15.950, Calls: General Ling/Netherlands; Computational Ling

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Mar 20 23:38:31 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-950. Sat Mar 20 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.950, Calls: General Ling/Netherlands; Computational Ling

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
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Date:  Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:46:45 -0500 (EST)
From:  tabu at let.rug.nl
Subject:  TABU-day 2004

Date:  Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:39:18 -0500 (EST)
From:  ibekwe at univ-lyon3.fr
Subject:  Application-driven Terminology Engineering

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:46:45 -0500 (EST)
From:  tabu at let.rug.nl
Subject:  TABU-day 2004

TABU-day 2004
Short Title: TABU

Date: 04-Jun-2004 - 04-Jun-2004
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Contact: Gerlof Bouma
Contact Email: tabu at let.rug.nl
Meeting URL: http://www.rug.nl/let/onderzoek/onderzoekinstituten/clcg/events/tabudag/

Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics

Call Deadline: 01-May-2004

Meeting Description:

The TABU-day is an annual conference on general linguistics at the
University of Groningen (NL). The Faculty of Arts at the University of
Groningen announces this year's

TABU-day conference on June 4, 2004.

The TABU-day is an annual one-day conference on general linguistics,
and all aspects of linguistics will be covered. The conference
languages are English and Dutch.

The plenary speakers are:

  Prof. Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh),
   title: ''The Syntax and Semantics of English Intonation''.

  Prof. Ria DeBleser (University of Potsdam),
   title t.b.a. - Prof. DeBleser is professor of Patholinguistics. Her
   research is on agrammatism, dyslexia and fMRI.

Abstracts are invited for all aspects of linguistics. Abstracts should
be in English or Dutch and should not exceed 400 words. Abstracts
should be submitted by e-mail in plain text or Word format to the
following address: tabu at let.rug.nl Abstracts should include:

  - The title of the paper
  - The name, address, affiliation, e-mail address and telephone numbers of
    the author(s)
  - The text of the abstract

The deadline for abstract submission is May 1, 2004. Notification of
acceptance will be around May 15.

The presentations will be twenty minutes in length, plus five minutes
of discussion. Participation at the TABU-day is free of charge. The
conference will be held on June 4, 2004 at the following location:

  Harmony Building, Oude Kijk in't Jatstraat 26
  Groningen, The Netherlands

Further information can be found on our website:


Inquiries may also be directed to:

  Department of General Linguistics
  University of Groningen
  Postbus 716
  9700 AS Groningen
  The Netherlands

The organisers

Gerlof Bouma, Holger Hopp and Roel Jonkers

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:39:18 -0500 (EST)
From:  ibekwe at univ-lyon3.fr
Subject:  Application-driven Terminology Engineering


Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2004

Application-driven Terminology engineering

Guest editors : Maria-Teresa Cabré, Annes Condamines, Fidelia


This special issue, following a 2-day workshop held in January 2004 on
''Terminology, Ontology & Knowledge Representation'' in Lyon (France),
wishes to address the specific issue of how terminological knowledge
is used and managed within specific applications.

Most applications within knowledge engineering deal with terms but
they define or process them differently according to the application
targeted. More precisely, knowledge engineering makes use of
ontologies, it means more or less formal knowledge representation
using terms and relations between them. The text units considered in
an ontology engineering framework may differ depending on uses to
which the ontology is put and also may differ from the units
considered in other application areas like information retrieval,
terminology knowledge acquisition, dictionary construction or enhanced

A particular attention will be paid to papers who justify the
definition and processing of terms within an application framework,
i.e., papers should make clear to what extent the application needs
influence the type of text units analysed and the types of processing
to which they are subjected, thus indicating how this departs from the
mainstream theoretical definitions of terms and their properties. Note
however that papers dealing only with the theoretical definitions of
terms, concepts and their relations will fall outside the scope of
this special issue as this has been widely debated and documented in
the literature.

Another topic which this special issue will like to investigate is
corpus-dependent terminology processing. Some studies have pointed out
the fact that the type of corpus used in a particular study can
influence the types of semantic relation markers found and the types
of relations they embody. Thus papers dealing with how corpus genre
affects the type of terminological knowledge acquired are also

Contributions should be original and unpublished studies dealing with
the use of terminology in the following application areas (non
exhaustive) :

corpus-driven terminology knowledge base
corpus-driven ontology design
corpus-driven acquisition of semantic relations
computer-assisted terminology structuring (CAST)
computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
corpus-dependent terminology knowledge processing
competitive intelligence (CI),
scientific and technology watch (STW)
text mining (TM )
question - Answering (Q-A)
information extraction (IE)

submissions Format

Authors should conform to formatting guidelines which can be found on
the publisher's website : www.benjamins.com.

Submissions in English is preferred but French, Spanish and German are
also acceptable.

lmportant dates

30 June 2004 : Paper submissions
20 September 2004 : Notification of answers
30 October 2004 : camera ready copies

Send your contributions in Word format to both ibekwe at univ-lyon3.fr
and anne.condamines at univ-tlse2.fr

More details at :

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-950

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