16.1831, Calls: General Ling/Uralic/Hungary; Pragmatics/Poland
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Fri Jun 10 01:59:05 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1831. Thu Jun 09 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1831, Calls: General Ling/Uralic/Hungary; Pragmatics/Poland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 06-Jun-2005
From: Beatrix Oszko < oszko at nytud.hu >
Subject: Budapest Uralic Workshop 5, Word-classes Workshop
Date: 06-Jun-2005
From: Piotr Cap < strus_pl at yahoo.com >
Subject: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics: 3rd Lodz Symposium
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 21:51:11
From: Beatrix Oszko < oszko at nytud.hu >
Subject: Budapest Uralic Workshop 5, Word-classes Workshop
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Full Title: Budapest Uralic Workshop 5, Word-classes Workshop
Short Title: BUW5, WoW
Date: 11-Jan-2006 - 13-Jan-2006
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact Person: Beatrix Oszko & Maria Sipos
Meeting Email: oszko at nytud.hu / sipos at nytud.hu
Web Site: http://www.nytud.hu/bum5
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Uralic
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2005
Meeting Description:
The Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences is pleased
to announce the Word-classes Workshop, Budapest Uralic Workshop 5, to be held
from 11th to 13th January, 2006.
For the past years a great number of studies have appeared revising the
traditional viewpoints, and at the same time, providing complex and more exact
methods that facilitate us to compare the word-classes of the different
languages in one and the same frame. These studies may provide considerable
results in the historical-comparative, as well as in the typological researches.
This is why the themes and methods of our conference may vary from the
morphological approaches, which have been (most) general in Uralistics, through
semantics and lexicology to syntax, and it may concern phonology, as well.
Papers concerning the following themes are welcome:
-What words / word-classes belong to open and closed word-classes?
-What criteria can be used in specifying word classes?
-Is there permeability between word-classes? If there is, under what conditions?
-What properties can serve as criteria for subgrouping within word-classes?
According to the tradition of BUW, the organizers, with the purpose of allowing
more interaction between participants, do not intend to limit the length of
The languages of the workshop: Hungarian, English.
Abstracts should be e-mailed to ( bum5 at nytud.hu ) as a PDF, Microsoft Word, RTF
(special font items travel best as a PDF.) The abstracts should be sent by 30th
September, 2005. Authors will be notified by the end of October as to whether
their papers have been accepted.
Department of Finno-Ugristics
Reserch Institute for Linguistcs Hungarian Academy of Science
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 21:51:17
From: Piotr Cap < strus_pl at yahoo.com >
Subject: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics: 3rd Lodz Symposium
Full Title: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics: 3rd Lodz Symposium
Short Title: Pragmatics 2006
Date: 11-May-2006 - 14-May-2006
Location: Lodz, Poland
Contact Person: Piotr Cap
Meeting Email: strus_pl at yahoo.com
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2005
Meeting Description:
Dear Colleague,
Next year we will have a pleasure to organize the 3rd ?ód? Symposium on
linguistic pragmatics. The first and second conference were held at ?ód?
University in May 2002 and May 2004, and brought together over a hundred
scholars from Europe, Asia and the Americas. We had an opportunity to discuss a
variety of current topics in pragmatics, discourse analysis and other relevant
areas, as well as to listen to a number of inspiring plenary lectures given by
such distinguished scholars as Katarzyna M. Jaszczo?t, Jef Verschueren, Roman
Kalisz, Rachel Giora, Mira Ariel, Richard W. Janney, Bruce Fraser, Gunter Senft
and Adam Jaworski. Select papers from the past conferences were published by
international publishers. Below you will find information on the 3rd Symposium.
We cordially invite you to participate and will try to make your stay in ?ód?
interesting and professionally rewarding.
