18.2312, Calls: General Ling/Germany; Pragmatics/Spain
Fri Aug 3 16:00:12 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2312. Fri Aug 03 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2312, Calls: General Ling/Germany; Pragmatics/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 03-Aug-2007
From: Anke Holler < holler at cl.uni-heidelberg.de >
Subject: Non-native Entities and Structures
Date: 02-Aug-2007
From: Manuel Padilla Cruz < mpadillacruz at us.es >
Subject: Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:53:26
From: Anke Holler [holler at cl.uni-heidelberg.de]
Subject: Non-native Entities and Structures
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Full Title: Non-native Entities and Structures
Short Title: DGfS 2008 - AG 10
Date: 27-Feb-2008 - 29-Feb-2008
Location: Bamberg, Germany
Contact Person: Anke Holler
Meeting Email: holler at cl.uni-heidelberg.de
Web Site: http://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/~holler/main.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2008
Meeting Description
Workshop on strategies of integrating and isolating non-native entities and
structures (to be held as part of the 30th annual meeting of the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Bamberg, Germany, 27-29 February 2008)
2nd Call for Papers (English version)
(German version below)
Information on the Workshop
Loan words are one of the linguistics topics that are of great interest to
non-linguists. Comparable to the debate on the reform of the German orthography,
the discussion about loans is often neither focused on the subject nor is it
theoretically and empirically founded. However, the demand for legal protection
of the language - comparable to the laws in France and Poland - disagrees with
the fact that most loans used in present-day German are neither borrowed
directly from English or Latin nor from any other language. Actually, most
''loan words'' are home made lexical units, formed by means of productive German
word-formation processes. This example clearly shows that the integration of
non-native elements has progressed further than usually assumed by the average
However, in spite of the great interest in the subject, comprehensive research
on the integration of loans into recipient languages is still missing. Against
this background, the aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from
different philologies and disciplines with different theoretical and methodical
backgrounds. We hope to initiate a comprehensive exchange about non-native
entities and structures and are looking forward to a fruitful discussion not
limited to particular topics or languages.
The workshop addresses all linguists, irrespective of their field and language
of research, who are interested in the borrowing of linguistic entities and
structures and their integration or non-integration into a recipient language.
We invite contributions concerned with the subject of the workshop including but
not limited to topics such as the following:
- pronunciation and spelling of loans
- inflection of loan verbs, nouns and adjectives
- neoclassical word-formation
- integration of loan words into the lexicon
Apart of these traditionally better studied topics, the workshop also aims at
the discussion of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of loans, e.g.:
- the syntactical integration or isolation of loan phrases
- the argument structure of loan verbs
- loan meaning, the broadening, narrowing or shift of meaning due to loan processes
We also welcome contributions addressed to the strategies of single speakers or
whole speech communities regarding their handling of loans.
Call deadline: August 15, 2007
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts should be up to one page long (using 2.5cm margins on each side and
12pt font size). The head of the abstract should include the following
information: author's name(s), affiliation, email address, and title of
abstract. All abstracts should be submitted in English or German only. (Please
use the language you intend to give your talk in.)
Presentations should last 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for questions and
discussion). Depending on the number and quality of abstracts we receive, there
may be room for a few longer presentations (45 min. + 15 min. quest./disc.).
Make sure to indicate in your message whether you would be interested in
extending your presentation.
Your submission should be sent electronically in Word (RTF) and/or PDF format to
both organizers:
Carmen Scherer (cscherer at uni-mainz.de)
Anke Holler (holler at cl.uni-heidelberg.de).
Note that the workshop is part of the DGfS conference. All participants must
register for the conference. Note also that in accordance with the DGfS
guidelines speakers are only allowed to give one talk in one of the 13 workshops
at the DGfS main conference.
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: August 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2007
Provisional program: December 15, 2007
DGfS conference: February 27-29, 2008
2nd Call for Papers (Deutsche Fassung)
(English version above)
Arbeitsgruppe zu Strategien der Integration und Isolation nicht-nativer
Einheiten und Strukturen (im Rahmen der 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) in Bamberg, 27.-29. Februar 2008)
Informationen zur Arbeitsgruppe
Fremdwörter sind eines der sprachwissenschaftlichen Themen, die in der
Öffentlichkeit auf große Resonanz stoßen. Wie die Debatte um die
Rechtschreibreform verläuft die ''Fremdwort-Diskussion'' häufig nicht
sachorientiert und oftmals weder theoretisch noch empirisch fundiert. Die in
Deutschland immer wieder erhobene Forderung nach einem Gesetz zum Schutz der
Sprache - wie sie etwa in Frankreich und Polen bestehen - steht jedoch in
offenem Widerspruch zu der Tatsache, dass die meisten heutzutage im Deutschen
verwendeten ''Fremdwörter'' nicht etwa aus dem Englischen oder dem Lateinischen
entlehnt sind, sondern vielmehr im Deutschen mithilfe produktiver
Wortbildungsprozesse gebildet wurden. Dieses Beispiel zeigt, dass die
Integration nicht-nativer Elemente de facto oft deutlich weiter fortgeschritten
ist als von den Sprechern angenommen.
