28.4901, Calls: Linguistics & Literature/UK
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Tue Nov 21 20:34:38 UTC 2017
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-4901. Tue Nov 21 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.4901, Calls: Linguistics & Literature/UK
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:34:16
From: Stephen Pihlaja [s.pihlaja at newman.ac.uk]
Subject: 38th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association
Full Title: 38th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association
Short Title: PALA
Date: 25-Jul-2018 - 28-Jul-2018
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Michael Toolan
Meeting Email: 2018pala at gmail.com
Web Site: https://pala2018.wordpress.com
Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2018
Meeting Description:
While retaining a core interest in the language of literature, PALA has always
been receptive to language-attentive research and teaching of many different
modes and mediums of communication, extending far beyond literature (but
often, in time, ingeniously incorporated into new literary forms). Different
individuals, groups, and institutions may have their own distinct style, and
broadly linguistic analysis of any of these can richly inform theorising about
value, identity, and social meaning. Whether the object of study is a poem or
a pop song, tweets or youtube clips, the multimodal or the monomodal, a huge
range of methods may be brought to bear on the task. Some of these are
rigorously quantitative, others are compelling in their qualitative
persuasiveness, some involve expensive kit, others claim to put nothing
between the text and the reader. What are the advantages and problems that
each method faces, and can distinct methods be synthesised?
We are delighted to announce that the following scholars will deliver plenary
lectures at the PALA 2018 Conference:
Daniel Allington (University of Leicester)
Jannis Androutsopoulos (University of Hamburg)
Alice Bell (Sheffield Hallam University)
Joe Bray (University of Sheffield)
Jeannette Littlemore (University of Birmingham)
Rocio Montoro (University of Granada)
The Birmingham 2018 conference welcomes explorations of the advantages and
problems of different methods, used alone or in synthesis, in the study of
PALA Summer School 2018: 23-24 July 2018
PALA Summer Schools are the initiative of former PALA Chair Michael Burke.
They are held each year before the PALA annual conference, at the conference
Summer schools are open to all PALANs, but we especially encourage students
(both undergraduate and graduate) and early career researchers to attend.
The 2018 Summer School will take place at Newman University and will be led by
Lesley Jeffries and Brian Walker (University of Huddersfield).
Call for Papers:
We invite submission of abstracts of proposed talks that address any of the
above themes, or explore the connections between stylistics and other
Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length (excluding references),
and submitted to the Organizing Committee using Easychair
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pala2018 .
Abstracts should be sent in a .doc/.docx file and contain the following
structural elements: (a) a recognizable thesis/statement or research question,
(b) an explanation of the methodology, (c) a short reference to emerging
results (if applicable), (d) a list of keywords and (e) a short list of key
references (max. 5). Submissions through Easychair should include a selection
of the dominant topics addressed in the proposal, by authors ticking off the
corresponding topics in the submission page.
NB: a maximum of one single-authored paper per attendee.
Presentations are limited to 20 minutes, followed by up to 10 minutes of
discussion (30 minute slot).
Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2018
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