16.995, Confs: General Ling/Chicago, IL, USA
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Sat Apr 2 02:30:49 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-995. Fri Apr 01 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.995, Confs: General Ling/Chicago, IL, USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 31-Mar-2005
From: Patrick Midtlyng < midtlyng at uchicago.edu >
Subject: 41st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 21:23:39
From: Patrick Midtlyng < midtlyng at uchicago.edu >
Subject: 41st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society
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41st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society
Short Title: CLS 41
Date: 07-Apr-2005 - 09-Apr-2005
Location: Chicago, IL, United States of America
Contact: Patrick Midtlyng
Contact Email: cls at diderot.uchicago.edu
Meeting URL: http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/cls/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
Each year scholars with diverse backgrounds and theoretical perspectives gather
for three days of talks and discussion. The conference is divided into a Main
Session, comprising talks on a broad range of linguistic issues, and a series of
Panels on a range of more particular issues within a sub-field of the discipline.
Following is the program for the 41st Annual Meeting of the Chicago
Linguistic Society:
Invited speakers:
Lauri Karttunen
Aravind Joshi
Language Documentation: Archiving Grammars
Jonathan D Amith
Implementation for discovery: A bipartite lexicon to support morphological and
syntactic analysis
Emily Bender and Jeff Good
Avoiding the ambiguity trap with conjecture-free learning
Jason Riggle
Disjunctive rule ordering in finite-state morphology
Robert Malouf
Learning Arabic Morphology With Information Theory
Paul Rodrigues and Damir Cavar
Intensional Perspective and Proximity Markers in Collaborative Dialog
Donna Byron and Laura Stoia
Parsing Korean Honorification Phenomena in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar
Jong-Bok Kim and Jaehyung Yang
Learning Underlying Forms By Searching Restricted Lexical Subspaces
Nazarre Merchant and Bruce Tesar
Invited speakers:
Peter Culicover
Ray Jackendoff
Jerry Sadock
Constructional Compositionality and the English Resultative
Marc Ettlinger
Yaqui complementation, an example of a syntax-semantic mismatch
Lilian Guerrero
Emergent Feature Theory
Jeff Mielke
An Autolexical account of variation in grammatical relations
Etsuyo Yuasa
Words as Localist Associative Networks: Empirical Evidence for an Exemplar
Approach to the Mental Lexicon
Vsevolod M. Kapatsinski
Tone interval theory
Laura Dilley
Global Linguistic Derivations
Nelly Lin and Anjum P. Saleemi
The Limits of Syntax in Inversion
Grant Goodall
Invited speakers:
Wallace Chafe
Douglas Parks
Omaha language revitalization: a community college case study
Ardis Eschenberg
The E-MELD School of Best Practices in Digital Language Documentation
Steven Moran
Language Revitalization and Language Shift in Salasaca, Ecuador
Mary Andronis
Yan-nhangu language documentation: Aims and accomplishments
Claire Bowern and Bentley James
Language Shift Reversal for a Non-standardized Language
Was hat gechanged?: Language Convergence in Texas German
Jana Thompson
David Pesetsky
Paul Smolensky
Paul Kiparsky
Syntactic Change in Bardi
Claire Bowern
Another Look at 'Japanese Women's Language': A Prosodic Analysis
Mie Hiramoto and Andrew Wong
Agreement and path specification in Icelandic
Ryo Otoguro
The behavior of blocking affixes at the morphology-phonology interface
Anne Pycha
Double Reduplication: A dilemma for Mono-stratal OT
Eun-Sook Kim and John Stonham
Moraic onsets: Evidence from Bella Coola Word Minimality
Nina Topintzi
Partial Ranking and Alternating Vowels in Polish
Gaja Jarosz
Shuijinping Hmong vowel-tone interactions and the nature of synchronic chain-shifts
David Mortensen
The Patterns of Vowel Insertion and Consonant Deletion in IL Phonology
Bo-Young Kwon
The role of pitch accent type in the interpretation of information status
Aoju Chen
German Glide Formation as the Conflict between Markedness and Faithfulness
T. A. Hall
Phonological constraints are not directly phonetic
Jennifer L. Smith
Reconsidering the variable status of glottals in nasal harmony
Susannah V. Levi
Curing a cold with antibiotics? English schwa insertion before liquids and
phonological opacity
Martin Krämer
Consistency behind inconsistency: the behavior of sonorants in tonal split from
Middle Chinese to Old Mandarin
Kening Li
Too many solutions: how prosody and segments interact
Lev Blumenfeld
Syllabification, sonority, and perception: new data from a language game
Elliott Moreton, Gary Feng and Jennifer L. Smith
Phonological Enhancement of Coarticulation in Korean
Gwanhi Yun
Morphological vs. phonological contrastive topic marking
David Oshima
External Inalienable Possession Constructions in Korean
Keun Young Shin
Pronominal References and the Encoding of Cognitive Status in Kumyk
Linda Humnick
Japanese Enter/Exit Verbs are Motion Verbs
Kazuhiro Kawachi
Speech Acts Under If-clauses
James Isaacs and Kyle Rawlins
Topics In the Hands of Speakers: Gesture and Discourse Status
Fey Parrill
DP-Existential Quantification in Coahuilteco
Rudolph C. Troike
A DP/NP-shell for CPs
Hye Jin Han
Events in Inuktitut: Voice alternations and viewpoint aspect
Bettina Spreng
Towards a Typology of Version: Formal and Functional Perspectives
Olya Gurevich & Gregory Anderson
''To move or not to move''
Exceptional Causatives in North Sami
Hanna Outakoski and Mikael Vinka
On the identity of a (spelt) copy: The of case anti-connectivity effect in
Noureddine Elouazizi
Post-syntactic compounding as case-particle omission in mixed categories
Hitoshi Horiuchi
Resultative constructions free from lexical and restructuring rules
Soo-Min Hong
The Functional Hierarchy in Menominee
Rebecca Shields
Pro-drop, free inversion, that-t effects: on some classical correlations
Marco Nicolis
Nominalization and Case Marking in Japanese
Masaaki Kamiya
Who Chased Whom and Who Got Tired: Accounting for Ambiguity in Mandarin
Resultative Verb Compounds
Chao Li
Passive get, Causative get, and the Phasehood of Passive vP
Nicholas Fleisher
Multiple Left-branch Extraction under Sluicing
Lydia Grebenyova
English Object Extraposition and Constraint Satisfaction
Jong-Bok Kim
The High Goal Argument in Korean Double Object Constructions
Juhyeon Hwang
Haj Ross
Constraints on English that-drop: A strong lexical OCP effect
Mary Ann Walter and T. Florian Jaeger
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-995
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