17.1164, Confs: Slovenian/Phonetics/Phonology/Ljubljana, Slovenia
Wed Apr 19 02:14:14 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1164. Tue Apr 18 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.1164, Confs: Slovenian/Phonetics/Phonology/Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Date: 15-Mar-2006
From: Peter Jurgec < peter.jurgec at guest.arnes.si >
Subject: 1st Slovene International Phonetic Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 22:12:38
From: Peter Jurgec < peter.jurgec at guest.arnes.si >
Subject: 1st Slovene International Phonetic Conference
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1st Slovene International Phonetic Conference
Short Title: SloFon 1
Date: 20-Apr-2006 - 22-Apr-2006
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact: Peter Jurgec
Contact Email: slofon at zrc-sazu.si
Meeting URL: http://slofon.zrc-sazu.si
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics; Phonology
Subject Language(s): Slovenian (slv)
Meeting Description:
The SloFon 1 conference is the first scientific meeting of phoneticians in Slovenia. The main goal of the conference is to promote research in phonetics in Slovenia and in the wider region. Although the primary focus of the conference is the phonetics of Slovenian, more general discussions will also be included. The conference is organized by the Fran Ramovs Institute of Slovenian Language at the Scientific Research Centre of the SASA.
?etrtek, 20. april 2006 // Thursday, 20 April 2006
08.30- Registracija // Registration
09.00-09.20 Uvodni nagovor // Welcoming remarks
09.20-09.30 Nagovor organizatorjev // Remarks by the organizers
09.30-10.00 Odmor za kavo // Coffee break
10.00-11.00 Vabljeno predavanje // Invited talk
Moira Yip
So?itje med percepcijo in slovnico v fonologiji prevzetih
The symbiosis between perception and grammar in
loanword phonology
11.00-11.20 Odmor za kavo // Coffee break
11.20-13.00 Fonologija I // Phonology I
11.20-11.40 Franc Maru?i?
*Af-koren-iks: Ali so nekontinuirani afiksi sploh mo?ni?
*Aff-stem-ix: Are there any discontinuous affixes?
11.40-12.00 Sa?o ?ivanovi?
Vpliv obsega mentalnega slovarja na domeno fonolo?ke
How does the size of the mental lexicon influence the
range of phonological theory?
12.00-12.20 Tatjana Marvin
Interakcija med strukturo in izgovarjavo v angle?kih
The interaction between structure and pronunciation in
English affixation
12.20-12.40 Alja Ferme
Izglasni zvo?ni?ki sklopi
Final sonorant clusters
12.40-13.00 Peter Jurgec
O fonolo?kem statusu [?] v sloven??ini
On the phonolgical status of schwa in Slovene
13.00-15.00 Odmor za kosilo // Lunch break
15.00-16.00 Vabljeno predavanje // Invited talk
Jo?e Topori?i?
Slovensko knji?no glasovje in naglas, kakr?na sta
Standard Slovene sounds and accent (as they are)
16.00-16.20 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
16.20-17.40 Fonologija II / Phonology II
16.20-16.40 Irena Sawicka
Slovanski meh?ani ustrezniki mehkonebnim
zapornikom, posebej ?e v polj??ini
Slavic softened counterparts of velar stops, with special
reference to the Polish situation
16.40-17.00 Teodor Petri?
Glasoslovni razvoj slovenskega otroka - soglasniki in
soglasni?ki sklopi
Phonological development of a Slovenian child -
Consonants and consonant clusters
17.00-17.20 Vlado Nartnik
K razmejitvi kontoidov in vokoidov v slovenskih slovnicah
On delimitation of contoids and vocoids in the Slovenian
17.20-17.40 Agata ?ega
Nekatere glasovne zna?ilnosti osnov za starej?e
latinizme oziroma romanizme v sloven??ini
Some phonetic characteristics of bases for older
latinisms or romanisms in Slovene
17.40-18.00 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
18.00-19.00 Fonetika sloven??ine I // Phonetics of Slovene I
18.00-18.20 Peri Bhaskararao, Nina Golob
Kaj je pomembno pri slovenskem naglasu? Akusti?na
primerjava tonemskega in netonemskega naglasa
What matters in Slovene accent? An acoustic comparison
of stress and pitch accents
18.20-18.40 Melita Zemljak Jontes
Zlivanje glasov v spontanem (nare?nem) govoru
Sound fusion in spontaneous (dialectal) speech
18.40-19.00 Peter Jurgec, Karmen Kenda Je?
