21.316, Calls: Pragmatics, Cognitive Science, General Ling/Italy
Tue Jan 19 19:11:11 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-316. Tue Jan 19 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.316, Calls: Pragmatics, Cognitive Science, General Ling/Italy
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 18-Jan-2010
From: John Douthwaite < j.douthw at virgilio.it >
Subject: IALS 2010 The Semantics of Landscapes
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:07:40
From: John Douthwaite [j.douthw at virgilio.it]
Subject: IALS 2010 The Semantics of Landscapes
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Full Title: IALS 2010 The Semantics of Landscapes
Date: 24-Jul-2010 - 28-Jul-2010
Location: Genoa, Italy
Contact Person: John Douthwaite
Meeting Email: j.douthw at virgilio.it
Web Site: http://www.lingue.unige.it/ials2010/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; General Linguistics; Ling & Literature;
Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2010
Meeting Description:
IALS 2010
Fifth Conference of the International Association of Literary Semantics
Conference Title: The Semantics of Landscapes
Date: 24th - 28th July, 2010
Location: University of Genoa, Italy
Website: http://www.lingue.unige.it/ials2010/
Contact Person: John Douthwaite j.douthw at virgilio.it
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Trevor Eaton (Independent Scholar)
Dr. Ruth Page (Birmingham University)
Prof. Meir Sternberg (University of Tel Aviv)
Prof. Carol Taylor Torsello (University of Padua)
The conference will be organized into two parts. One will consist of panels on
specific topics organized by a Chair. The second will consist of individual
papers which will then be grouped under broad thematic or domain headings.
The IALS conference will run back-to-back with the PALA 2010 conference
Call for Papers
Papers may be of two types.
1. Individual papers. The theme for the 2010 conference is The Semantics of
Landscapes. "Landscapes" may, of course, be interpreted both literally and
metaphorically. At a literal level, locations such as Liguria and Genoa, to stay
close to the conference venue, offer breathtaking landscapes that have inspired
artists in the past, but other landscapes may also be treated, and borders may
be crossed over, into, for instance, the relationship between the visual arts
and visual techniques in writing. At the non-literal level, landscapes may be
interpreted on two broad levels. First, the term may refer to portraits of
individuals or to social landscapes; themes in this domain can be as broad
ranging as identity; alterity; socio-cultural settings and their influence on
the individual and on the group; multicultural landscapes; integration and
conflict; town and country; East and West; North and South; individual works or
individual authors; artistic movements and periods; variations in status,
prestige and lifestyle correlated with landscapes; ethos and ideology correlated
with landscapes; life styles in urban and rural settings; "selling" the
landscape; landscapes and speech styles - linguistic, discoursal, conversational
and cultural approaches to speech analysis. Second, landscapes may also refer to
all the theoretical approaches deployed by literary semanticists.
Notwithstanding these horizons, proposals are welcomed on other subjects within
the remit of the International Association of Literary Semantics.
2. Panels. Invitations are invited for panels. Panels will be thematic. These
may include fields such as:
Literary Pragmatics - Discourse Analysis
Reader Response Theories - Poetics - Rhetoric
Literary Syntax - Text Grammars - Narratology
Literary Semiotics - Philosophy of Language
Literary Hermeneutics - Sociolinguistics
Literary Translation - Psycholinguistics
Literary Criticism - Cognitive Studies
Cognitive or Conceptual Metaphor
Literary movements or periods
Abstracts for both individual papers and panel papers should be of approximately
300 words in length, with keywords, and should also include (1) a title, (2) the
name, status and affiliation of the speaker(s), (3) a contact email address, and
(4) a postal address. An abstract should also clearly state what the research
question is and also describe the chosen methodology and the text(s)/data that
will be discussed. Please also let us know if you require any special equipment.
All conference rooms have a computer, data projector, and screen.
Papers will be a maximum of 20 minutes in length, with a maximum of 10 minutes
for questions.
The deadline for all abstracts is February 1st, 2010
Individual Papers
Abstracts of INDIVIDUAL papers for the conference must be sent to all five of
the following e-mail addresses (in the same mail):
e.kluczewska at chello.pl
j.douthw at virgilio.it
j.douthw at gmail.com
d.f.virdis at unica.it
elizurru at hotmail.com
Contributors will be informed of acceptance by February 28th.
The organization of each PANEL will be the responsibility of the convenor(s) of
that Panel.
The panels still open are:
1) Fiction and the Map (coordinator: Daniel Allington)
2) Language and the Visual. The Recreation of Landscape in Artistic Discourse -
An (Un)Attainable Goal (coordinator: Elzbieta Chrzanowska- Kluczewska)
3) Blending Theory and Literary Applications (coordinator Monika Fludernik)
4) Literary Landscapes and the Reception of Translations (coordinator: Gabriela
5) Literariness, Aesthetics and Craytylean Pointing (coordinator Michael Toolan)
Proposals for panels must be sent to all three of the following e-mail
Elzbieta Kluczewska (Cracow University)
e.kluczewska at chello.pl
John Douthwaite (Genoa University)
j.douthw at virgilio.it
j.douthw at gmail.com
- The Scientific Committee will examine proposals and post accepted panels on
the website.
- The Convenor's e-mail will be posted on the website together with the
announcement of the inclusion of the panel in the conference programme.
- All proposals for contributions to a Panel must be addressed to the convenors
of that Panel by February 1st.
- Panel Convenors will inform the Organising Committee of their panels by
February 20th to ensure timetable feasibility.
- The Panel convenor(s) will inform contributors of acceptance by February 28th.
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-316
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