16.2540, Calls: Syntax/Semantics/Canada;Discourse Analysis/Finland

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Sep 2 01:53:24 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2540. Thu Sep 01 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.2540, Calls: Syntax/Semantics/Canada;Discourse Analysis/Finland

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 01-Sep-2005
From: Eric Mathieu < emathieu at uottawa.ca >
Subject: Nominal Incorporation and its Kind 

Date: 31-Aug-2005
From: Jan Lindstrom < jklindst at ling.helsinki.fi >
Subject: International Conference on Conversation Analysis 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 21:50:39
From: Eric Mathieu < emathieu at uottawa.ca >
Subject: Nominal Incorporation and its Kind 

Full Title: Nominal Incorporation and its Kind 
Short Title: NIK 

Date: 20-Feb-2006 - 22-Feb-2006
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
Contact Person: Eric Mathieu
Meeting Email: nik at uottawa.ca
Web Site: http://www.thenikconference.com 

Linguistic Field(s): Morphology; Semantics; Syntax 

Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2006 

Meeting Description:

The idea behind this conference is to bring together syntacticians and semanticists who have worked on the topic of nominal incorporation and/or nominal conflation, often independently. In addition to giving descriptions and providing accounts of the different kinds of nominal incorporation available cross-linguistically, the meeting hopes to address issues such as the status of pseudo nominal incorporation and the concept of pseudo nominal conflation. Papers on constructions and processes that resemble noun incorporation (e.g. bare nouns, complex predication, etc.) are also very welcome. 

Cette conférence a pour but de réunir syntacticiens et sémanticiens travaillant sur l'incorporation et/ou la conflation nominale, souvent indépendamment. En plus des contributions descriptives et théoriques sur l'incorporation nominale à travers les langues, le colloque espère apporter des réponses à des questions nouvelles telles que le statut de la pseudo incorporation nominale et le concept de la pseudo conflation nominale. Viennent s'ajouter à ces deux thèmes principaux toutes les constructions et tous les processus qui ressemblent de près ou de loin à l'incorporation nominale (noms nus, prédication complexe, etc.). 

Noun Incorporation and its Kind (NIK)

Second Call for Paper

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

We invite abstracts in English or in French for 20 min talks (plus 10 min of discussion). A detailed call for papers and guidelines for submitting abstracts can be found here :



Mark Baker (Rutgers University)
Greg Carlson (University of Rochester) 
Veneeta Dayal (Rutgers University) 
Henriëtte de Swart (Utrecht University)
Alana Johns (University of Toronto) 
Diane Massam (University of Toronto) 
Veerle Van Geenhoven (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) 
Martina Wiltschko (University of British Columbia)
Nous sollicitons des résumés en anglais ou en français pour des présentations de 20 minutes chacune (avec 10 minutes supplémentaires pour les questions). Un appel à communications plus détaillé ainsi que de plus amples renseignements au sujet de la soumission des résumés se trouvent sur le site de la conférence.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 21:50:45
From: Jan Lindstrom < jklindst at ling.helsinki.fi >
Subject: International Conference on Conversation Analysis 


Full Title: International Conference on Conversation Analysis 
Short Title: ICCA-06 

Date: 10-May-2006 - 14-May-2006
Location: Helsinki, Finland 
Contact Person: Eveliina Korpela
Meeting Email: eveliina.korpela at helsinki.fi
Web Site: http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/skl/icca/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis 

Call Deadline: 09-Sep-2005 

Meeting Description:

The next International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA) will be held at the University of Helsinki, May 10-14, 2006. Abstract deadline: September 2, 2005.
The theme of the conference is: Comparative Perspectives in Conversation Analysis

For more information about the conference and submission of abstracts, please visit the conference web site:

International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA-06)
 May 10-14, 2006 Helsinki
Abstract deadline: September 9, 2005 (NOTE: the deadline has been extended with one week)
 The theme of the conference is
 ''Comparative Perspectives in Conversation Analysis''
In recent years, conversation analytic research has increasingly focussed on comparison between different kinds of data. Comparative research can involve e.g. comparison of interactional practices in everyday versus institutional talk, in different kinds of institutional encounters, different languages and cultures, different varieties of a language etc.
Conversation analytic papers on other themes are also welcome.
The following types of proposals are invited:
- single paper
- poster
- panel session
- workshop

 Plenary speakers:
Steven E. Clayman
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Paul Drew
Auli Hakulinen & Marja-Leena Sorjonen
 Scientific committee:
Anssi Perakyla (chair)
Maria Egbert (DK)
Makoto Hayashi (US)
John Heritage (US)
Anna Lindstrom (SE)
Harrie Mazeland (NL)
Lorenza Mondada (F)
Arja Piirainen-Marsh (FI)
Jakob Steensig (DK)
Tony Wootton (UK)
For more information about the conference and submission of abstracts, please visit the conference web site:

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2540	


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