19.741, Diss: Disc Analysis: Purwanto: 'A Critical Discourse Analysis if th...'

Thu Mar 6 17:32:05 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-741. Thu Mar 06 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.741, Diss: Disc Analysis: Purwanto: 'A Critical Discourse Analysis if th...'

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Date: 06-Mar-2008
From: Sugeng Purwanto < sgngpurwanto at yahoo.com >
Subject: A Critical Discourse Analysis if the Author's Rhetorical Strategies to Reveal the Struggle of Ideology in Richard Mann's Plots and Schemes that Brought down Soeharto


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:30:01
From: Sugeng Purwanto [sgngpurwanto at yahoo.com]
Subject: A Critical Discourse Analysis if the Author's Rhetorical Strategies to Reveal the Struggle of Ideology in Richard Mann's Plots and Schemes that Brought down Soeharto
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Institution: Universitas Negri Semarang 
Program: English Language Education 
Dissertation Status: Completed 
Degree Date: 2007 

Author: Sugeng Purwanto

Dissertation Title: A Critical Discourse Analysis if the Author's Rhetorical
Strategies to Reveal the Struggle of Ideology in Richard
Mann's Plots and Schemes that Brought down Soeharto 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Dissertation Director(s):
Abbas Achmad Badib
Helena I Ratna Agustien
Mursid Saleh

Dissertation Abstract:

The study is aimed at investigating Richard Mann's rhetorical strategies
employed in writing a textbook entitled Plots and Schemes that Brought down
Soeharto (PSBDS) focusing on four issues: (1) the rhetorical strategies, (2) how
they are employed (3) the generic structure of PSBDS that contributes to the
rhetorical perspectives and (4) the answers to Mann's rhetorical questions which
contribute to discourse commodification, on which to formulate pedagogical
In the study, which is qualitative and interpretative in nature, a Critical
Discourse Analysis (CDA) was employed in both the micro-, super- and
macrostructure analyses. The microstructure analysis focuses on rhetorical
strategies used by the author with respect to readers' positioning (appraisal
systems) and  the macrostructure analysis focuses on locating hegemonic
ideology, either hegemonic reform (antagonist) or hegemonic maintenance
(protagonist). He constitutionally resigned from presidency and handed down the
power to Vice President B.J. Habibie.

The study indicates that critical reading ability is the key to understanding a
textbook in which a reader should be able to employ a reading strategy termed as
'text-framing' for the macrostructure of  a textbook. Meanwhile 'genre analysis'
is suitable for the superstructure. Finally, for the microstructure of a
textbook, he/she should have a considerable degree of lexico-grammar,
particularly language appraisal in order to know how he/she is aligned or
positioned by a particular author of a particular textbook. In addition, the
background knowledge or advance organizer is of primary importance to facilitate
a comprehension process.

Practically, such a reading ability can only be acquired through a
carefully-designed critical reading program embodied in language pedagogy
together with the teaching of the other three language skills: listening,
speaking and writing. A critical reading class includes (1) guided reading, (2)
independent reading, (3) guided discussion, (4) independent discussion and (5)
report writing, which should be designed within the students' intellectual
capacity and  literacy level. This requires an English teacher of high
competence in English language pedagogy and literacy which include (1)
considerable knowledge of functional grammar (APPRAISAL theory), (2) critical
questioning, and (3) maintaining the reading interests.

Theoretically, although CDA does not have a fixed method of analysis, it proves
effective in the analysis of a textbook of a particular discourse. Therefore the
study is replicable and hopefully it can be useful for evaluating and analyzing
other textbooks of different discourses.

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-741	


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