18.2313, Calls: Psycholing,Semantics,Syntax/Germany; Discipline of Ling/Canada
Fri Aug 3 16:09:24 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2313. Fri Aug 03 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2313, Calls: Psycholing,Semantics,Syntax/Germany; Discipline of Ling/Canada
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 02-Aug-2007
From: Manfred Sailer < manfred.sailer at phil.uni-goettingen.de >
Subject: Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective
Date: 02-Aug-2007
From: Karim Achab < kachab at uottawa.ca >
Subject: Les Français d'ici
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:01:40
From: Manfred Sailer [manfred.sailer at phil.uni-goettingen.de]
Subject: Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective
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Full Title: Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective
Date: 27-Feb-2008 - 29-Feb-2008
Location: Bamberg, Germany
Contact Person: Heike Walker
Meeting Email: hwalker at uni-goettingen.de
Web Site: http://www.gwdg.de/~hwalker/events/dgfs.html
Linguistic Field(s): Psycholinguistics; Semantics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2008
Meeting Description:
The workshop is part of the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Society
for Linguistics (DGfS) at the University of Bamberg, Germany
(27th-29th February, 2008)
Last Call for Papers
Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective
The workshop is part of the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Society
for Linguistics (DGfS) at the University of Bamberg, Germany
(27th-29th February, 2008)
Manfred Sailer (University of Goettingen)
Heike Walker (University of Goettingen)
Gert Webelhuth (University of Goettingen)
Goals and background:
Phenomena of Rightward Movement (e.g. Extraposition, Heavy-NP-Shift) still raise
a lot of questions and problems in linguistic theory. The literature provides
competing analyses in which the constituent that appears in non-canonical
position is (1) base-generated and interpreted in situ, or it undergoes a
movement process (2) in the syntactic component or (3) on the level of PF
(Göbbel 2007). These theories make different predictions whether movement to the
right is subject to syntactic, semantic and pragmatic restrictions at all (see
the discussion in Buering and Hartmann 1997) and differ, partly extremely, with
respect to the mechanisms they provide for the semantic interpretation of the
dislocated constituent. Another controversial discussion concerns the cause of
these movements: in addition to purely syntactic triggers, prosodic and
psycholinguistic (e.g. Hawkins 1994) arguments are proposed (Gesetz der
wachsenden Glieder, preferences in production and parsing, etc.). The goal of
the workshop is to collect linguistic and psycholinguistic studies from
different languages in order to cast light on the following questions.
We invite contributions which address the following questions:
Can all phenomena of rightward movement be described as a uniform
cross-linguistic type of construction that is subject to universal restrictions
and which contrasts systematically with the type of leftward movement? Does each
rightward movement process need a trigger and what are possible triggers? Why
does rightward movement often correlate with the complexity of the moved
constituent and are the criteria for complexity the same across languages? In
which grammatical component does movement take place? Can a prosodic or
psycholinguistic trigger induce movements in the syntactic component? What is
the status of the moved constituent with respect to the semantic integration and
the discourse? Does word order in the sentence influence the possibility and the
characteristics of rightward movement?
Selected references:
Büring, Daniel und Katharina Hartmann. 1997. ''Doing the Right Thing.''
The Linguistic Review 14, 1-42.
Göbbel, E. 2007. ''Extraposition as PF Movement.'' WECOL 2006.
Hawkins, J. A. 1994. A Performance Theory of Order and Constituency. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK.
The time slot for the presentations will be 30 minutes, including discussion
time. Note that contributors can present only one paper at the DGfS Annual
Meeting as a whole. Conference languages are English and German. Please submit
an anonymous abstract of max. 1 page (500 words), as a Word- or pdf- file, and
include the following information in the body of the email: author's name(s),
affiliation, email address, title of the abstract. Send your submission to
hwalker at uni-goettingen.de
by August 15, 2007.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by email on September 15, 2007.
Important dates:
deadline for submission: August 15, 2007
notification: September 15, 2007
preliminary program: December 15, 2007
DGfS conference: February 27-29, 2008
For further information please contact:
Manfred Sailer (manfred.sailer at phil.uni-goettingen.de)
Heike Walker (hwalker at uni-goettingen.de)
Gert Webelhuth (webelhuth at uni-goettingen.de)
and check the web site:
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:01:48
From: Karim Achab [kachab at uottawa.ca]
Subject: Les Français d'ici
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Full Title: Les Français d'ici
Date: 22-May-2008 - 25-May-2008
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact Person: Karim Achab
Meeting Email: LFDI2008 at uottawa.ca
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics
Subject Language(s): French (fra)
Language Family(ies): Romance
Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2007
Meeting Description:
Le colloque Les Français d'ici se tiendra à l'Université d'Ottawa du 22 au 25
mai 2008. Il permet aux chercheur(e)s s'intéressant aux variétés de français
canadien de partager le fruit de leurs recherches et de discuter des nouvelles
perspectives ainsi que des questions qui émergent de leurs travaux.
