25.3818, Jobs: Persian; Spanish; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Researcher, University of Cologne

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Sep 29 20:33:24 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3818. Mon Sep 29 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.3818, Jobs: Persian; Spanish; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Researcher, University of Cologne

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            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Andrew Lamont <alamont at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:33:15
From: Sascha Diwersy [sascha.diwersy at uni-koeln.de]
Subject: Persian; Spanish; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Researcher, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

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University or Organization: University of Cologne 
Department: Department of Romance Languages
Job Location: Cologne, Germany 
Job Title: Research and PhD Position
Job Rank: Researcher

Specialty Areas: Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Required Language(s): Persian, Iranian (pes)
                      Spanish (spa) 


The research projekt "The Relation between Grammar and Usage: Null Subjects
and Subject Position in Spanish and Persian", directed by Prof. Aria Adli at
the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne, Germany, is
proposing a position for a Research and PhD candidate. The project is funded
by the German Research Foundation DFG.

We invite applications of PhD candidates and researchers with a background
either in Spanish or Persian syntax / information structure (very high
language skills of one of these languages is required). Sound knowledge in one
of the following areas - corpus linguistics, computational linguistics or
statistics - is an asset.

The successful candidate will analyze topics and theoretical sentences in a
corpus of spoken dialogues, based on prior annotation work.

The position is to be filled as soon as possible. The applicant can be
appointed for up to 2 years (depending on the starting date). Salary is on the
German scale TV-L E 13 (with appropriate prerequisite), 65%. There is the
possibility of further employment in the project for another year.

The University of Cologne is an equal opportunities employer. Applications of
women and candidates with migration background are thus especially encouraged;
applications of disabled persons will be given preferential treatment to those
of other candidates with equal qualifications.

Candidates must have completed a Master's degree (or an equivalent degree) in
linguistics by the time of application. For full consideration, an application
indicating the name and contact address of two referees should be addressed to
Aria Adli (address below) and sent only in electronic form by October 10, 2014
to the application email address below.

The application materials should also include a CV, an electronic copy of the
linguistic Master thesis (and other publications in linguistics if
applicable). The subject line should read "DFG topic project".

Application Deadline: 10-Oct-2014 (Open until filled)
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Prof. Aria Adli 
	Universität zu Köln, Romanisches Seminar 
Email Address for Applications: sascha.diwersy at uni-koeln.de 
Contact Information:
	Dr. Sascha Diwersy 
	Email: sascha.diwersy at uni-koeln.de 

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3818	


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