15.1733, FYI: New Masters Program at Giessen University

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Jun 7 17:05:13 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-1733. Mon Jun 7 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.1733, FYI: New Masters Program at Giessen University

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Wed, 2 Jun 2004 09:46:08 -0400 (EDT)
From:  Henning Lobin <henning.lobin at germanistik.uni-giessen.de>
Subject:  New M.A. Programme in Lang. Tech./Foreign Lang. Learning

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 2 Jun 2004 09:46:08 -0400 (EDT)
From:  Henning Lobin <henning.lobin at germanistik.uni-giessen.de>
Subject:  New M.A. Programme in Lang. Tech./Foreign Lang. Learning

Master's Programme


Accredited Master's Programme at Giessen University, Germany

Application Deadline for the Winter Term 2004/05: July 15

This Master's Programme will enable you to shape the foreign language
learning of the future within the context of digital media, e-learning,
and foreign language pedagogy.

In order to be able both to respond to the new technological and
pedagogical challenges in the evaluation and development of promising
foreign language learning environments as well as to design the
environments themselves, both instructors and developers must have
special qualifications, a factor which thus far has been neglected in
traditional university degree courses.

This Master's Programme with its interdisciplinary approach involving
different departments represents an innovative specialization in
Germany which offers training in both language technology and foreign
language pedagogy. In a unique way, it prepares students to rise to
the challenges in the area of foreign language teaching and learning.

The Master's Programme Offers:

    * Interdisciplinary and project-oriented courses
    * In addition to courses where staff and students meet face to face,
      the programme also takes advantage of forms of blended learning
    * Intensive support is guaranteed
    * In the first term, specialized modules are tailored to the needs
      of the students and their individual educational backgrounds
    * Assignments range from seminar papers to self-directed study projects
    * Study projects in association with internal or external research
      projects (e.g., Goethe Institut, publishers or universities abroad)

The Master's Programme Qualifies You to:

    * Develop, evaluate and implement learning software
    * Evaluate and further develop existing learning environments as
      well as conceptualize and implement new environments
    * Offer guidance and continuing education courses for instructors in
      the area of e-teaching and in hypermedia learning environments
    * Establish and support multimedia learning centers in public or private
      educational institutions
    * Organize and support online-tutoring in distance learning programmes

Basic Information:

    * Admission requirements: B.A. (or equivalent) or six semesters at a
      German university with a Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom, or a Diploma
      degree (or equivalent) in the field of Computational Linguistics,
      Modern Foreign Languages or German (the latter must include a
      component in Teaching German as a Foreign Language); Proficiency in
      two foreign languages (neither of which may be the candidate's
      first language); Interview
    * Duration: This is a two-year programme (120 ECTS credits)
    * Language of instruction is primarily German
    * Degree: Master of Arts in Language Technology and Foreign
      Language Teaching and Learning



    Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rösler (Coordinator)        Phone: +49 (0)641 99 29125
    Dietmar.Roesler at germanistik.uni-giessen.de    Fax:   +49 (0)641 99 29109

    Prof. Dr. Henning Lobin                       Phone: +49 (0)641 99 29050
    Henning.Lobin at germanistik.uni-giessen.de      Fax:   +49 (0)641 99 29059

    Prof. Dr. Michael Legutke                     Phone: +49 (0)641 99 30330
    Michael.K.Legutke at anglistik.uni-giessen.de    Fax:   +49 (0)641 99 30339

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1733

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