The upcoming Conference Les Français d'Ici will be held at the University of
Ottawa from May 22 to May 25 2008. This conference provides the opportunity to
researchers interested in the varieties of Canadian French to share the result
of their research and discuss new perspectives and questions that arise from
their works.
The English version of this call follows
Les Français d'ici
Appel aux communications
Date limite: 1er octobre 2007
Conférenciers invités:
Hélène Blondeau (U. of Florida), Gillian Sankoff (U. of Pennsylvania) et
Pierrette Thibault (U. de Montréal)
Phonologie et lexique
Jacques Durand (U. de Toulouse-Le Mirail), Marie-Hélène Côté (U. d'Ottawa) et
Claude Poirier (U. Laval)
Y. Roberge (U. de Toronto), S. Cummins (U. Laval) et M. Troberg (U. de Toronto)
Ruth King (York University) et Terry Nadasdi (U. of Alberta)
Perspectives pluridisciplinaires
Yves Frenette (U. d'Ottawa), Ronald Labelle (U. de Moncton), Christine Nougaret
(Centre Historique des Archives nationales) et François Paré (U. of Waterloo)
Appel aux communications
À l'occasion du Colloque Les Français d'ici qui se tiendra à l'Université
d'Ottawa du 22 au 25 mai 2008, nous invitons toute personne intéressée à
soumettre un résumé d'une page, plus la bibliographie, pour une présentation de
20 minutes, auxquelles s'ajouteront dix minutes de discussion.
Le Colloque Les Français d'ici permet aux chercheur(e)s s'intéressant aux
variétés de français canadien de partager le fruit de leurs recherches et de
discuter des nouvelles perspectives ainsi que des questions qui émergent de
leurs travaux. La langue du Colloque sera le français, néanmoins, les
propositions de communication en anglais seront prises en considération par le
comité de sélection.
Les communications doivent être des contributions à la recherche dans le domaine
linguistique (toutes disciplines confondues) portant sur le français du Canada
ou des diasporas américaines. Les communications peuvent adopter une perspective
synchronique ou diachronique.
Les résumés doivent nous parvenir par courriel au plus tard le 1er octobre 2007
à l'adresse suivante: LFDI2008 at uottawa.ca
(Ce colloque est organisé dans le cadre des activités savantes du projet GTRC
Modéliser le changement: les voies du français et en partenariat avec le Centre
de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française de l'Université d'Ottawa)
Les Français d'ici
Call for Papers
Deadline: October 1st 2007
Invited speakers:
Hélène Blondeau (U. of Florida), Gillian Sankoff (U. of Pennsylvania), and
Pierrette Thibault (U. de Montréal)
Phonology et lexicon
Jacques Durand (U. de Toulouse-Le Mirail), Marie-Hélène Côté (U. of Ottawa), and
Claude Poirier (U. Laval)
Y. Roberge (U. of Toronto), S. Cummins (U. Laval), and M. Troberg (U. of Toronto)
Ruth King (York University) andTerry Nadasdi (U. of Alberta)
Multidisciplinary perspectives
Yves Frenette (U. of Ottawa), Ronald Labelle (U. de Moncton), Christine Nougaret
(Centre Historique des Archives Nationales), and François Paré (U. of Waterloo)
Call for papers
The upcoming Conference Les Français d'Ici will be held at the University of
Ottawa from May 22 to May 25 2008. We invite all interested researchers to
submit a one page-abstract, plus a bibliography, for a 20-minute presentation,
followed by a 10-minute discussion.
Les Français d'ici is a Conference that provides the opportunity to researchers
interested in the varieties of Canadian French to share the result of their
research and discuss new perspectives and questions that arise from their works.
The conference will be conducted in French; however, abstracts submitted in
English will be considered by the selection committee.
Papers are supposed to original contributions to either theoretical or
sociolinguistic research on the varieties of Canadian French (or the varieties
of French spoken by the American Diaspora) from a synchronic or diachronic
Abstracts must be sent by e.mail to the following address: LFDI2008 at uottawa.ca
The deadline for abstract submission is: October 1st 2007
(The Conference Les Français d'Ici is part of the scholarly activities held by
the GTRC project: Modéliser le changement: les voies du français, in
collaboration with the Center for Research on French Canadian Culture.
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