17.563, Calls: Computational Ling/Australia
Mon Feb 20 19:36:49 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-563. Mon Feb 20 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.563, Calls: Computational Ling/Australia
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 19-Feb-2006
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: International Natural Language Generation Conference
Date: 19-Feb-2006
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:33:06
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: International Natural Language Generation Conference
Full Title: International Natural Language Generation Conference
Short Title: INLG 2006
Date: 15-Jul-2006 - 16-Jul-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Contact Person: Timothy Baldwin
Web Site: http://www.ict.csiro.au/inlg2006/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 12-Apr-2006
International Natural Language Generation Conference
Sydney, Australia
15-16 July 2006
Call for Papers
The 4th International Natural Language Generation Conference
(the Biennial Meeting of the Special Interest Group in
Natural Language Generation - SIGGEN) will be held July
15 to 16, 2006 in Sydney, Australia.
INLG is the leading international conference on research
into natural language generation. It has been held at
Brockenhurst (UK) in 2004, in New York (USA) in 2002, and in
Mitzpe Ramon (Israel) in 2000. Before 2000, INLGs were
International Workshops, running every other year since 1980.
INLG provides a forum for the discussion, dissemination
and archiving of research topics and results in the field
of text generation.
INLG invites substantial, original, and unpublished
submissions on all topics related to natural language
Active topics of interest include:
- Discourse Models, Content Planning and Lexical and
Syntactic Realization;
- Architecture of generators;
- Psychological modelling of discourse production
and pragmatic influences on generation;
- Multilingual generation;
- Generation and summarization;
- Multimedia or Multimodal Generation;
- Applications of generation technology; and,
- Evaluation of generation results.
INLG will be held this year as a Coling/ACL workshop to take
advantage of having a large part of the Natural Language
Processing community in Sydney, and attract both NLG
specialists and researchers who may not think of themselves
as part of the NLG community (e.g., researchers in
summarisation and question/answering, or dialogue systems).
Submission Information
Requirements - A paper accepted for presentation at INLG'2006
must not have been presented at any other meeting with
publicly available proceedings. Submission to other
conferences should be clearly indicated on the paper.
Category of Papers - The conference will be organised as
a 2 day workshop, including sessions to present long
papers, short papers, a student session and a specific
session on sharing data and comparative evaluation.
Authors must designate one of these categories at submission time:
- Long papers are most appropriate for presenting
substantial research results and must not exceed
eight (8) pages, including references;
- Short papers are more appropriate for presenting an
ongoing research effort and must not exceed three (3) pages,
including references;
- Papers in the student session must not exceed eight
(8) pages, including references. The author MUST be a
student, and, when there are multiple authors, they MUST
all be students.
Special Session on Sharing Data and Comparative Evaluation:
A separate call for expressions of interest in the special
session will be distributed soon.
Important Dates
Submission of papers: April 19th, 2006
Notification of acceptance or rejection: May 22nd, 2006
Submission of camera-ready copy: June 6th, 2006
Workshop date: July 15-16th, 2006
Paper Submission - Submission will be electronic and
the only accepted format for submitted papers will be
Adobe PDF. Submissions should follow the two-column format
of ACL proceedings (see the guidelines provided on the
Coling/ACL 2006 conference website). Submissions should
be made via the START system, in the same way as the
submissions for Coling/ACL. Details will be available
on the Coling/ACL web site (http://www.acl2006.org).
Reviewing will be blind, so you should avoid identifying
the authors within the paper. Late submissions will not
be accepted.
Note that in extreme cases, an author unable to comply
with the above submission procedure should contact the
program chairs sufficiently before the submission deadline
so alternative arrangements can be made.
Contact: inlg2006 at csiro.au
Programme Committee
Regina Barzilay, Columbia University, USA
Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield, England
Joyce Y. Chai, Michigan State University, USA
Nathalie Colineau, CSIRO, Australia
Laurence Danlos, University of Paris 7, France
Noemie Elhadad, City College of New York, USA
Sabine Geldof, Namahn, Belgium
Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada
Kentaro Inui, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Elena Not, IRST, Italy
Ehud Reiter, University of Aberdeen, England
Norbert Reithinger, DFKI, Germany
Rolf Schwitter, Macquarie University, Australia
Donia Scott, Open University, England
Mariet Theune, University of Twente, Netherlands
Keith Vander Linden, Calvin College, USA
Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia
Student Session PC
Bernd Bohnet, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Matt Huenerfauth, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Eric Kow, Loria, France.
Tomasz Marciniak, EML Research gGmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.
Ani Nenkova, Columbia University, USA
David Reitter, University of Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Stephen Wan, University of Macquarie, Australia (student chair)
Organising Committee
- Nathalie Colineau, nathalie.colineau at csiro.au
- Cicile Paris, cecile.paris at csiro.au
- Stephen Wan, stephen.wan at csiro.au
- Robert Dale, robert.dale at mq.edu.au
Please send any requests for information to: inlg2006 at csiro.au
CSIRO - ICT Centre
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde,
NSW 1670, Australia
Fax: +61 2 9325 3200
Centre for Language Technology
Division of Information and Communication Sciences
Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109, Australia
Fax: +61 2 9850 9529
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 14:33:12
From: Timothy Baldwin < tim+colacl2006 at csse.unimelb.edu.au >
Subject: Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Full Title: Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Date: 22-Jul-2006 - 22-Jul-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Contact Person: Timothy Baldwin
Web Site: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~tim/events/frontiers2006/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2006
Call for Workshop Papers
Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora, 2006
A Merged Workshop with
7th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora
Frontiers in Corpus Annotation III
Coling/ACL 2006
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sydney, Australia
July 22, 2006
Large linguistically interpreted corpora play an increasingly
important role for machine learning, evaluation, psycholinguistics as
well as theoretical linguistics. Many research groups are engaged in
the creation of corpus resources annotated with morphological,
syntactic, semantic, discourse and other linguistic information for a
variety of languages. In the tradition of previous LINC
(http://www.delph-in.net/events/05/linc/) and Frontiers
(http://nlp.cs.nyu.edu/meyers/Frontiers_Workshop.html) workshops, we
aim to bring together these activities in order to identify and
disseminate best practice in the development and utilization of
linguistically interpreted corpora.
