17.562, Calls: Computational Ling/Australia
Mon Feb 20 19:28:44 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-562. Mon Feb 20 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.562, Calls: Computational Ling/Australia
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 19-Feb-2006
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: COLING-ACL 2006 Workshop on Sentiment and Subjectivity in Text
Date: 19-Feb-2006
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: COLING-ACL Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:25:15
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: COLING-ACL 2006 Workshop on Sentiment and Subjectivity in Text
Full Title: Coling-ACL 2006 Workshop on Sentiment and Subjectivity in Text
Date: 22-Jul-2006 - 22-Jul-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Contact Person: Timothy Baldwin
Web Site: http://research.microsoft.com/~mgamon/ws3.aspx
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 07-Apr-2006
Call for Papers
Sentiment and Subjectivity in Text
Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational
Linguistics (COLING-ACL 2006)
Sydney, Australia
-Submission Deadline: April 7, 2006-
Sentiment and subjectivity in text constitute a problem that is
orthogonal to typical topic detection tasks in text
classification. Despite the lack of a precise definition of sentiment
or subjectivity, headway has been made in matching human judgments by
automatic means. Such systems can prove useful in a variety of
contexts. In many applications it is important to distinguish what an
author is talking about from his or her subjective stance towards the
topic. If the writing is highly subjective, as for example in an
editorial text or comment, the text should be treated differently than
if it were a mostly objective presentation of facts, as for example in
a newswire. Information extraction, summarization, and question
answering can benefit from an accurate separation of subjective
content from objective content. Furthermore, the particular sentiment
expressed by an author towards a topic is important for ''opinion
mining'', i.e. the extraction of prevalent opinions about topics or
items from a collection of texts. Similarly, in business intelligence
it is important to automatically extract positive and negative
perceptions about features of a product or service.
Over the past several years, there has been an increasing number of
publications focused on the detection and classification of sentiment
and subjectivity in text.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers to share
recent work in this area.
Workshop participants and contributors are expected to come from
various areas of research: Information Retrieval, Question Answering,
Text Categorization, Machine Learning, etc.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-relevance of sentiment and subjectivity detection for question
answering, information retrieval, and opinion mining
-detection of sentiment strength
-supervised, weakly supervised and unsupervised learning
techniques for sentiment and subjectivity detection
-automatic and semi-automatic discovery of subjectivity and
sentiment indicators
-feature analysis and feature selection for sentiment and
subjectivity detection: bag-of-words approaches and beyond
- topic independent subjectivity and sentiment
-identification of the target of subjective and sentiment
-attribution of opinion and sentiment
-sentiment/subjectivity corpora and annotation
-sentiment lexica
-discourse analysis and subjectivity/sentiment
-applications of sentiment and subjectivity analysis, such as
- text filtering
- tracking public opinion over time
- analysis of survey responses
- automated chat systems (chatbots) and
responsive characters in software games
- customer relation management
- summarization of reviews
Paper submission deadline: April 7, 2006
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2006
Camera ready copy: June 6, 2006
The language of the workshop is English.
All submissions will be reviewed anonymously. All accepted papers will
be presented in oral sessions of the workshop and collected in the
printed proceedings.
Michael Gamon (Microsoft Research)
Anthony Aue (Microsoft Research)
For questions, comments, etc. please send email to mgamon AT microsoft
Dot com.
Program Committee:
Shlomo Argamon (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Claire Cardie (Cornell University)
Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto)
Eduard Hovy (USC Information Sciences Institute)
Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania)
Jussi Karlgren (Swedish Institute of Computer Science)
Roy Lipski
Ana-Maria Popescu (University of Washington)
Dragomir Radev (University of Michigan)
Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam)
Marc Schrvder (DFKI)
Michael Strube (EML Research)
Pero Subasic (Yahoo Inc.)
