, including, but not limited to:
Logical Bases of Dynamic Semantics of Natural Language
Philosophical Bases of Dynamic Semantics of Natural Language
Linguistic Applications of Dynamic Semantics of Natural Language
Probability and Dynamic Semantics
Applications of Dynamic Semantics to Cognitive Science
Applications of Dynamic Semantics to Natural Language Engineering
It is highly recommended to submit abstracts formatted by LaTeX and
converted to a PDF-file. Submissions must not exceed five pages
including footnotes, figure captions, tables, appendices, and
Then, please send it by email to: ogata at lang.osaka-u.ac.jp.
Chair: Norhiro Ogata (Osaka University)
Committee: Yasuo Nakayama (Osaka University)
Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto-Kyoiku University)
Eric McCready (University of Texas)
Contact: ogata at lang.osaka-u.ac.jp
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-210
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