The goals of the workshop are two-fold: (1) to exchange and propagate
research results with respect to the annotation, conversion and
exploitation of corpora taking into account different applications and
theoretical investigations in the field of language technology and
research; and (2) work towards a consensus on issues crucial to the
advancement of the field of corpus annotation. In particular, we would
like to focus on questions like:
- How can a system developer take advantage of the multitude of
annotation efforts with completely different underlying assumptions,
annotation schemata, etc.?
- How might one merge different annotation of the same data into one
single unified representation?
- How can closely related schemes be applied across languages?
The workshop will include presentations of long (8 page) and short (4
page) papers, invited presentations by ''working groups'', as discussed
below, followed by an open discussion. All papers should use the same
formating guidelines as ACL (http://www.acl2006.mq.edu.au). It is
not necessary to make the corpus itself anonymous, just the authors.
Long papers on any aspect of linguistically interpreted corpora
- creation of practical annotation schemes
- efficient annotation techniques
- automation of corpus annotation
- tools supporting corpus conversions
- validation including consistency checking of corpora
- browsing corpora and searching for instances of linguistic
- phenomena
- interpretation of quantitative results
- automatic induction of linguistic competence through machine
learning techniques.
- application of the same linguistic schema to multiple languages
Short papers on these same topics. However, preliminary work and pilot
studies will also be considered.
There will be a few invited ''working group'' presentations. Each
working group will consist of a group of researchers with the
expressed purpose of laying out the dimensions of some crucial problem
facing the field of corpus annotation, particularly problems involving
merging annotation and extending annotation to new languages, genres
and modalities. The actual final inventory of working group topics
will appear on our website within the next month. Our preliminary
topics include:
- A roadmap of the compatibility of current annotation schemes with
each other. This will include a discussion of how they should be
expected to be compatible, e.g., for the past 50 years, a partial
alignment between surface and predicate/argument relations has
been assumed
- A discussion of low density languages and the problems associated
with them (resource limitation, segmentation issues, spelling
variation, etc.)
- A discussion how the concept of ''level of representation''
(semantic level, surface level, etc.) applies to annotation.
We will attempt to lay out clearly and precisely the assumptions on
such topics held by members of the annotation community and in doing
so, we hope to both: (1) lay the foundations for the meaningful
integration of annotation resources; and (2) assess the limitations of
integrated approaches.
We will also be giving an Innovative Student Annotation Award to one
student presenter -- please indicate if your paper is a student
paper. This includes waiving of the workshop fee for one student.
WORKSHOP WEBSITE: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~tim/events/frontiers2006/
TARGET AUDIENCE: Those interested in creating and using existing and
future annotated corpora. This includes annotators, lexicographers,
system developers and those designing NLP system evaluation tasks for
the NLP community.
Long paper submissions should not exceed 8
pages in length and short papers should not exceed 4 pages. Format
requirements will be the same as for full papers of ACL 2006. See
http://www.acl2006.mq.edu.au for style files.
For details of the submission procedure, please consult the submission
webpage reachable via the workshop website.
Please indicate:
1) long or short paper;
2) choose all applicable paper categories from the following list:
syntax, semantics, predicate-argument structure, morphology, anaphora,
3) indicate the language(s) your work applies to, e.g., those being
annotated as well and those you plan to annotate in the future.
LANGUAGE: All papers must be written and presented in English
Papers due: March 31, 2006
Acceptance/rejection notification: April 29, 2006
Final version due: May 20, 2006
Conference: July 22, 2006
Adam Meyers (New York University)
Shigeko Nariyama (University of Melbourne)
Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne)
Francis Bond (NTT)
Program Committee:
Lars Ahrenberg (Linkvpings Universitet)
Kathy Baker (U.S. Dept. of Defense)
Steven Bird (University of Melbourne)
Alex Chengyu Fang (City University Hong Kong)
David Farwell (Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State
Chuck Fillmore (International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley)
Anette Frank (DFKI)
John Fry (SRI International)
Eva Hajicova (Center for Computational Linguistics, Charles
University, Prague)
Erhard W. Hinrichs (University of Tuebingen)
Ed Hovy (International Sciences Institute)
Baden Hughes (University of Melbourne)
Emi Izumi (NICT)
Tsai Jia-Lin (Tung Nan Institute of Technology)
Avarind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Sergei Nirenburg (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo)
Boyan A. Onyshkevych (U.S. Dept. of Defense)
Kyonghee Paik (KLI)
Martha Palmer (University of Colorado)
Gerald Penn (University of Toronto)
Manfred Pinkal (DFKI)
Massimo Poessio (University of Essex)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University)
Owen Rambow (Columbia University)
Peter Rossen Skadhauge (Copenhagen Business School)
Beth Sundheim (SPAWAR Systems Center)
Janice Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh)
Nianwen Xue (University of Pennsylvania)
CONTACT INFORMATION: Please refer any questions to
frontiers-colacl2006 at unimelb.edu.au
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-563
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