18.2090, Calls: General Ling/Germany; General Ling/Germany
Tue Jul 10 21:01:06 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2090. Tue Jul 10 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2090, Calls: General Ling/Germany; General Ling/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 10-Jul-2007
From: Serge Doitchinov Doitchinov < serge at uni-tuebingen.de >
Subject: Linguistic Evidence 2008
Date: 10-Jul-2007
From: Jörg Meibauer < meibauer at uni-mainz.de >
Subject: Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:58:05
From: Serge Doitchinov Doitchinov < serge at uni-tuebingen.de >
Subject: Linguistic Evidence 2008
Full Title: Linguistic Evidence 2008
Short Title: LingEvid2008
Date: 31-Jan-2008 - 02-Feb-2008
Location: Tübingen, Germany
Contact Person: Sam Featherston
Meeting Email: LingEvid2008 at uni-tuebingen.de
Web Site: http://www.sfb441.uni-tuebingen.de/LingEvid2008/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2007
Meeting Description:
Linguistic Evidence 2008: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives
Second Call for papers for the conference ''Linguistic Evidence 2008: Empirical,
Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives''
Hosted by the SFB 441 ''Linguistic Data Structures'' at the University of
Tuebingen (Germany)
31st January to 2nd February 2008
Aims and Scope:
The SFB 441 'Linguistic Data Structures' has been working since 1999 on the
implications for linguistics of the rapid increase in quantity and evidential
quality of data types. As part of the SFB 441's effort to further external
links, this conference aims to bring together researchers from all areas of
linguistics who are working on the closer integration of linguistic theory and
linguistic evidence. We are particularly interested in innovative perspectives
on the use and exploitation of data sources in investigating linguistic research
questions. We therefore invite unpublished contributions which relate to issues
of the empirical base of linguistic explanation and linguistic theory from all
fields of linguistics (including syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonology,
morphology, phonetics, psycholinguistics, acquisition, computational linguistics,
neurolinguistics, historical linguistics, typology.)
Papers might concern issues of data collection and analysis, the comparison
and contrast of multiple data types, studies of the evidential value of data
sources, their relevance for the evaluation and construction of linguistic
theory, and studies illustrating the explanatory insights to be gained.
There will be a special session on empirical methods in syntax and semantics.
For more details about aim and scope of the conference see also the
proceedings volume: Kepser, S. & M. Reis (2005), Linguistic Evidence:
Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter
Invited Speakers:
Greg Carlson (Rochester)
Lyn Frazier (Amherst)
Hubert Haider (Salzburg)
Rada Mihalcea (North Texas)
We invite abstracts for 25+10 minute talks and also for poster presentations.
Further submission instructions can be found on the conference website:
We intend to publish selected papers in a separate proceedings volume, as
at the preceding conferences.
Successful students' submissions may be subsidized.
Important Deadlines:
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 30th September 2007
Notification of acceptance: first week of November 2007
Conference: 31st January to 2nd February 2008
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the
conference organizers at LingEvid2008_at_uni-tuebingen.de
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:58:14
From: Jörg Meibauer < meibauer at uni-mainz.de >
Subject: Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics
Full Title: Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics
Short Title: EPS
Date: 27-Feb-2008 - 29-Feb-2008
Location: Bamberg, Germany
Contact Person: Jörg Meibauer
Meeting Email: meibauer at uni-mainz.de
Web Site: http://www.zitatundbedeutung.uni-mainz.de/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2007
Meeting Description:
Workshop on the experimental pragmatics and semantics (to be held as part of the
30th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS),
Bamberg, Germany, 27-29 February 2008)
Call for Papers
Jörg Meibauer (University of Mainz)
Markus Steinbach (University of Mainz)
In recent years, there is a lively debate on an old issue, namely the proper
distinction between semantics and pragmatics. The background is the classical
Gricean distinction between ''what is said'' on the one hand and ''what is
implicated'' on the other. But how the boundaries are to be drawn is disputed.
Neo-Griceans such as Horn, Levinson, and Atlas by and large defend the
conceptual value of Griceans Maxims or Principles, Relevance Theorists such as
Carston, Sperber, and Wilson argue against such principles altogether and refer
instead to global cognitive principles. However, there is some common belief
into the underdetermination of propositional structures and the need for their
enrichment, giving rise to notions such as explicature, impliciture, and
pragmatic intrusion. Others, like Cappelen, Lepore, and Borg, defend a
minimalist view on truth conditions, and attack contextualists like Récanati who
claims that there is a genuine distinction between c-content and i-content to be
>From a linguist's point of view, there has always been a regrettable lack of
empirical data in an otherwise sophisticated debate. Recently, a new strand of
research comes in under the name of experimental pragmatics. Experimental
pragmatics is the attempt to gain experimental data on pragmatic issues by using
psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic methods. For example, research has been
done on reference, felicity conditions, scalar implicatures, irony, and
metaphor. One promising aspect of this research is that competing theories on
the semantics/pragmatics distinction such as relevance theory vs. neo-Gricean
pragmatics may be directly tested. Another aspect is that experiments yield
fresh data that can shed a new light on old topics. Furthermore, developmental
aspects such as the acquisition of scalar implicatures, metaphors, or irony may
be pursued.
In this workshop, we bring together scholars interested in the
semantics/pragmatics distinction as well as scholars that are interested in
experimental research. The workshop will appeal to theoretical linguists,
psycholinguists, neurolinguists, and language philosophers. Particularly welcome
are contributions in semantic and pragmatic development as well as studies of
different languages including spoken and signed languages.
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts should be up to one page long (using 2.5cm margins on each side and
12pt font size). The head of the abstract should include the following
information: author's name(s), affiliation, email address, and title of
abstract. All abstracts should be submitted in English or German only. (Please
use the language you intend to give your talk in.)
Presentations should last 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for questions and
discussion). Depending on the number and quality of abstracts we receive, there
may be room for a few longer presentations (45 min. + 15 min. quest./disc.).
Make sure to indicate in your message whether you would be interested in
extending your presentation.
Your submission should be sent electronically in Word (RTF) and/or PDF format to:
Jörg Meibauer (meibauer at uni-mainz.de)
Note that the workshop is part of the DGfS conference. All participants must
register for the conference. Note also that in accordance with the DGfS
guidelines speakers are only allowed to give one talk in one of the 13 workshops
at the DGfS main conference.
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: September 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2007
Provisional program: December 15, 2007
DGfS conference: February 27-29, 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2090
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