27.759, Summer Schools: The Norwegian Summer Institute on Language and Mind/Norway
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-759. Tue Feb 09 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.759, Summer Schools: The Norwegian Summer Institute on Language and Mind/Norway
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2016 13:27:10
From: Nicholas Allott [nicholas.allott at gmail.com]
Subject: The Norwegian Summer Institute on Language and Mind/Norway
The Norwegian Summer Institute on Language and Mind/Norway
Host Institution: University of Oslo
Coordinating Institution:
Website: http://www.hf.uio.no/csmn/english/research/news-and-events/events/norwegian-summer-institute-in-language-and-mind.html
Dates: 20-Jun-2016 - 29-Jun-2016
Location: Oslo, Norway
Focus: The primary aim of the institute is to bring graduate students up to date with developments in the intersection of work on language and mind by presenting classes with leading researchers in the relevant fields. These will include linguists open to philosophical issues, and philosophers focused on linguistics and the cognitive sciences.
The theme for the institute in 2016 is representation in language and mind.
Representations and their role in computation have been a central assumption – and preoccupation – in modern linguistics and the cognitive sciences since the cognitive revolution of the early 1960s. Many live research problems hinge on representations: both the specifics in each area (syntax, semantics, vision etc.) – what is represented?; are there multiple levels of representation?; what constraints apply at which levels? – and more general questions – what is a representation?; what claim do we make when we say that something is represented in the mind?; what kinds of evidence bear on such claims? This year’s institute will try to bring together the often disparate discussions of the specific and general issues.
Minimum Education Level: BA
Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Nicholas Allott (University of Oslo)
John Collins (University of East Anglia)
Frances Egan (Rutgers University)
Janet Fodor (City University of New York)
Carsten Hansen (University of Oslo)
Jeff Lidz (University of Maryland)
Terje Lohndal (NTNU, Trondheim, & UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Paul Pietroski (University of Maryland)
Georges Rey (University of Maryland)
Neil Smith (University College London)
The teaching:
There are four strands of classes. Every day of the course there will be
classes in three strands, each for 2 to 2½ hours. The teaching will be
discursive. We expect that each class will comprise a one-hour lecture and
discussion for 1–1½ hour.
Lecturers: Artemis Alexiadou (Berlin), John Collins (East Anglia) and Terje
Lohndal (Trondheim)
Topic: Linguistic representations and the architecture of Minimalism. Issues
that may be discussed include: FLN vs. FLB; interfaces; phases; the end of
endocentricity; Chomsky’s claim that the FLN is simply recursive merge;
distortions due to the demands of the interfaces, particularly linearization
and displacement for PF.
Representations in mental systems
Lecturers: John Collins (East Anglia), Frances Egan (Rutgers), Carsten Hansen
(Oslo), and Georges Rey (Maryland)
Topic: intentional vs. algebraic readings of cognitive systems including
linguistics, vision, and navigation.
Semantics and pragmatics
Lecturers: Nicholas Allott (Oslo), Paul Pietroski (Maryland), and Georges Rey
Topics: How does the representation of word meaning in the linguistic system
relate to the representation of thoughts? The notion of I-analyticity. What
representations are required to understand an utterance?
Lecturers: Jeff Lidz (Maryland), Janet Fodor (New York), and Neil Smith
(University College London)
Topics to include: representation and the role of triggering in the
acquisition of phonology and syntax
Goal and methods
The goal of this event is to teach graduate students about the research
questions, methods and latest thinking in philosophy and linguistics on topics
where the two subjects have intersecting concerns, and in this way to bring
about increased dialogue and interaction between philosophers and linguists.
By the end of the course, you will be able to fully engage with cutting-edge
research papers on the issues covered. You will understand the content, and be
able to critique the evidence/argumentation, and to present your critiques and
alternatives in written work.
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
General Linguistics
Language Acquisition
Linguistic Theories
Philosophy of Language
Tuition: 0 Other
Tuition Explanation: The classes at the summer institute are free for all participants! There will
also be a free sandwich lunch for all participants on each teaching day.
Financial Aid: Applications accepted until
We have funding for some travel and accommodation bursaries. All summer institute participants who are current PhD students at institutions affiliated with the Norwegian Graduate Researcher School in Linguistics and Philology will be able to receive bursaries.
In addition, we have some bursaries for other students, which will be assigned competitively. The deadline for applications for these is 15 April 2016.
Financial Aid Instructions:
Go to the Summer Institute website, click on 'send us an email' and send one with the information requested on the site.
Registration: 05-Feb-2016 to 15-Apr-2016
Contact Person: Nicholas Allott
Email: nicholas.allott at gmail.com
Apply by Email: n.e.allott at ilos.uio.no
Registration Instructions:
Go to the Summer Institute website, click on 'send us an email' and send one
with the information requested on the site.
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