18.1450, Jobs: English, Phonetics & Phonology: Lecturer, University of Salford
Mon May 14 14:52:29 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1450. Mon May 14 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1450, Jobs: English, Phonetics & Phonology: Lecturer, University of Salford
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Date: 14-May-2007
From: personnel personnel < personnel at salford.ac.uk >
Subject: English, Phonetics & Phonology: Lecturer, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 10:48:05
From: personnel personnel < personnel at salford.ac.uk >
Subject: English, Phonetics & Phonology: Lecturer, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK
University or Organization: University of Salford
Department: School of Languages
Web Address: http://www.languages.salford.ac.uk/
Job Rank: Lecturer
Specialty Areas: Phonetics; Phonology
Required Language(s): English (eng)
School of Languages
Lecturer in Linguistics (0.5fte)
Lecturer A (pending the outcome of job evaluation)
£25,889 - £29,138 per annum pro-rata
Fixed-term post - 12 months
In order to provice cover during the abscence of Professor Janet Watson,
who has secured a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for 2007-2008, the School
seeks a temporary part-time appointment in Linguistics. Candidates able to
contribute to introductory linguistics modules and deliver specialist UG
and PG modules especially in phonetics and phonology on the School's
various in-house and collaborative taught programmes are particularly
encouraged to apply. Preference will also be given to candidates who are
research active and who, during their time in the School can make a
contribution to the research culture of the Centre for Research in
linguistics (whose researchers contributed to a 5A submission in the 2001
RAE). The School and Centre (www.esri.salford.ac.uk) aim to provide a
stimulating environment in (theoretical, applied or descriptive)
linguistics translation and interpreting studies while fostering the
development of cross-disciplinary work.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Paul Rowlett, Head of School
(0161 295 4131; p.a.rowlett at salford.ac.uk) or Professor Diane Blakemore,
Head of Linguistics (0161 295 4948; d.blakemore at salford.ac.uk).
For further details and an application form visit the Personnel Division
web-site. Alternatively please call (24hrs) or email with the information
below, quoting reference LA/72. CV's will not be accepted without a
completed application form.
The University of Salford is committed to an inclusive approach to
promoting equality and diversity. We aim to have a more diverse workforce
at all levels of the institution and welcome applications from people from
minority ethnic backgrounds and people with disabilities.
Application Deadline: 01-Jun-2007
Email Address for Applications: personnel at salford.ac.uk
Web Address for Applications: https://www-personnel.salford.ac.uk/
Contact Information:
Personnel Personnel
Email: personnel at salford.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 161 295 2122
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1450
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