Akusti?na analiza leksikalnega tona v govoru Ukev
Acoustic analysis of lexical tone in the Slovene dialect of
20.00-? Sprejem pri ?upanji ge. Danici Sim?i? // Reception (Ms.
Danica Sim?i?, the mayoress of Ljubljana)
Petek, 21. april 2006 // Friday, 21 April 2006
09.30-10.30 Vabljeno predavanje // Invited talk
Bernd Möbius
Eksemplari?na reprezentacija govora
Exemplar-based speech representation
10.30-11.00 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
11.00-12.20 Jezikovne tehnologije I // Language Technologies I
11.00-11.20 Toma? ?ef, Tea Tu?ar, Andrej Bratko, Matja? Gams
Nagla?evanje nepoznanih slovenskih besed: primerjava
med ?lovekom, ?love?kimi pravili in strojnim u?enjem
Comparison between humans and machines on the task
of accentuation of Slovene words
11.20-11.40 Jerneja ?ganec Gros, Varja Cvetko - Ore?nik, Primo?
Jakopin, Ale? Miheli?
Leksikon izgovarjav SI-PRON
The SI-PRON pronunciation lexicon
11.40-12.00 Matej Rojc, Darinka Verdonik
Uporaba foneti?no-morfolo?kih slovarjev SIlex in LC-
STAR pri grafemsko-fonemski pretvorbi tujih imen
Using SIlex and LC-STAR lexica for grapheme-to-
phoneme conversion of foreign names
12.00-12.20 Andrej ?gank, Darinka Verdonik, Aleksandra Zögling
Marku?, Zdravko Ka?i?
Raz?iritev slovenske govorne baze BNSI Broadcast News
za izbolj?ano akusti?no modeliranje govora
Expanding the Slovenian BNSI Broadcast News speech
database for improved acoustic modeling
12.20-14.00 Odmor za kosilo // Lunch break
14.00-15.20 Splo?na fonetika // General phonetics
14.00-14.20 Ivo ?kari?
Prostorska percepcija in sluh
Spatioception and hearing
14.20-14.40 Gordana Varo?anec ?kari?
Vibrato profesionalnih mo?kih glasov
Vibrato in trained male voices
14.40-15.00 Ana Zwitter Vitez
Prozodi?ne strategije v spontanem govoru: analiza in
Prosodic strategies in spontaneous speech: analysis and
15.00-15.20 Branko Starc
Vokografija in njena uporaba v fonetiki
Vocographics and its application in phonetics
15.20-15.40 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
15.40-17.00 Jezikovne tehnologije II // Language Technologies II
15.40-16.00 Toma? Rotovnik, Mirjam Sepesy Mau?ec, Darinka
Problemi razpoznavanja spontanega govora ob primerih
iz govornega korpusa Turdis
Discussing spontaneous speech recognition problems
with examples from speech corpus Turdis-1
16.00-16.20 Simon Dobri?ek, Bo?tjan Vesnicer, France Miheli? in
Nikola Pave?i?
Biometri?ni sistem za razpoznavanje govorcev
A biometric system for speaker recognition
16.20-16.40 Ekaterina Panova
Principi sestavljanja zvo?ne komponente v zdru?evalni
sintezi govora za sorodne jezike
Principles of compiling sound components in
concatenative synthesis for closely related languages
16.40-17.00 Matej Rojc, Andrej ?gank, Toma? Rotovnik, Bojan Kotnik
Prevajalni sistem govora v govor BABILON za jezikovni
par sloven??ina-nem??ina
Speech-to-speech translation system BABILON for
Slovenian-German language pair
17.00-17.20 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
17.00-18.00 Jezikovne tehnologije III // Language Technologies III
17.00-17.20 France Miheli?, Ma?a Novak, Simona Lustek, Grega
Milhar?i?, Tadej Trebec
Statisti?na analiza formantnih frekvenc slovenskih
samoglasnikov s standardnimi programskimi orodji
Statistical analysis of formant frequencies for Slovene
vowels using standard software tools
17.20-17.40 Primo? Jakopin
Samoglasniki in soglasniki v korpusu Nova beseda
Vowels and Consonants in the Nova beseda corpus
17.40-18.00 Toma? Erjavec, Matija Ogrin
Foneti?ni znaki in elektronske izdaje
Phonetic characters in digital editions
Sobota, 22. april 2006 // Saturday, 22 April 2006
9.30-11.10 Kontrastivne raziskave // Contrastive studies
9.30-9.50 Charalampos Karypidis, Antonia Colazo - Simon,
Angelica V. Costagliola
Neenakomernost pri percepciji J2: dokazi iz artikulacijske
sinteze kontinuuma /i/~/e/
Asymmetry in vowel perception in L2: evidence from
articulatory synthesis of an /i/~/e/ continuum
9.50-10.10 Elenmari Pletikos, Jelena Vla?i?, Jordan Bi?ani?
