16.996, Calls: Phonetics/Poland; Computational Ling/Norway
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Apr 2 03:22:08 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-996. Fri Apr 01 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.996, Calls: Phonetics/Poland; Computational Ling/Norway
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Amy Wronkowicz <amy at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 31-Mar-2005
From: Maciej Karpinski < maciej.karpinski at amu.edu.pl >
Subject: Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition
Date: 31-Mar-2005
From: Christer Johansson < christer.johansson at lili.uib.no >
Subject: Workshop on Anaphora Resolution
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 22:08:30
From: Maciej Karpinski < maciej.karpinski at amu.edu.pl >
Subject: Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition
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Full Title: Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition
Date: 19-Sep-2005 - 23-Sep-2005
Location: Kraków, Poland
Contact Person: Agnieszka Wagner
Web Site: http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~fonetyka/call2005.html
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics
Call Deadline: 30-May-2005
Meeting Description:
Applications of Phonetic Research
Kraków, POLAND
19-23 September, 2005
Organized by
Polish Phonetic Association
AGH University of Science and Technology
Supported by
Acoustics Committee of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University
The conference, organized to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Polish
Phonetic Association (PTFon), is of interest to several scientific communities,
including Human Language and Speech Technology, Linguistics, Phonetics,
Phoniatrics and Musicology. Its scientific program covers a wide variety of
topics related to the contemporary applications of phonetics. While the meeting
will be focused mainly on the fields of speech analysis, processing, synthesis
and recognition, contributions from many other areas of speech and language
studies are warmly invited. We intend to create an open forum for speech
communication science thought exchange to take the advantage of the variety of
research perspectives and approaches.
The Call for Papers is addressed to researchers engaged in either academic or
industrial research. In order to support the multi-disciplinary goal of the
conference, the Scientific and Organizing Committees include representatives of
various scientific communities.
The scientific program will include invited talks, presentations of accepted
papers in oral and poster sessions, referenced demonstrations of innovative
applications and products, and panel sessions. The mode of presentation (oral
versus poster) will be based on the appropriateness of the paper to that mode of
- Main scientific areas: applications of phonetics in speech synthesis and
recognition; prosody in speech synthesis, recognition and analysis;
- pitch perception in music and speech
- corpus-based methods in speech synthesis and recognition;
- natural and synthetic expressive speech;
- voice quality in natural and synthetic speech;
- evaluation of speech synthesis and recognition systems;
- applications of phonetics in audiology and phoniatrics: speech signal analysis
based medical diagnostics;
- pragmaphonetics in discourse and dialogue analysis;
- text and speech machine processing and translation.
Authors are invited to submit papers on the conference topics. The papers will
be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and selected on the basis of their
scientific quality, innovative content and relevance to the topic of the conference.
Innovative applications and products related to the conference topics are sought
for demonstration at special conference sessions. The applications will be given
free demonstration space.
Please note that every person who intend to participate in the conference
(including those who don't submit papers/demonstration) is asked to send a
separate submission form. This also applies to the situation when two or more
authors of a given paper intend to come to the conference: They should send
separate forms. We plan to offer on-line registration, but it will be possible
The preferable form of submissions is e-mail (wagner at amu.edu.pl). Nevertheless,
we still accept snail-mails submmissions. Please send us your paper in an RTF
and in a PDF/PS file. Don't forget to attach your submission form(s). The papers
should be prepared according to the instructions that will be shortly available
from our web page. The papers should be no longer than eight pages, including a
short (approx. 100 word) abstract and the list of literature. Please avoid small
and complex graphs that may be hardly readable in print. The size and format of
invited papers will be discussed directly with invited speakers. Please do not
place any personal/affiliation data on your paper. This is to make anonymous
reviewing easier. Later on, authors will be identified on the basis of papers'
Electronic submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If they are not
acknowledged, please check the e-mail address and resubmit. Submission of a
proposal implies a commitment to present the paper or the demonstration at the
conference, if accepted.
Conference proceedings CDs will be available to the participants at the
registration as a part of the conference package. Selected papers will be
published in Journal of Speech Technology or Phonetica (depending on the topic).
Chair: Gra?yna Demenko (President of Polish Phonetic Association; Adam
Mickiewicz University in Pozna?)
Co-chairs: Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (AGH University of Science and Technology) and
Dafydd Gibbon (Bielefeld University)
Tunda Adegbda
Nick Campbell
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Ko?aczyk
Stefan Grocholewski
Wolfgang Hess
Keikichi Hirose
Andrzej Izworski
Wojciech Majewski
Philipe Martine
Hansjoerg Mixdorff
Bernd Moebius
Andrzej Obr?bowski
Antoni Pruszewicz
Andrzej Rakowski
Maria Steffen-Batogowa
Zygmunt Vetulani
Wies?aw Wszo?ek
Please note that the list of the Committee members is not closed yet.
Gra?yna Demenko (grazyna.demenko at amu.edu.pl)
Wiktor Gonet (gonet at klio.umcs.lublin.pl)
Maciej Karpi?ski (maciej.karpinski at amu.edu.pl)
Mariusz Owsianny (fonetyka at amu.edu.pl)
Agnieszka Wagner
Rafa? Szyd?owski
Daniel ?ledzi?ski
e-mail: wagner at amu.edu.pl
Web site: http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~fonetyka/
The working language of the conference is English.