Peter Turney (National Research Council Canada)
Vzlem Uzuner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Casey Whitelaw (University of Sydney)
Janyce Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:25:23
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: COLING-ACL Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing
Full Title: COLING-ACL Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing
Short Title: CSLP-06
Date: 22-Jul-2006 - 22-Jul-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Contact Person: Timothy Baldwin
Web Site: http://www.cslp06.org/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 21-Apr-2006
First Call for Papers
Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP-06)
22 July 2006
Sydney, Australia
DEADLINE for submissions:
April 21, 2006
The CSLP-06 workshop addresses the question of the role of constraints in the
representation and the implementation of language processing. The workshop topic
is intended to be interpreted inclusively: contributions
from linguistics, computer science, psycholinguistics, and related areas are
welcome, and an interdisciplinary perspective is of particular interest.
Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and psychology.
How they are used, however, varies widely according to the research domain:
knowledge representation, cognitive modelling, problem solving mechanisms, etc.
These different perspectives are complementary, each one adding a piece to the
puzzle. For example, linguistics proposes in-depth descriptions implementing
constraints in order to filter out structures by means of description languages,
constraint ranking, etc. The constraint programming paradigm, on the other hand,
shows that constraints have to be taken as a systematic whole and can thus play
a role in building the structures (or can even replace structures). Finally,
psycholinguistics experiment the role of constraint systems for cognitive
processes in comprehension and production as well as addressing how they can be
The purpose of this workshop is to address the question of constraints and
language processing, taking these different points of view into consideration.
The idea is to see whether a paradigm can be found, unifying the different
perspectives into a common framework capable of explaining how constraints play
a role in representing, processing and acquiring linguistic information, and
this from a formal, technical, and cognitive perspective.
In this workshop, we particularly encourage an interdisciplinary approach,
bringing together people from different domains and their intersections.
Submissions from linguistics, computer science, and psychology, as well as their
intersections (such as natural language processing and psycholinguistics) are
encouraged. Submissions will address the general topic ''Constraints and
Language Processing'' and may focus on sub-topics such as:
- Constraints in human language comprehension and production
- Acquisition of constraints
- Constraints and learning
- Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint
- New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories
- The relation of constraints to notions of markedness or defaults
- Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies to NLP
- Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or constraint
logic programming (CLP)
- Application of CS or CLP for NLP
- CS and CLP for other than (purely) textual or spoken languages (e.g.,
biological, multimodal human-computer interaction, visual)
- Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning
- Relaxation of linguistic constraint-solving problems
The CSLP-06 workshop is a part of COLING-ACL; it will be held in Sydney after
the main conference.
Submissions are expected to be full papers, following the COLING-ACL'06
guidelines. Maximum size is eight (8) pages, including references. Submission
must be submitted in electronic format; the only accepted format is PDF.
The papers must be submitted no later than April 21, 2006. Papers received after
that date will not be reviewed. For details of the submission procedure, please
consult the submission webpage reachable via the conference website.
Important dates
-Paper submission deadline: April 21
-Notification of review result: May 22
-Camera-ready papers due: June 6
Program Committe
- Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Philippe Blache (Provence University, France), Chair
- Henning Christiansen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
- Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
- Rina Dechter (University of California, USA)
- Mark Dras (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Denys Duchier (INRIA, France)
- John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
- Claire Gardent (University of Nancy, France)
- Ted Gibson (MIT, USA)
- Mary Harper (Purdue University, USA)
- Barbara Hemforth (Provence University, France)
- Erhard Hinrichs (University of T|bingen, Germany)
- Jerry Hobbs (University of Southern California, USA)
- Michael Johnston (ATT, USA)
- Tibor Kiss (Ruhr-Universitdt Bochum, Germany)
- Lars Konieczny (Freiburg university, Germany)
- Shalom Lappin (King's College, UK)
- Detmar Meurers (Ohio State University, USA)
- Joachim Niehren (INRIA, France)
- Gerald Penn (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Geoffrey Pullum (UCSC, USA)
- Ivan Sag (Stanford University, USA)
- Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
- Peter Skadhauge (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
- Gert Smolka (Saarland University, Germany)
- Jorgen Villadsen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
- Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (INRIA, France)
Workshop Organization
- Chair: Philippe Blache
Universiti de Provence
29, Avenue Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence
Email: pb at lpl.univ-aix.fr
Phone: +33-442-953-625
Fax: +33-442-953-744
- Organizing committee:
Henning Christiansen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Mark Dras (Macquarie University, Australia)
Jean-Philippe Prost (Macquarie University, Australia)
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-562
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