25.976, Calls: Lang Acquisition, Cognitive Sci, Neuroling, Applied Ling, General Ling/France

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Wed Feb 26 19:50:16 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-976. Wed Feb 26 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.976, Calls: Lang Acquisition, Cognitive Sci, Neuroling, Applied Ling, General Ling/France

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 14:49:01
From: Vanda Marijanovic [vanda.marijanovic at univ-tlse2.fr]
Subject: Language Control in Second Language Learners

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 Full Title: Language Control in Second Language Learners 

Date: 18-Jun-2014 - 18-Jun-2014
Location: Toulouse, France 
Contact Person: Vanda Marijanovic
Meeting Email: vanda.marijanovic at univ-tlse2.fr

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2014 

Meeting Description:

The study of language control among L2 learners in a cognitive perspective raises various questions: How does explicit (control) or implicit (automatism) knowledge develop ? When are these forms of knowledge activated and used and what is the impact of their development on the accuracy, fluency and complexity of the output? How do learners control their output? What are their strategies?

Moreover, recent studies have focused on the control of two or more languages among bilingual and plurilingual subjects. They show that the latter, exactly like L2 learners, use a given language while the other languages remain active and can even compete among each other (Bialystok et al, 2004; Poarch & Van Hell, 2012; Van Hell & Tanner, 2012). So the simultaneous use of one or several languages requires a capacity to efficiently control linguistic activity in one language intentionnally chosen while avoiding possible conflicts with the other languages.

Invited speakers:

Joan Carles Mora (Universitat de Barcelona)
Xavier Aparicio (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Call for Papers:

We are pleased to invite participants to submit abstracts (150 words) for communications (papers and posters) during a one-day thematic workshop that will take place at the Université de Toulouse Le Mirail.


- What do L2 learners control?
- How do they control L2 production?
- And above all, when, how and why do they fail to control it?
- At what level do interferences with other known languages take place?
- What is the real impact of the learning or practical context on cognitive mechanisms?
- ...

All these questions examine how resources and difficulties are handled in the production and comprehension of a second language.

Submissions are to be sent by e-mail to vanda.marijanovic at univ-tlse2.fr.

Presentations will be held in French or in English.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: April, 1st,, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April, 15th, 2014
Workshop: June, 8th, 2014

Scientific Committee:

X. Aparicio, E. Arroyo, M. Billières, Ch. Dompmartin, C. Gunnarsson, R. El Yagoubi, B. Köpke, A. Krönert, V. Marijanovic, J. C. Mora, I. Saddour, H. Sahraoui, O. Theophanous


OCTOGONE-J. Lordat (EA 4156)
GRAAL Groupe de Recherche en Acquisition et Apprentissage des Langues

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LINGUIST List: Vol-25-976	
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