Uresni?evanje leksikalnih naglasov v razli?nih
intonacijskih glavah v hrva??ini
The realization of lexical accents within different focuses
in Croatian
10.10-10.30 Rastislav ?u?tar?i?
Angle?ko-slovenska kontrastivna fonetika ter njene
aplikacije pri pou?evanju angle?ke fonetike
English-Slovene Contrastive Phonetics and its
Applications in Teaching English Phonetics
10.30-10.50 Damir Horga, Vesna Po?gaj - Had?i, Marko Liker
?asovne spremenljivke hrva??ine in sloven??ine in njihov
tujejezi?ni jezikovni stik
Temporal parameters of Croatian and Slovene in their
linguistic contact as foreign languages
10.50-11.10 Hotimir Tivadar, Matea Hotujac
Artikulacijsko-akusti?ni opis slovensko-hrva?kega
jezikovnega sistema
Articulatory and acoustic description of the Slovene-
Croatian language system
11.10-11.30 Odmor za kavo // Coffee Break
11.20-12.20 Fonetika in govorna rehabilitacija // Phonetics and
speech rehabilitation
11.20-11.40 Irena Ho?evar Bolte?ar, Miha ?argi
Spremembe v oblikovanju samoglasnikov pri gluhih
osebah po vsaditvi pol?evega vsadka
Changes in the articulation of the vowels in deaf subjects
after cochlear implantation
11.40-12.00 Martina Ozbi?
Razumljivost govora oseb z motnjo sluha: prispevek
tranzientov, formantov ter glasovnih, govornih in
izgovornih elementov
Intelligibility of talk of people with disturbance of
hearing: Contribution of the transients, formants, voice,
speech and articulation and articulation elements
12.00-12.20 Tanja Kocjan?i?, Stefan Werner
Akusti?na analiza diadokokineze v govoru oseb z
nevrolo?ko po?kodbo
Acoustic analysis of diadochokinesis in neurologically
impaired speech
12.20-14.00 Odmor za kosilo // Lunch Break
14.00-15.40 Fonetika sloven??ine II // Phonetics of Slovene II
14.00-14.20 Hotimir Tivadar
Sodobni knji?ni jezik med pisnostjo in govorjenostjo (na
primeru radia in televizije)
Contemporary standard Slovene between writing and
speech (on the radio and television)
14.20-14.40 Damjan Huber
Vpliv nekaterih sociolingvisti?nih dejavnikov na (slu?no)
zaznavanje samoglasnikov slovenskega standarda pri
dijakih pomurskih srednjih ?ol
Influence of some sociolinguistic factors to (speech)
perception of standard Slovene vowels in the case of
high shool students in Pomurje
14.40-15.00 Jana Zemljari? Miklav?i?, Marko Stabej
Zapisati nezapisljivo
How to write down what cannot be written down
15.00-15.20 Nina Novak
Prvine spontanega govora v zapisniku
Elements of spontaneous speech in the protocols
15.20-15.40 Zdravko Zupan?i?
Premislek - manjkajo?i ?len med »verbum mentis« in »vis
Reflection - A missing link between »Verbum Mentis«
and »Vis Sermonis«
15.40-16.00 Zaklju?ni pozdrav // Concluding remarks
Konferenca bo na In?titutu za slovenski jezik Frana Ramov?a ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4, Ljubljana.
The conference will be held at the Fran Ramov? Institute of the Slovenian Language, SRC SASA, Novi trg 4, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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