20.760, Jobs: Psycholing; Neuroling: Junior Professor, University of Osnabrueck

Mon Mar 9 18:57:00 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-760. Mon Mar 09 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.760, Jobs: Psycholing; Neuroling: Junior Professor, University of Osnabrueck

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 09-Mar-2009
From: Peter Koenig < beibisch at uni-osnabrueck.de >
Subject: Psycholinguistics; Neurolinguistics: Junior Professor, University of Osnabrueck, Germany

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 14:55:32
From: Peter Koenig [beibisch at uni-osnabrueck.de]
Subject: Psycholinguistics; Neurolinguistics: Junior Professor, University of Osnabrueck, Germany

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University or Organization: University of Osnabrueck, Germany 
Department: Institute of Cognitive Science
Job Location: Osnabrueck, Germany 
Web Address: http://cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de

Job Rank: Junior Professor  

Specialty Areas: Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics 


The interdisciplinary Institute of Cognitive Science of the University of
Osnabrück offers a junior professorship to be filled as soon as possible.
The contract will be initially for three years with the possibility of an
extension for a further period of three years, provided the intermediate
evaluation has been passed successfully.

(Salary level W1)
The successful applicant will represent the discipline of Neurolinguistics
or Psycholinguistics within Cognitive Science with regard to both teaching
and research in his or her own responsibility and will act independently
also with regard to the acquisition of external research funds. The
position involves research in the areas of Neuro-/Psycholinguistics.
Candidates are expected to interdisciplinarily collaborate with several of
the other research groups at the Institute of Cognitive Science (Artificial
Intelligence, Cognitive Psychology, Computational Linguistics,
Neurobiopsychology, Neurocybernetics, Neuroinformatics, and Philosophy of
Cognition). Furthermore, the position involves teaching with a focus on
neuro-/psycholinguistic approaches in the international B.Sc., M.Sc., and
Ph.D. programs of Cognitive Science.

Requirements are a doctorate in Neuro-/Psycholinguistics or closely related
subject area; excellent research qualifications documented by an
outstanding dissertation and publications in international reviewed
journals; interest and documented experience in interdisciplinary work;
thorough familiarity with linguistic theory, brain research, and
experimental methods. Very good knowledge of English as well as very good
teaching qualifications are required. Applicants should have completed
their doctorate within the past five years.

Contact and further information: Prof. Dr. Peter Bosch (see contact
information below)

Classes taught by the successful applicant are offered to foreign and
German students of the international B.Sc.., M.Sc., and Ph.D. programs
"Cognitive Science". All classes are taught in English. Further information
on the Cognitive Science programs and the Institute of Cognitive Science
can be found at our website.

Osnabrück University is an equal opportunity employer. Women are therefore
particularly encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants with equivalent
qualification will be treated preferentially. 

Candidates are invited to send their applications with the usual
documentation (including CV, lists of publications and taught courses,
names and addresses of three referees, and a sketch of a research program)
no later than 24.04.2009 to the Director of the Institute of Cognitive
Science at the address provided below.

Application Deadline: 24-Apr-2009 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Director Prof. Dr. Peter Koenig 
	University of Osnabrueck 
	Institute of Cognitive Science 
	Albrechtstrasse 28 
	Osnabrueck 49076 
Contact Information:
	Professor Peter Bosch 
	Email: pbosch at uni-osnabrueck.de 

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-760	


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