17.2263, Calls: History of Ling/USA; Translation/Canada
Mon Aug 7 17:35:57 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2263. Mon Aug 07 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2263, Calls: History of Ling/USA; Translation/Canada
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Dan Parker <dan at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 04-Aug-2006
From: David Boe < dboe at nmu.edu >
Subject: North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences
Date: 04-Aug-2006
From: Marco Fiola < mfiola at arts.ryerson.ca >
Subject: Translator Formation: Pedagogy, Evaluation and Technologies
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 13:32:44
From: David Boe < dboe at nmu.edu >
Subject: North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences
Full Title: North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences
Short Title: NAAHoLS
Date: 04-Jan-2007 - 07-Jan-2007
Location: Anaheim, California, USA
Contact Person: David Boe
Meeting Email: dboe at nmu.edu
Web Site: http://linguistlist.org/~naahols/meeting2002.html
Linguistic Field(s): History of Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2006
Meeting Description:
The 2007 NAAHoLS meeting will again be held in conjunction with the Linguistic
Society of America's annual meeting at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel in Anaheim,
California between 4-7 January, 2007.
As in the past, we invite papers relating to any aspect of the history of the
language sciences. All presenters must be members of the association; contact
the NAAHoLS Treasurer (txtayl at wm.edu) for details. Papers will be 20 minutes,
with 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts may be submitted as hard copies or
preferably as MS Word file attachments. The length of the abstract should not
exceed 500 words - a shorter abstract will also be requested for the meeting
handbook. The deadline for abstracts is 1 September 2006, and should be sent to
David Boe, Department of English, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
49855 (dboe at nmu.edu).
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 13:32:50
From: Marco Fiola < mfiola at arts.ryerson.ca >
Subject: Translator Formation: Pedagogy, Evaluation and Technologies
Full Title: Translator Formation: Pedagogy, Evaluation and Technologies
Short Title: CATS
Date: 26-May-2007 - 28-May-2007
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Contact Person: Marco Fiola
Meeting Email: mfiola at arts.ryerson.ca
Web Site: http://www.uottawa.ca/associations/act-cats/
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics; Translation
Call Deadline: 22-Sep-2006
Meeting Description:
The 20th Congress of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies
To be held at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
May 26 to May 28 Mai 2007
Translator Formation: Pedagogy, Evaluation, and Technologies
In 1981, Eugene Nida published his now famous paper, Translators are Born, Not
Made, and by doing so, initiated a controversy among translator educators.
Twenty-five years later, efforts by translation scholars to identify the
knowledge and skills required to translate tend to prove Nida wrong and
demonstrate that it is realistic to teach -and possible to learn- how to
translate. From conventional lectures to distance education, translator
education is the object of a large number of strongly defended didactic
positions and pedagogical approaches. However, one issue seems to rally all
schools of thought: how difficult it is to learn this artistic
science/scientific art/craft called translation. While the artistic and emotive
aspects of translation remain subjective, no effort is spared to ensure that the
scientific or cognitive aspects of translation competence becomes resolutely
objective to the point of making it possible to quantify and evaluate. The role
of quality assessment in translation is increasingly acknowledged (Europe is
working on the implementation of a standard for quality translation services)
but docimological aspects of translation have yet to attract the full attention
they deserve. Because translation learning must be assessed, one must define the
difficulties associated with translation quality assessment for pedagogical
purposes. Are currently used docimological methods designed to serve both
teachers and learners? Do they meet the needs of the curricula? Why is there
such a gap between academic requirements and workplace requirements with respect
to translation quality and translating competence? How can we explain the gap
between pragmatic formation and on-the-job initial training (such as that
provided in co-op programs)?
The place of technologies in teaching and practicing translation is increasingly
significant. Did the rise of language technologies transform the way we see
translator formation? Will these technologies be a part of translator formation
forever? The time taken to teach these technologies within the translation
curricula was once used to teach other aspects of translation, which were then
deemed essential. Is the inclusion of technology within translation curricula a
temporary measure, which may disappear once computer skills are expected from
future translators, just like language skills, about to begin their formation as
The merging of these three closely related themes: pedagogy, evaluation and
technologies, makes it possible to shed some new light on this quiet field of
research called translation teaching and learning. Here are some of the subjects
that would be interesting to study:
- The place of translation teaching in university;
- ''General'' translation pedagogy;
- ''Specialized'' translation pedagogy;
- ''Ancillary'' skill pedagogy (writing, editing, terminology, research);
- Mother tongue and foreign language translation pedagogy;
- Pedagogy of theoretical vs. practical content;
- Pedagogical approaches, such as (socio-)constructivism, functionalism, etc.
- Summative versus formative evaluation;
- Negative versus positive evaluation;
- Creativity assessment;
- Knowledge assessment: at the university, in the workplace, by professional
- Assessment of skills required to learn how to translate;
- Assessment, editing, criticism and censorship.
- Technology as pedagogical tool;
- Technology as an area of specialization;
- Computer-assisted translation and terminology;
- Wired and ''virtual'' translation classrooms;
- Distance teaching/learning;
- Spell checkers and other writing tools;
- Localization, Globalization, Internationalization.
Format of Proposals:
Anyone interested in presenting a paper related to this theme is invited to send
a proposal to Georges Bastin (georges.bastin at umontreal.ca), Département de
linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal, and to Marco A. Fiola
(fiola at sympatico.ca), Department of French and Spanish, Ryerson University, by
September 22, 2006.
In addition to the following information, you must provide a title for your
proposal, a summary of up to 300 words and a short abstract not exceeding 150
words. The Programme Committee reserves the right to refuse any proposal deemed
incomplete or unrelated to the theme.
Professional affiliation (University, Faculty and Department, if any):
Status (Full, Associate or Assistant Professor, M.A. or Ph.D. Student, etc.):
Mailing address:
E-mail address:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Diplomas (Level, Year and Granting Institution):
Bibliographical reference of three recent publications:
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2263
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