First call for participation: March 2005
Full paper submission deadline: 30.05.2005
Notification of acceptance: 15.06.2005
Final conference program: 1.08.2005
Conference: 19 - 22.09.2004 (an excursion planned on the 23rd of September)
Please visit the Conference Home Page for relevant information. Any details
regarding and related advertising issues (like the size of the logo in
conference materials or the topic of discussion) can be discussed with the
Organizing Committee. Please contact the Organizing Committee as soon as
possible. Donations/sponsorship can be accepted only till July, 15th, 2005.
The fees cover the cost of registration, the conference package (including a
copy of proceedings), beverages and snacks during conference breaks and the
conference dinner. Please note that student fee (5 Euro) does not include the
conference dinner and that the student conference packages differ from regular.
Early registration (by 15.06.2005) - ER
Regular registration (by 15.07.2005) - RR
Late registration (after 15.07.2005) - LR
Regular participants
ER: 80 EURO; RR: 100 EURO; LR 130 EURO
Doctoral students (please fax a copy of your student ID or a relevant confirmation)
ER: 40 EURO; RR: 50 EURO; LR: 65 EURO
Students (on-site payment only): 5 EURO
Additional costs
Among other social events, we plan to offer a one-day trip to Wieliczka, which
is a historical salt-mine, a peculiar place of unique, breathtaking beauty.
Payments related to accommodation are made by the participants themselves
directly to the hotels. However, the organizers are ready to help with hotel
recommendation or booking. We will provide prospective participants with a list
of various accommodation possibilities, including both budget and luxury hotels.
The conference will take place in Cracow. Cracow was the capital of the country
until the 17th century. Wawel Hill, is also called ''the Polish Acropolis''. The
cathedral dominating this spot used to be the place where the coronation of
Polish kings was held; it was also their burial place. The nearby Renaissance
castle was resided in by kings of the Piast and Jagiellon dynasties, and a
member of the Vasas, who when moving out, ''took'' the capital to Warsaw with
him. As centuries went by, Wawel Cathedral became the burial place of national
heroes. It gained the status of a national sanctuary and became a symbol of the
nation's spiritual identity and durability.
You'll find more information about the venue on the Conference Web Page.
Conference Secretary:
Agnieszka Wagner
Institute of Linguistics AMU
Mi?dzychodzka 5
61-571 Pozna?
phone: (48)(61) 829 27 05
fax: +48 61 829 27 00
e-mail: wagner at amu.edu.pl
Venue and hotel addresses will be posted later on.
(To be sent before or on May 30, 2005, to the Secretary)
You can just cut/copy the text below from this page, fill it in, and e-mail to
us. If you need any special (non-standard) equipment for your presentation, let
us know in the form, too.
Please note that in order to keep reviewed papers anonymous, we advice not to
put any personal/affiliation data on them. You should put these data only in the
submission form. The key to identify the authors will be the title of the paper
(identical both in the submission form and in the paper itself).
Choose: research paper | communicate | product/application presentation
Up to 5 Keywords:
First Name and Last Name of the participant:
Choose participation category:
Presenting person/speaker | Co-author | Accompanying person | Participant with
no presentation | Sponsor
Postal/Zip Code:
List of Authors and Affiliations (please mark the name of the person who will
present the paper or poster if different from the contact person.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 22:09:00
From: Christer Johansson < christer.johansson at lili.uib.no >
Subject: Workshop on Anaphora Resolution
Full Title: Workshop on Anaphora Resolution
Short Title: WAR
Date: 28-Sep-2005 - 30-Sep-2005
Location: Bergen, Norway
Contact Person: Christer Johansson
Meeting Email: christer.johansson at lili.uib.no
Web Site: http://ling.uib.no/BREDT
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 20-Jun-2005
Meeting Description:
Workshop on Anaphora Resolution, and co-reference chain detection
Submission deadline: June 20
Notification of Acceptance: July 20
Final submission due August 10
(LaTeX-style guidelines will be available at http://ling.uib.no/BREDT).
Event: September 28 - September 30
Social activities: October 1
Conference fee
Authors and students: 40 euro
Others: 60 euro
We invite novel high quality papers related to, but not restricted to, the
following themes:
1. Discourse Annotation for Anaphora Resolution and Co-reference chain detection
2. Machine Learning of Anaphora Resolution and Co-reference chain detection
3. Evaluation of Anaphora Resolution and Co-reference chain detection
4. Vagueness and Ambiguity in Anaphora and Co-reference.
See http://ling.uib.no/BREDT click on the link ''Workshop'' for continuous updates.
Confirmed speakers
Antal van den Bosch, Tilburg University
Veronique Hoste, University of Antwerp
Amit Bagga, AskJeeves
Kaja Borthen, NTNU
Questions and submissions should be sent to : war at uib dot no
The workshop will have a published edited proceeding
The workshop is financed through a grant to the BREDT project from the Norwegian
Research Council, under the KUNSTI programme (Knowledge Development for
Norwegian Language Technology).
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-996
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