18.2690, FYI: New Ph.D. in English Language and Literature
Fri Sep 14 19:38:52 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2690. Fri Sep 14 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2690, FYI: New Ph.D. in English Language and Literature
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Date: 13-Sep-2007
From: Isabel Martin < mmartin at ateneo.edu >
Subject: New Ph.D. in English Language and Literature
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 15:37:14
From: Isabel Martin [mmartin at ateneo.edu]
Subject: New Ph.D. in English Language and Literature
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The Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Schools is pleased to announced the
(Ph.D. in ELL) Program of the Department of English
Envisioning itself as "(standing) at the forefront of English language and
literature studies in the Philippines and in Asia" (DOE Vision Statement)
the Department of English takes a major step in addressing English language
and literature issues at the Ph.D. level. The program aims to continue and
enhance the research that is being done at both the M.A. Major in English
Language and Literature Teaching (MA ELLT) and the M.A. major in Literary
and Cultural Studies (MA LCS). Thus it also seeks to contribute more
substantially to the body of knowledge that impact on the understanding of
English language/linguistic and literary/cultural issues especially in
Asian socio-cultural contexts and to enrich the culture of teaching in
English that is part of the Ateneo de Manila University tradition.
1.1 To advance the understanding of the role of English language and
literature in society, with particular attention to its implications for
multilingual and multi-cultural settings.
1.2 To engage in a critical review of issues, options, and developments
informing the study and teaching of language and literature.
1.3 To contribute to the development of ideas and scholarship in English
language and literary studies in the Philippines and in other parts of Asia
in view of comparative cultural contexts.
The Ph.D. in English Language and Literature is a program that brings
together teachers and scholars working on important overlapping areas of
inquiry on pedagogical and interpretive approaches to language and literary
studies foregrounding the conditions of possibilities for their production
and reception. In teaching and language practices, the emphasis is on
critical literacy and citizenship; in scholarship, the emphasis is on
interpretative approaches. The research topics reflect the individual
and/or professional interests of students and are informed by extensive
familiarity with theory, review of scholarship, and critical reflection on
research data and texts. Focus is on the literary/cultural and
language/linguistic frames in which specific scholarly and pedagogical
practices become intelligible as acts with larger socio-political and
intellectual implications especially for Philippine or other Asian contexts.
The program's mode of delivery is a combination of course work and research
supervision (largely tutorial and research-based).
3. PLAN OF STUDY. Ph.D. in ELL students may complete the degree in three to
five years. The academic calendar of the Loyola Schools observes the
following schedule: First semester: June to October; Second semester:
November to March.
4. ADMISSION. The Ateneo English Department shall admit applicants into the
Ph.D. in ELL Program every two years beginning June 2007.
4.1. Applicants must successfully complete the requirements for admission
to the Ateneo de Manila's graduate school (http://www.ateneo.edu). They
must also submit a well-thought out, well-written statement of purpose
which will include why they are taking this particular course in the
university, what they will use the degree for, what particular gaps in
knowledge they would need guidance early on, and what research interests
they might want to pursue.
4.2. Prerequisites: The program is open to applicants who possess a
master's degree, preferably in language, literature, and related fields.
Students must have had the experience of writing an M.A. thesis. A bridging
program will be made available to students with a non-thesis M.A.
5.1. An applicant's professional experience may be assessed in view of
possible accreditation as may be equivalent to one course requirement or
5.2. An applicant's courses undertaken at another institution may be
credited for the PhD in ELL if they have been completed within the three
years prior to the date at which the student is enrolled at Ateneo and if
the applicant's grades for the courses are at least B+ or its equivalent.
5.3. The total credits granted should not be more than the equivalent of
six units in the Ph.D. in ELL program.
For more information, please visit the following website:
Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2690
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