20.2164, Confs: Hungarian, General Linguistics/Hungary

Sun Jun 14 22:39:49 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2164. Sun Jun 14 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.2164, Confs: Hungarian, General Linguistics/Hungary

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Elyssa Winzeler <elyssa at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 12-Jun-2009
From: György Rákosi < rakosigy at hotmail.com >
Subject: International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 18:37:48
From: György Rákosi [rakosigy at hotmail.com]
Subject: International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian

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International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 
Short Title: ICSH9 

Date: 30-Aug-2009 - 01-Sep-2009 
Location: Debrecen, Hungary 
Contact: György Rákosi 
Contact Email: icsh9 at hotmail.com 
Meeting URL: http://icsh9.unideb.hu/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Subject Language(s): Hungarian (hun)

Meeting Description: 

The International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian is a meeting
organized biannually for linguists working on or having an interest in any
linguistically relevant aspect of the Hungarian language. 

The 9th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian will be held in 
Debrecen from 30th August to 1st September, 2009. 

Registration is now open at http://icsh9.unideb.hu 
Please note that early registration will close on 31 July, 2009.

Further information about ICSH9 is availabe at our website at 

ICSH9 Program

Sunday, 30 August 2009

10:00 Registration 

10:30-10:40 Opening 

10:40-11:20 Péter Rácz and Márton Sóskuthy 
The Effects of Frequency and Morphological Complexity on Aphasic Speech 

11:20-12:00 Márta Peredy 
A Stochastic Optimality Theoretic Account for the Variation in Hungarian Object 

14:00-14:50 Invited talk - Anikó Csirmaz
Scales, Verbs and Verbal Prefixes 

14:50-15:30 David I. Beaver and Edgar Onea 
Hungarian Focus is not Exhausted 

15:30-16:10 Balázs Surányi  
A Modular Account of Hungarian Focus Movement 

16:30-17:10 Ágnes Bende-Farkas and Hans Kamp 
Focus, Negation and N-words in Hungarian 

17:10-17:50 Csaba Olsvay 
Focus and Negation in Hungarian: Some Problems and the Idea of VP-Movement 

Monday, 31 August 2009

9:20-10:10 Invited talk - Valéria Csépe and Ferenc Honbolygó 
Template or Saliency? Processing of Suprasegmental Cues by the Human Brain 

10:10-10:50 Shinichiro Ishihara and Barbara Ürögdi 
The Syntax-Prosody Interface and Sentential Complementation in Hungarian 

11:10-11:50 Sylvia Blaho and Dániel Szeredi 
(The Non-Existence of) Secondary Stress in Hungarian 

11:50-12:30 Stephen Grimes 
Syllable Structure and Phoneme Distribution in Hungarian 

14:00-14:50 Invited talk - Christopher Piñón 
Result States in Hungarian 

14:50-15:30 Ágnes Bende-Farkas 
Control Resultatives in Hungarian 

15:30-16:10 György Rákosi 
Reflexivity Marking in Hungarian PPs 

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

9:00-9:50 Invited talk - Kriszta Szendr?i 
Focus Movement is Wh-Movement?
9:50-10:30 Judit Gervain
The Input to Language Acquisition: The Analysis of the Statistical Properties 
of Infant-Directed Speech in Hungarian and Italian 

10:30-11:10 Bence Kas and Ágnes Lukács 
Focus Interpretation in Typical and Atypical Acquisition of Hungarian 

11:20-12:10 Poster session 
Tibor Laczkó 
Arguments for the Argument Structure of Relational Nouns 

Mária Gósy and Robert Vago 
A Case of Grounded Compensatory Lengthening in Hungarian 

Beáta Gyuris and Cecília Molnár 
The Interpretation of Hungarian focus in Bidirectional Optimality Theory 

Ildikó Tóth 
The Licensing and Interpretation of Non-Referential Subjects in Hungarian 

Casper de Groot 
Oriented Adjuncts in Hungarian: Typology and Problems for Linguistic Theory 

László Hunyadi and Anett Ragó  
Experimental Evidence for Inherent Grouping in Preschool Children 

Ildikó Hoffmann, Dezs? Németh, Laura Szél, Tamás Irinyi, Magdolna Pákáski and 
János Kálmán 
Verbal Working Memory and the Role of the Phonological Loop in Alzheimer's 

13:40-14:20 Mária Gósy and Catherine Ringen 
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About VOT in Hungarian 

14:20-15:00 Péter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy 
Dialectal Variation in Paradigm Structure in Hungarian 

15:00-15:40 Jutta Hartmann and Veronika Heged?s 
Equation is Predication: Evidence from Hungarian 

16:00-16:40 Andrea Márkus 
What Passes for a Passive? An Investigation of Passive Participles in Hungarian
16:40-17:20 Gergely Peth? and Éva Lányi  
On Indirect Causativisation in Hungarian and the Indispensability of an Active 

17:20-18:00 Huba Bartos 
Hungarian External Causatives: Monoclausal but Bi-Eventive 


Tibor Laczkó 
Arguments for the Argument Structure of Relational Nouns 

Mária Gósy and Robert Vago 
A Case of Grounded Compensatory Lengthening in Hungarian 

Katalin É. Kiss 
A Type of Optative Construction 

Gábor Alberti 
Genericity in Hungarian 

Beáta Gyuris and Cecília Molnár
The interpretation of Hungarian focus in Bidirectional Optimality Theory

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2164	


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