Trotz des großen Interesses an der Thematik fehlen bis heute weitgehend
Forschungsarbeiten, die sich übergreifend mit der Integration von Entlehnungen
in eine Zielsprache beschäftigen. Vor diesem Hintergrund soll es das Ziel dieser
AG sein, Forscher(innen) aus unterschiedlichen Philologien und Disziplinen mit
unterschiedlicher theoretischer und methodischer Ausrichtung zusammenzubringen,
um einen umfassenden Austausch zu ermöglichen und eine themen- und
sprachübergreifende Diskussion bezüglich nicht-nativer Einheiten und Strukturen
Die AG wendet sich an Sprachwissenschaftler(innen) aller Fachgebiete und
Disziplinen, die sich mit der Entlehnung sprachlicher Einheiten und Strukturen
und deren Integration bzw. Nicht-Integration in eine Zielsprache beschäftigen.
Wir bitten um Beiträge zum Thema des Workshops, die sich beispielsweise mit
einem der folgenden Probleme beschäftigen:
- Aussprache und Schreibung von Fremdwörtern
- Flexionsverhalten entlehnter Verben, Substantive und Adjektive
- neoklassische Wortbildung
- Integration von Fremdwörtern ins Lexikon
Neben diesen traditionell stärker erforschten Themengebieten sollen in der AG
aber auch syntaktische, semantische und pragmatische Aspekte von Entlehnungen
diskutiert werden, etwa:
- die syntaktische Integration oder Isolierung entlehnter Phrasen
- die Argumentstruktur und Kasusrektion entlehnter Verben
- Lehnbedeutungen, Bedeutungserweiterung, einengung und Bedeutungsverschiebung
als Folge der Entlehnung
Willkommen sind auch Beiträge, die die Strategien einzelner Sprecher oder ganzer
Sprachgemein-schaften beim Umgang mit Entlehnungen untersuchen.
Call deadline: 15. August 2007
Einreichung der Abstracts
Abstracts sollen nicht länger als eine Seite sein (Seitenränder jeweils 2,5 cm,
Schriftgröße 12 pt). Der Kopf des Abstracts sollte folgende Informationen
enthalten: Name des/der Vortragenden, Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse und Titel des
Abstracts. Abstracts können in Deutsch oder Englisch eingereicht werden. (Bitte
verwenden Sie die Sprache, in der Sie vortragen möchten.)
Die Vorträge zum AG-Thema sollen 20 Min. umfassen (+ 10 Min. Diskussion).
Abhängig von der Zahl und der Qualität der Abstracts, die wir erhalten, besteht
ggf. die Möglichkeit für längere Prä-sentationen (45+15 Min.). Bitte teilen Sie
uns mit, falls Sie Interesse an einem längeren Vortrag haben.
Bitte senden Sie Ihr Abstract im Word-Format (RTF) und/oder PDF-Format
elektronisch parallel an beide AG-Leiterinnen:
Carmen Scherer (cscherer at uni-mainz.de)
Anke Holler (holler at cl.uni-heidelberg.de).
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Arbeitsgruppe Bestandteil der DGfS-Jahrestagung (AG
10) ist. Alle Workshop-Teilnehmer müssen sich für die Tagung anmelden.
Bitte beachten Sie zusätzlich, dass Vortragende gemäß den DGfS-Richtlinien nur
in einer der 13 Arbeitsgruppen der Tagung vortragen dürfen.
Wichtige Termine
Deadline für die Einreichung von Abstracts: 15 August 2007
Benachrichtigung über die Annahme: 15 September 2007
Vorläufiges Programm: 15 Dezember 2007
DGfS-Jahrestagung: 27-29 Februar 2008
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:53:37
From: Manuel Padilla Cruz [mpadillacruz at us.es]
Subject: Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics
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Full Title: Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics
Short Title: EPICS III
Date: 20-Feb-2008 - 22-Feb-2008
Location: Sevilla, Spain
Contact Person: Manuel Padilla Cruz
Meeting Email: mpadillacruz at us.es
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics
Call Deadline: 30-Oct-2007
Meeting Description
Third International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics
(20-22 February 2008), organised by the research group 'Intercultural Pragmatic
Studies' of the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville (Spain).
