15.211, Calls: Computational Ling/Spain; General Ling/Mexico
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jan 21 12:14:01 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-211. Wed Jan 21 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.211, Calls: Computational Ling/Spain; General Ling/Mexico
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:22:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Oliver Streiter ostreiter at eurac.edu
Subject: 3rd SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:22:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Lilian Guerrero lguerrer at acsu.buffalo.edu
Subject: 8th Encuentro Internacional de Linguistica en el Noroeste
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:22:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Oliver Streiter ostreiter at eurac.edu
Subject: 3rd SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
3rd SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
Barcelona, Spain
25-Jul-2004 - 26-Jul-2004
Contact Name: Oliver Streiter
Contact Email: olstreiter at eurac.edu
Conference URL: http://dev.eurac.edu:8080/sighan/call.html
Linguistic Subfield: Computational Linguistics
Subject Language: Chinese, Min Dong;Chinese, Min Nan;Chinese,
Mandarin;Chinese, Jinyu;Chinese Pidgin English;Chinese,
Pu-xian;Chinese Sign Language;Chinese, Huizhou;Chinese, Min
Zhong;Chinese, Hakka;Chinese, Xiang;Chinese, Gan;Late Middle
Chinese;Chinese, Min Bei;Old Chinese;Indonesian, Peranakan;Tai Ninese,
Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2004
Conference Description:
Growing interest in Chinese Language Processing is leading to the
development of resources such as annotated corpora, automatic word
segmenters, part-of-speech taggers and parsers. As more resources have
become available to the public recently, it is crucial to set up a
platform that allows easy exchange of information and data and the
comparison of different approaches to various NLP tasks. The SIGHAN
workshops provide a forum where the latest research in these areas can
be shared.
The Second SIGHAN Workshop held in Sapporo in conjunction with ACL
2003 included the First International Chinese Word Segmentation
Bakeoff, where 12 systems developed in Industry and Academia from six
countries were evaluated against each other. This evaluation generated
a lot of interest and plans are underway for the second bakeoff for
ACL 2005.
ACL-2004 in Spain will provide an opportunity to bring again together
influential researchers from Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and
Hong Kong, as well as Chinese language researchers in the rest of the
world, to discuss this issue among other topics that are specific to
the processing of Chinese. The workshop consists of two parts, as
described below.
The first part of the workshop will consist of the SIGHAN business
meeting and a planning session for a Second International Chinese
Bakeoff. Topics related for discussion include evaluation methods,
problem sets, and logistics, taking into account our experience from
the first bakeoff.
Call information:
3rd SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
25-26, July 2004.
Workshop at ACL 2004 <http://www.acl2004.org>
Barcelona, Spain
The first part of the workshop will consist of the SIGHAN business
meeting and a planning session for a Second International Chinese
Bakeoff. Topics related for discussion include evaluation methods,
problem sets, and logistics, taking into account our experience from
the first bakeoff.
The other part of the workshop will consist of papers on all aspects
of Chinese language processing, including but not limited to:
* word segmentation,
* POS tagging,
* parsing,
* lexical semantics,
* word sense disambiguation,
* lexicon acquisition,
* corpus development,
* discourse processing,
* generation,
* cross-lingual information retrieval, and
* machine translation.
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: April 1, 2004
* Notification of acceptance for papers: May 1, 2004
* Camera ready papers due: May 15, 2004
* Workshop date: 25-26, July 2004
Submission Procedure
Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed
work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state
of completion of the reported results. Wherever appropriate, concrete
evaluation results should be included.
The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Submissions will be judged
on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance and
relevance to the workshop, and interest to the attendees. A paper
accepted for presentation at this workshop cannot be presented or have
been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published
We allow simultaneous paper submission to the workshop and the ACL
main conference. If a paper is accepted by both the conference and the
workshop, the paper will be presented at the conference, rather than
at the workshop. The author(s) should notify the workshop chairs by
May 1 so that proper arrangement can be made.
