21.1968, Calls: Cog Sci, Comp Ling, Semantics: United States
Sat Apr 24 17:38:13 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-1968. Sat Apr 24 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.1968, Calls: Cog Sci, Comp Ling, Semantics: United States
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Di Wdzenczny <di at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 24-Apr-2010
From: Robert Ross < robert.j.ross at gmail.com >
Subject: Computational Spatial Language Interpretation Workshop
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 13:35:20
From: Robert Ross [robert.j.ross at gmail.com]
Subject: Computational Spatial Language Interpretation Workshop
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Full Title: Computational Spatial Language Interpretation Workshop
Short Title: CoSLI
Date: 15-Aug-2010 - 15-Aug-2010
Location: Mt. Hood / Portland, Oregon, USA
Contact Person: Robert Ross
Meeting Email: robert.j.ross at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.cosli.org
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; Semantics
Call Deadline: 01-May-2010
Meeting Description:
Workshop on Computational Spatial Language Interpretation (CoSLI)
In conjunction with Spatial Cognition 2010
Mt Hood / Portland Oregon, Aug 15 2010
The CoSLI workshop provides a venue for discussion and advancement of
spatial language meaning and understanding. The workshop aims to draw
together the often orthogonal views on formal symbolic and embodied
spatial language interpretation in order to foster theories which adequately
draw on both geometric and functional spatial language meaning.
Competence in spatial language requires that we assign appropriate
meaning to spatial terms such as projective, perspective, topological,
distance, and path descriptive markers. However, it is not the case that a
given linguistic unit such as a spatial preposition has a meaning that can be
described in terms of a single qualitative or quantitative model. The same
preposition can have multiple meanings, and such variance must be
handled through either underspecified models that can be stretched to
particular situations, or models which incorporate multiple disparate
meanings that are assigned to terms as a situation invites, or models that
take into account vague interpretations in situated contexts. In spite of some
formal proposals in this area, such heterogeneous meaning accounts are
rarely seen in practical computational systems. Moreover, while early
models of spatial term interpretation focused on the geometric interpretation
of spatial language, it is now widely recognized that spatial term meaning is
also dependent on functional and pragmatic features. Competent models of
spatial language must thus draw on complex models of situated meaning,
and while some early proposals exist, it is not at all clear how geometric,
functional and pragmatic features should be integrated in computational
models of spatial language interpretation.
The aim of this workshop is to draw together the often orthogonal views on
formal semantic and embodied spatial language interpretation in order to
foster theories which adequately draw on both geometric and functional
spatial language meaning. On one hand, formal semantic approaches have
attempted to assign meaning to spatial terms through well defined theories
that provide a natural symbolic backbone to connect spatial meaning with
heterogeneous sources of knowledge and reasoning. These symbolic
models, however, often simplify and generalize spatial term meanings and
ignore their various situated interpretations. On the other hand, embodied
quantitative interpretation models assign meaning to spatial terms through
spatial templates which relate the symbolic level to sub-symbolic knowledge
such as sensory-motor information and spatial representations more suited
to real situated systems. These quantitative models, however, often define
templates in a rigid way that allows only few generalizations. By drawing
together these formal semantic and embodied models of spatial meaning we
wish to move the research community towards models of spatial meaning
which couple embodied geometric and functional features in order to
improve and support situated natural language interpretation systems.
Final Call for Papers
Workshop on Computational Spatial
Language Interpretation (CoSLI)
We particularly welcome contributions that address the following:
-Computational models of spatial language that incorporate both geometric
and functional or pragmatic context either in terms of implemented systems,
computational models, empirical findings, or position papers that make clear
a novel approach to this problem
More generally we also invite papers that address topics including:
-Formal semantic theories of spatial language and its use
-Computational models of spatial language interpretation based on
formal symbolic and qualitative theories.
-Computational models of spatial language interpretation based on
embodied or quantitative models
-Connectionist theories of spatial language meaning
-Dynamic systems models of spatial term meaning
-Empirically motivated models of spatial term meaning
-Implemented robotics and situated systems which incorporate models of
spatial language interpretation
-Computational models of spatial language interpretation based on spatial
calculi or spatial ontologies
-Uncertain or vague theories and applications for spatial language
interpretation systems
All papers should be submitted in English as PDF documents. We welcome
papers of length 6-8 pages formatted in accordance with the Springer
LNCS style (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Proceedings for the workshop will be published through CEUR-WS.org
archive. Depending on the quality of submissions, we are also planning
on publishing a full post-proceedings with extended papers.
Submissions can be made shortly via the EasyChair website. Submission
information is available from the workshop website at :
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline:1 May
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection:15 June
Updated Paper Due:15 July
Workshop:15 August
-Robert Ross, Artificial Intelligence Group, Dublin Institute of Technology,
-Joana Hois, SFB/TR8 Spatial Cognition, University of Bremen, Germany
-John Kelleher, Artificial Intelligence Group, Dublin Institute of Technology,
Program Committee:
-John Bateman, University of Bremen, Germany
-Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds, UK
-Kenny Coventry, Northumbria University, UK
-Max J. Egenhofer, University of Maine, USA
-Carola Eschenbach, University of Hamburg, Germany
-Ben Kuipers, University of Michigan, USA
-Reinhard Moratz, University of Maine, USA
-Philippe Muller, Université Paul Sabatier, France
-Robert Porzel, University of Bremen, Germany
-Terry Regier, UC Berkeley, USA
-David Schlangen, University of Potsdam, Germany
-Andrea Tyler, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-1968
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