18.1451, Jobs: Dutch, Eng & Disc Analysis, Psycholing: Post Doc, Utrecht U
Mon May 14 15:02:32 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1451. Mon May 14 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1451, Jobs: Dutch, Eng & Disc Analysis, Psycholing: Post Doc, Utrecht U
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Date: 14-May-2007
From: Maaike Schoorlemmer < maaike.schoorlemmer at let.uu.nl >
Subject: Dutch, English & Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics: Post Doc, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 10:57:15
From: Maaike Schoorlemmer < maaike.schoorlemmer at let.uu.nl >
Subject: Dutch, English & Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics: Post Doc, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
University or Organization: Utrecht University
Department: UiL OTS
Web Address: http://www-uilots.let.uu.nl/
Job Rank: Post Doc
Specialty Areas: Discourse Analysis; Psycholinguistics
Required Language(s): Dutch (nld)
English (eng)
The Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS offers a postdoc position in the
programme "Causality and Subjectivity as Cognitive Principles of Discourse
The five-year research programme, awarded to Ted Sanders by The Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), studies human cognition by
investigating the mechanisms underlying discourse coherence. Starting from
the challenging idea of a direct link between linguistic categorization and
cognition, causal connectives are investigated. The project focuses on the
analysis, acquisition and processing of causal relations in discourse. The
hypothesis is that the cognitive principles of causality and subjectivity
play a crucial role; they explain for the organization of the lexicon of
connectives in different languages, as well as for the order in which
children acquire connectives and the way in which experienced language
users interpret causal relations.
The program has started in September 2006. The team consists of the program
leader, a Post Doc working on the cross-linguistic realization of
connectives and a PhD-student working on connective acquisition.
Post Doc position (position 68722; starting date September 1, 2007):
The Post Doc researcher will investigate the cognitive processes involved
in the processing of causal coherence relations: Why are these relatively
complex relations processed so easily, while still resulting in high
quality text representations? What is the role of text type and discourse
context? What is the precise contribution of the connectives?
Applicants for this project should hold a doctoral degree (completed by 1
September 2007), as well as demonstrated capacities as an independent
researcher, in the form of publications. The successful candidate has a
background in psycholinguistics or discourse studies, with expertise in
the on-line study of reading processes, preferably eye-tracking techniques.
Good knowledge of Dutch is an advantage, and excellent mastering of English
is preferable.
Work conditions:
We offer a 2.5 to 3-year Post Doc position, preferably 0.8-1.0 fte. Salary
depends on qualifications and experience, and amounts to minimally EUR
3.060,- and maximally EUR 4.190,- (level 11 Collective Employment Agreement
of the Dutch Universities) gross per month, for 1.0 fte.
This position offer good secondary work conditions. You will be able to
work in a research environment with an inspiring and innovative research
culture with a broad range of international contacts and opportunities. You
will be able to take courses from experts from The Netherlands and abroad,
and benefit from very generous conditions on conference visits. The
Institute offers up-to-date computer and lab facilities.
For further information, contact Dr. Ninke Stukker, Post Doc Researcher; or
Prof. Dr. Ted Sanders, e-mail Ted.Sanders at let.uu.nl. Also consult our
institute's website.
Applications (by mail and email) should be marked with the vacancy number
and include a curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of two referees.
Please send two publications plus PhD dissertation.
We prefer applications by email. Email applications should be sent in pdf
or doc format and should specify your name and vacancy number in the
message as well as in the subject header. Also, include a list of
attachments in the message, and specify your name in every attachment.
Interviews in the week of August 20.
Application Deadline: 04-Jun-2007
Email Address for Applications: PenO at let.uu.nl
Web Address for Applications: http://www-uilots.let.uu.nl/
Contact Information:
Dr. Ninke Stukker
Email: ninke.stukker at let.uu.nl
Phone: +31 30 253 6228
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1451
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