17.2817, Confs: Applied Ling, Computational Ling/USA
Thu Sep 28 17:51:03 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2817. Thu Sep 28 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2817, Confs: Applied Ling, Computational Ling/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 28-Sep-2006
From: Philip McCarthy < pmccarthy at mail.psyc.memphis.edu >
Subject: Applied Natural Language Processing (special track)
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 13:49:16
From: Philip McCarthy < pmccarthy at mail.psyc.memphis.edu >
Subject: Applied Natural Language Processing (special track)
Applied Natural Language Processing (special track)
Date: 07-May-2007 - 09-May-2007
Location: Key West, Florida, USA
Contact: Philip McCarthy
Contact Email: pmccarthy at mail.psyc.memphis.edu
Meeting URL: http://homepage.mac.com/hempelma/flairs07.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The track of Applied Natural Language Processing is a forum for researchers working in natural language processing (NLP)/computational linguistics(CL), applied linguistics(AL) and related areas. The rapid pace of development of online materials, most of them in textual form or text combined with other media (visual, audio), has led to a revived interest for tools able to understand, organize and mine those materials. Innovative human-computer interfaces, for instance interactive agents, can benefit from language understanding and generation techniques with a large impact on user acceptance and satisfaction. Moreover, language can facilitate human-computer interaction for people with special needs leading to an ever increasing user base for computer systems.
While papers and contributions on traditional issues are welcome, the 2007 track will emphasize applications by the NLP/CL community, particularly in areas such as multilingual processing, learning environments, multimodal communication, bioNLP, spam filtering, humor processing, security, language teaching, textual assessment, language varieties, materials development, and educational applications etc. We also encourage papers in information retrieval, speech processing and machine learning that present actual applications that can benefit from or have an impact on NLP/CL.
The track of Applied Natural Language Processing is a forum for researchers working in natural language processing (NLP)/computational linguistics(CL), applied linguistics(AL) and related areas. The rapid pace of development of online materials, most of them in textual form or text combined with other media (visual, audio), has led to a revived interest for tools able to understand, organize and mine those materials. Innovative human-computer interfaces, for instance interactive agents, can benefit from language understanding and generation techniques with a large impact on user acceptance and satisfaction. Moreover, language can facilitate human-computer interaction for people with special needs leading to an ever increasing user base for computer systems.
While papers and contributions on traditional issues are welcome, the 2007 track will emphasize applications by the NLP/CL community, particularly in areas such as multilingual processing, learning environments, multimodal communication, bioNLP, spam filtering, humor processing, security, language teaching, textual assessment, language varieties, materials development, and educational applications etc. We also encourage papers in information retrieval, speech processing and machine learning that present actual applications that can benefit from or have an impact on NLP/CL.
We invite highly original papers that describe work in, but not limited to, the following areas:
1.NL-based Knowledge Representations and Systems
2.Applied Linguistics and First and Second Language Acquisition
3.English for Specific Purposes
4.Textual assessment indices
7.Coreference Resolution
8.Word Sense Disambiguation
9.Text Cohesion and Coherence
10.Dialogue Management and Systems
11.Language Generation
12.Language Models
13.Human Computer Interfaces - in particular, multimodal human-computer communication and language as the only acceptable human-computer communication channel for the handicapped and elderly
14.Machine Learning applied to NL problems
15.Multilingual Processing
16.Standardization, Language Resources, Corpora Building and Annotation Languages
17.NL in Learning Environments
18.Semantic Web, Ontologies, Reasoning
19.Applications: Machine Translation, Summarization, Intelligent Tutoring, Question Answering, Information Extraction, etc.
Submission Guidelines
Interested authors should format their papers according to AAAI formatting guidelines. The papers should not exceed 6 pages and are due by November 21, 2006. Please note the change from 5 to 6 pages from the first CFP. Additional pages (7 and more) have to be cleared by the program chairs and will be $100 each. For FLAIRS-20, the 2007 conference, the reviewing is not blind. Authors should indicate the special track if one exists that closely matches the topic of their paper. All submissions will be done electronically via the FLAIRS web submission system available through the paper submission site at http://www.easychair.org/FLAIRS20/.
Please, check the website http://www.flairs.com/ for information regarding submission.
Conference Proceedings
Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published by AAAI Press. Selected authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) to be published in 2007.
Organizing Committee
Philip McCarthy, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Christian Hempelman, Hakia Inc.
Program Committee
Cederick Bellissens, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Chutima Boonthum, Hampton University
Peter Clark, Boeing
Scott Crossley, Mississippi State University
Sidney D'Mello, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Nick Duran, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Anna Feldman, Montclair State University
Chris Gates, Hakia Inc.
Patrick Jeuniaux, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Charles Hall, University of Memphis
Christian Hempelmann, Hakia Inc.
Diana Inkpen, University of Toronto
Pamela Jordan, University of Pittsburgh
Christopher Kurby, Northern Illinois University
Max Louwerse, University of Memphis
Philip McCarthy, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Rada Mihalcea, University of North Texas
Paul Morarescu, University of Texas at Dallas
Roberto Navigli, University of Rome ''La Sapienza''
Sergei Nirenburg, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Andrew Olney, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Constantin Orasan, University of Wolverhampton
John Paolillo, Indiana University
Srinivasa Pillarisetti, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Graeme Ritchie, University of Aberdeen
Vasile Rus, University of Memphis
Roger Taylor, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Stacey Todaro, Northern Illinois University
Katrina E. Triezenberg, Purdue University
Zygmunt Vetulani, Adam Mickiewicz University
Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield
Further Information
Questions regarding the NLP Special Track should be addressed to the track co-chairs:
Philip McCarthy, email
Christian F. Hempelmann, email
Questions regarding paper submission should be addressed to the FLAIRS-2007 program co-chairs:
David Wilson, University of North Carolina Charlotte, email
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami, email
General questions concerning the conference should be addressed to the FLAIRS-2007 conference co-chairs:
Douglas D. Dankel II, University of Florida, email
Special Tracks Chair
Rainer Knauf, Ilmenau Technical University, Ilmenau, Germany
Invited Speakers
Victor Raskin, Purdue University
Conference Web Sites
Paper submission site: http://www.easychair.org/FLAIRS20/
NLP Special Track web page: http://home.autotutor.org/pmccarthy/index.htm
FLAIRS-2007 conference web page: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ddd/FLAIRS/flairs2007/call.html
Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS): http://www.flairs.com
FLAIRS 2007 home page
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