The research group 'Intercultural Pragmatic Studies (English-Spanish): Pragmatic
and Discourse Aspects' of the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville (Spain) is
pleased to announce its Third Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social
Pragmatics (EPICS III - Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y
Social), to be held in February 20-22 2008.
The third edition of the symposium will be devoted to ''Intercultural Pragmatics
and Language Teaching''. Dr. Helen Spencer-Oatey, Director of the Centre for
English Language Teacher Education, Warwick University, U.K. and Dr. Victoria
Escandell-Vidal, Professor of Linguistics at the UNED, Spain, have confirmed
their presence as the symposium's keynote speakers.
The Symposium will serve as a forum where applied linguists and practitioners of
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis can meet, share experiences, discuss common
problems, and present papers on their latest research in the field. EPICS III
also wishes to create awareness among graduating students of the growing
interest in this area of linguistic expertise.
We welcome original papers, written in English or Spanish (20 minutes in length,
the last 5 minutes will be devoted to questions and discussion) on any topic
relevant to the mission of ''Intercultural Pragmatics and Language Teaching''.
The symposium is especially interested in papers that:
- explore the implications of pragmatics research for theoretical developments
and practical applications in the fields of second language acquisition and
intercultural communication,
- discuss language in use in the context of cross-cultural interaction,
- analyze pragmatics research findings from the perspective of bi- and
multilingual development,
- study the nature of interaction of bi- and multilinguals and language learners,
- investigate the effect of dual language and multilingual systems on the
development and use of pragmatics skills,
- examine the teachability and learnability of pragmatic skills in instructional
Participants should submit one-page abstract (500 words) accompanied by a
step-by-step outline of the presentation and the following information:
1. Author's name(s) and affiliation
2. Title of paper
3. Audio-visual equipment required (VHS video, OHP, cassette)
4. E-mail address(es)
5. Postal address(es)
Electronic submissions as e-mail attachments (RTF, ASCII, HTML) are highly
encouraged. Proposals may be sent to Reyes Gomez (rgommor at upo.es), Manuel
Padilla (mpadillacruz at us.es), or Mariola Hernández (mariolahl at upo.es).
Submissions by fax will not be accepted. Those without e-mail access can send 2
printed copies of your abstract, outline and accompanying information to:
Lucía Fernández Amaya
Dpto. Filología y Traducción (Área de Filología Inglesa)
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Autovía A-376, km. 1
41013 Sevilla
Deadline for receipt of abstracts is October 30, 2007. Notification of
acceptance will be sent by November 20, 2007. The committee will plan the
programme as soon as it has selected the successful abstracts, so please
indicate on the abstracts if you cannot present your paper on any day of the
conference (February 20-22). It is very difficult to reschedule papers after the
programme has been planned.
EPICS III participants are welcome to submit their papers to be considered for
publication. The final text of the presentation can be submitted (Word or RTF
format) after the symposium but no later than June 1, 2008. Style guidelines
will be included in a second call for papers.
Until January 20, 2008 From January 20, 2008 onwards
Students ................. 30 Students ...................... 30
Attendants ........... 60 Attendants ....................70
Speakers ............... 85 Speakers ...................... 95
The account to deposit the registration fee will also be included in the second
call for papers. Presentations will not be considered in the final program if
symposium fees have not been prepaid.
We hope you will circulate this Call for Papers to your colleagues and others in
your professional network, and to any discussion groups to which you may
subscribe. For more information, please contact Reyes Gómez rgommor at upo.es or
Manuel Padilla mpadillacruz at us.es. We hope to see you in February 2008, here in
Thank you for your interest
The Organising Committee
Dr. Reyes Gómez
Dr. Lucía Fernández
Ms. Alicia Hernández
Dr. Manuel Padilla
Ms. Mariola Hernández
Dedicated to
''Intercultural Pragmatics and Language Teaching''
Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain)
February 20-22, 2008
Application Form for Registration
Name .......................... Surname ........................
Place of work and post ......................................
Address ..............................................................
Postcode ...................
Country .....................
Town .........................
Phone ........................
Fax .............................
E-mail ........................
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2312
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