Authors should submit full papers of maximum 8 pages, including
references and figures, following the main conference ACL style
<http://www.acl2004.org> format.
Submissions should be sent to ostreiter at eurac.edu
Organizing Committee
* Oliver Streiter - Eurac, Italy (co-chair)
* Qin Lu - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (co-chair)
Program Committee
* Andi Wu - Microsoft, USA
* Changning Huang - Microsoft, China
* Chu-ren Huang - Academia Sinica, Taiwan
* Dekai Wu - Hong Kong Science and Technology University, Hong Kong
* Joyce Chai - Michigan State Univ, USA
* Keh-Jian Chen - Academia Sinica, Taiwan
* Li Wenjie - the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
* Martha Palmer - Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
* Nianwen Xue - Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
* Oliver Streiter - Eurac, Italy (co-chair)
* Qiang Zhou - Tsinghua University, China
* Qing Ma - Ryukoku University, Japan
* Qin Lu - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (co-chair)
* Sui Zhifang - Peking University, China
* Sun Maosong - Tsinghua University, China
* Tom Emerson - Basis Technology Corp, U.S.A.
* Tom Lai - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Further Information
Please watch the web site http://www.sighan.org/ for developments. You
may also contact Oliver Streiter (ostreiter at eurac.edu) or Qin Lu
(csluqin at comp.polyu.edu.hk) with questions regarding the workshop.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:22:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Lilian Guerrero lguerrer at acsu.buffalo.edu
Subject: 8th Encuentro Internacional de Linguistica en el Noroeste
8th Encuentro Internacional de Linguistica en el Noroeste
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
17-Nov-2004 - 19-Nov-2004
Contact Name: Lilian Guerrero
Conference URL: http://www.8encuentrolinguistica.uson.mx
Linguistic Subfield: General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2004
Meeting Description:
The 8th Encuentro Internacional de Linguistica en el Noroeste will
take place at the Universidad de Sonora, in Hermosillo, Sonora,
Mexico, November 17, 18 and 19, 2004. Papers in all the areas of
linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,
discourse studies, language acquisition, etc.) will be considered.
Invited speakers
Judith Aissen - University of California
Nick Evans- Melbourne University
Thomas Smith Stark- El Colegio de Mexico
Liliana Tolchinsky- Universidad de Barcelona
Michelle Tomasello- Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Call information:
The deadline for abstracts to be received is April 30, 2004. Speakers
will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for
discussion. Papers will be selected based on the evaluation of an
anonymous written abstract, which may not exceed 500 words. Electronic
submissions are encouraged. Abstracts may be submitted electronically
either in the body of an e-mail message (if they include no special
characters) or as an e-mail attachment in Word, PDF, or RTF format to:
encuentro at guaymas.uson.mx
If the abstract include any special fonts, please specify them or send
a hard copy of your abstract to the Fax number: 00-52-(662)-212-55-29
or by snail mail to:
Dept. de Letras y Linguistica,
Juan Ma. de Salvatierra # 33, Fracc. Los Arcos,
Hermosillo, Sonora, 83250, Mexico.
On a separate page from the abstract please provide the following
(1) name,
(2) address,
(3) affiliation,
(4) telephone and FAX number,
(5) e-mail address, and
(6) status (faculty/grad student/undergrad.student)
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by June 30, 2004.
$85 dlls. Non-students
$50 dlls. PhD students
$10 dlls. All other students
Andres Acosta Felix aacosta at capomo.uson.mx
Isabel Barreras jbarrera at capomo.uson.mx
Zarina Estrada Fernandez zarina at guaymas.uson.mx
Gerardo Lopez Cruz glopez at correom.uson.mx
Ana Lidia Munguia Duarte amunguia at rtn.uson.mx
Rosa Maria Ortiz Ciscomani ortizrm at capomo.uson.mx
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-211
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