21.315, Calls: Computational Ling, Discourse Analysis, Semantics/Netherlands

Tue Jan 19 19:05:47 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-315. Tue Jan 19 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.315, Calls: Computational Ling, Discourse Analysis, Semantics/Netherlands

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 18-Jan-2010
From: Alan Cienki < a.cienki at let.vu.nl >
Subject: From Text to Political Positions 2010

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:03:10
From: Alan Cienki [a.cienki at let.vu.nl]
Subject: From Text to Political Positions 2010

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Full Title: From Text to Political Positions 2010 
Short Title: T2PP 

Date: 09-Apr-2010 - 10-Apr-2010
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Contact Person: Alan Cienki
Meeting Email: T2PP at let.vu.nl
Web Site: http://www2.let.vu.nl/oz/cltl/t2pp/index.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Semantics;
Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 29-Jan-2010 

Meeting Description:

Amsterdam Workshop

>From Text to Political Positions 2010
9-10 April 2010, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Plenary Speakers
- Ken Benoit (Trinity College, Dublin, Dept of Political Science)
- Jan Kleinnijenhuis (Vrije Universiteit/VU Amsterdam, Dept of Communication
Studies and the Network Institute)
- Veronika Koller (Lancaster University, Dept of Linguistics and English
Language) and Paul Davidson (University of Bradford, Dept of Peace Studies)
- Janyce Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh, Dept of Computer Science).

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU University Amsterdam)
Metropolitan Building
Buitenveldertselaan 3 - 7
1082 VA Amsterdam
The Netherlands. 

Second Call for Papers

The workshop 'From Text to Political Positions (T2PP) is intended to provide a
meeting place for individual researchers and research groups focusing on the
development of methods and techniques for the analysis of political texts. It
will allow for dialogue between scholars working on complementary
multidisciplinary projects, and so may lead to further collaboration. During
these two days, plenty of time will be reserved for social and intellectual
exchanges and the event will close with a round-table discussion.

The meeting will focus on comprehensive and precise methods for manual and
automated analysis of subjectivity and the presentation of opinions in political
texts.  Examples of relevant text-types include, but are not limited to:
television news broadcasts, interviews, newspapers, opinion papers,
parliamentary debates, manifestos, party websites, blogs, public-opinion polls
on the internet and voting polls and election results.

We plan to compile a selection of the papers and submit them to a peer-reviewed
international journal for publication as a special issue.

We invite 500-1000 word abstracts in English. They should be sent to T2PP at let.vu.nl
-- Extended deadline for abstracts: 29 January 2010
-- Notification of acceptance will be made by February 15th.
-- Participation will be based upon acceptance of refereed abstracts.
-- Only a limited number of papers (12-16) can be accepted to allow for 20
minutes per paper plus discussion time.
-- Deadline for papers from accepted participants: 10 March 2010
-- Accepted papers will be posted on the T2PP web site two weeks in advance as
'working papers' to enhance discussion and debate.

Workshop dates: 9-10 April 2010
Workshop cost: free - There will be no registration fee!

Topic suggestions
- Modelling positions of actors in political texts on issues and dimensions
- Sociological and linguistic models for deep-structure analysis of political texts
- Linguistic evidence of popularisation of language in politics
- Politics in the media: methods of analysis in media discourse on politics
- Securing quality in quantitative research methods
- Analysing political discourse from a regional (e.g., European, Asian, African,
British, USA) or global perspective
- Acquisition and representation of subjectivity and modality (emotion, deontic
and epistemic modality, urgency) as expressed lexically (e.g. 'for/against',
'can/will/must', 'say/state/demand', 'possible/likely') or on a higher discourse
- The automatic annotation of subjective, deontic and modal layers of
implications in texts to model complex opinions and positions of
political/social actors
- Applications for political opinion mining and positioning tools
- ... other suggestions are welcome

Organising Committee
The T2PP team:
Prof. Dr. Piek Vossen
Prof. Dr. Liesbet Hooghe
Dr. André Krouwel
Dr. Alan Cienki
Drs. Annemarie van Elfrinkhof
Drs. Bertie Kaal
Drs. Isa Maks

Contact: T2PP at let.vu.nl
Details and updates on: http://www2.let.vu.nl/oz/cltl/t2pp/index.html

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-315	


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