The ?ód? Pragmatics Symposium Organizing Committee
First Circular and Call for Papers
3rd ?ód? Symposium
New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics
University of ?ód?, Poland
Chair of English Language
(Head: Prof. dr hab. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk)
Department of Pragmatics
(Head: Dr hab. Piotr Cap)
?ód?, 11-14 May 2006
Organizing Committee:
Dr hab. Piotr Cap (Conference Chair)
Mgr Marta Dynel-Buczkowska, M.A. (Conference Secretary)
Mgr Adam Bednarek, M.A. (Conference Secretary)
The conference comes as an answer to substantial intensification of
pragmatics-oriented research in the recent decade, and provides forum for its
essential systematization.
The organizers encourage papers representing current state of research in the
field of linguistic pragmatics seen in the broad sense as a functional (i.e.
cognitive, social and cultural) perspective on language and communication.
Participants are invited to prepare 20-minute presentations on one of the
following topics:
- application of linguistic pragmatics in the analysis of real-life discourse
(language of politics and the media; advertising; social communication;
misunderstandings; humor, etc.)
- status of pragmatics in relation to such disciplines as sociolinguistics,
anthropology, social psychology, cognitivism and culture studies
- methodology of pragmatic investigation and parameters of analysis
- implementation of pragmatic awareness in foreign language teaching
NB: The list of topics is NOT exhaustive
The organizers hope to offer multiple grounds for discussion of a genuinely
cross-disciplinary approach to linguistic pragmatics.
The organizers invited a number of leading specialists in the area, all of whom
have already confirmed their participation:
NORMAN FAIRCLOUGH (University of Lancaster)
ROBYN CARSTON (University College London)
PAUL CHILTON (University of East Anglia)
NEAL R. NORRICK (University of Saarland)
ANNA DUSZAK (University of Warsaw)
MARIO BRDAR (University of Osijek)
The conference language is English. Participants intending to give a paper are
requested to send a 200-300 word abstract by e-mail to the following address:
strus_pl at yahoo.com The abstract should include name and the academic title,
academic affiliation, e-mail address and a postal address. Deadline for
submission of abstracts is 30 SEPTEMBER, 2005. Notification of acceptance will
be sent by 15 OCTOBER, 2005. Conference papers will be referreed and published
in a post-conference volume. Participants without a paper are asked to e-mail
their name and academic affiliation.
Conference fee is 150 Euros. Accommodation and full board in the Conference
Centre, including a buffet dinner party is 350 Euros. Participants from Poland,
East European countries and countries with severe currency restrictions will be
offered reduced fees of 75 Euros (300 PLN, conference fee) and 175 Euros (700
PLN, accommodation and board). Please note that accommodation and full board
cover a three-night stay (11th-12th, 12th-13th and 13th-14th May, breakfast
included) plus the following meals: lunch and supper on the 11th, lunch and
supper on the 12th, lunch and buffet dinner on the 13th and lunch on the 14th.
Participants will be additionally charged for extra nights according to the
following tariff: 80 Euros for each additional night (breakfast included) plus
Euro 15 for each additional meal (lunch or supper). Participants from Poland,
East European countries and countries with severe currency restrictions will be
given a 50% discount. All participants are requested to make a calculated
payment of the total cost of their participation until 31 DECEMBER, 2005 to the
following bank account (bank charges not included):
''Pragmatics, Piotr Cap'', Uniwersytet ?ódzki
Bank PKO S.A., II O/?ód?
ul. Piotrkowska 270, 90-959 ?ód?, Poland
Acc. no.: 14 1240 3028 1111 0010 0434 7782
Participants wishing to stay more than three nights are requested to notify us
by e-mail of the exact dates not later than two weeks before all their fees are
transferred to our account.
The second circular, which will contain detailed information on the conference
venue, transportation, as well as a provisional program of the conference will
be e-mailed to the registered participants by 15 FEBRUARY, 2006.
For further information please contact:
Dr hab. Piotr Cap
Department of Pragmatics
University of ?ód?
Al. Ko?ciuszki 65
90-514 ?ód?, Poland
tel/fax +48 42 6655220
e-mail: strus_pl at yahoo.com
Important dates:
- 30 September 2005, abstracts due;
- 15 October 2005, notification of acceptance;
- 31 December 2005, all conference fees due;
- 15 February 2006, the second circular and a provisional conference program.
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1831
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