24.4825, Calls: Romance, General Linguistics/Canada

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Fri Nov 29 22:25:57 UTC 2013

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-4825. Fri Nov 29 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 24.4825, Calls: Romance, General Linguistics/Canada

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:24:57
From: Silvia Perpiñán [sperpina at uwo.ca]
Subject: Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages

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Full Title: Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 
Short Title: LSRL 

Date: 02-May-2014 - 04-May-2014
Location: London, Ontario, Canada 
Contact Person: Silvia Perpiñán
Meeting Email: LSRL44 at uwo.ca
Web Site: http://www.uwo.ca/modlang/LSRL44/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Romance 

Call Deadline: 09-Dec-2013 

Meeting Description:

The 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages will be held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, from May 2-4, 2014. 

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, The University of Western Ontario
Viviane Deprez, Rutgers University
Maria Teresa Guasti, Università di Milano
José Hualde, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Please send your questions of any kind to us at LSRL44 at uwo.ca.

On Behalf of the Organizing Committee:

Silvia Perpiñán
Ileana Paul
David Heap

2nd Call for Papers:  

Call deadline: December 9, 2013 

Main session: All areas of Romance Linguistics (syntax, semantics, phonology, phonetics, morphology, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, historical linguistics, language contact, etc.)

Special session 1: The Nature of Nominal Categories, particularly Mass vs. Count Nouns in Romance 
Special session 2: Romance Languages as Minority and/or Heritage Languages

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes for discussion), and poster presentations on any aspect of Romance Linguistics for the main session. 

Presentations for the special session 1 should focus on the nature of nominal categories, preferably with a cross-linguistic focus on Romance languages. 

Presentations for the special session 2 should focus on any linguistic aspect of a Romance language in a minority context; submissions on a language not in contact with English are particularly encouraged. 

For more information on the Special Sessions, please visit our webpage: http://www.uwo.ca/modlang/LSRL44/Special_Session.html.

Abstracts should not exceed two pages in length (including data, references, etc.), in 12-point type. All margins should be at least one inch wide (2.5 cm). Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author (or two joint. 

Abstracts should be submitted in PDF form via EasyAbs at the address below (please specify in your abstract document whether your submission is for a presentation in the main session, a poster, or the special session): 


LINGUIST List: Vol-24-4825	
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