27.4977, Calls: Phonetics, Phonology/Germany
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Tue Dec 6 18:34:13 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-4977. Tue Dec 06 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.4977, Calls: Phonetics, Phonology/Germany
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2016 13:34:02
From: Anna Bruggeman [abruggem at uni-koeln.de]
Subject: Phonetics and Phonology in Europe
Full Title: Phonetics and Phonology in Europe
Short Title: PaPE
Date: 12-Jun-2017 - 14-Jun-2017
Location: Cologne, Germany
Contact Person: Anna Bruggeman
Meeting Email: pape-2017 at uni-koeln.de
Web Site: http://pape2017.uni-koeln.de/
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics; Phonology
Call Deadline: 16-Dec-2016
Meeting Description:
The Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference is an
interdisciplinary forum bringing together researchers interested in all areas
of phonetics and phonology, both theoretical and applied, with a special focus
on Laboratory Phonology. The series covers a wide variety of topics, including
tone and intonation, prosody, language acquisition, linguistic typology,
phonological theory, speech production and speech perception, and
methodologies from fields as diverse as psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics
and speech technology.
The Cologne PaPE conference, scheduled for June 12-14 2017, complements this
broad mission with a more specific scientific aim, namely to contribute
towards a fundamental integration of the fields of phonetics and phonology,
highlighting the intrinsic relationship between the two. Submissions in any
area of phonetics and phonology are welcome with special consideration given
to papers addressing the conference's integrative goal.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Jonathan Barnes (Boston University):
Integrating pitch and time in phonetics and phonology (title tbc)
Bettina Braun (Universität Konstanz):
Effects of intonation on lexical processing (title tbc)
Mirjam Ernestus (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen):
The role of phonetics, phonology and the lexicon in the processing of reduced
Maria Josep Solé (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):
Language-specific adjustments to phonetic constraints and cross-linguistic
Three satellite workshops will be held on June 11 (whole day) and June 14
(afternoon) 2017. Separate calls and announcements will be provided by the
respective organizers.
Timo B. Röttger (Universität zu Köln) and Bodo Winter (University of
Statistical methods in phonetic sciences (June 11, morning)
Silke Hamann and Klaas Seinhorst (University of Amsterdam):
Loanword phonology and phonetics (June 11, afternoon)
Fabian Tomaschek (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen):
Introduction to the Naive Discriminative Learning Package (June 14, afternoon)
Final Call for Papersː
Extended abstract submission deadline for Phonetics and Phonology in Europe
(PaPE)ː Friday December 16 2016
University of Cologne, 12-14 June 2017
Important Datesː
Abstract submission deadline: December 16, 2016
Notification of acceptance: January 21, 2017
Submission of revised abstracts: February 25, 2017
PaPE 2017 Conference: June 12-14, 2017
Submission Informationː
Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed one page of text (A4).
In addition, references, examples and/or figures can optionally be included on
a second page. If possible, use the MS Office Word template provided on the
conference website. In any case, please use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1
inch margins and single spacing. Do not include author names or affiliations,
and submit as property-free PDF file using author names separated by
underscores as filename (e.g. smith_mueller_rossi_dejong.pdf).
Abstracts can be submitted from November 1 until December 16, 2016, using the
following EasyChair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pape2017.
Abstracts may be submitted either for a 'talk/poster', or as a 'poster only'.
Authors may submit one abstract as first author and up to three abstracts as a
co-author. Please indicate upon submission if the first author has student
status. Choose at least one of the proposed conference Topics and at least
three Keywords for your submission.
As with previous conferences in this series, selected papers will be published
in established journals in the field of phonetics and phonology.
PaPE Organizationː
Martine Grice (University of Cologne)
Stefan Baumann (University of Cologne)
Francesco Cangemi (University of Cologne)
Anna Bruggeman (University of Cologne)
Conference web site: http://pape2017.uni-koeln.de/
For enquiries please contact us at pape-2017 at uni-koeln.de
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-4977
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