29.351, Calls: Language Acquisition, Phonology/Greece

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Sun Jan 21 19:51:27 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-351. Sun Jan 21 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.351, Calls: Language Acquisition, Phonology/Greece

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2018 14:50:56
From: Elena Babatsouli [ebabatsouli at ismbs.eu]
Subject: International Child Phonology Conference 2018

Full Title: International Child Phonology Conference 2018 
Short Title: ICPC 2018 

Date: 18-Jun-2018 - 20-Jun-2018
Location: Great Arsenali, Old Venetian Harbor, Chania, Crete, Greece 
Contact Person: Elena Babatsouli
Meeting Email: ebabatsouli at ismbs.eu
Web Site: http://www.ismbs.eu/icpc-2018/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Phonology 

Call Deadline: 05-Feb-2018 

Meeting Description:

The International Child Phonology Conference (ICPC) 2018 will host original
research on all aspects of children's language development and use in L1,
bilingualism, multilingualism, dialects, and early second language
acquisition, in typical and atypical (delayed/disordered) contexts. ICPC
encourages a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach across phonology,
phonetics, relationships between phonological development and other aspects of
language acquisition, production and perception, psycholinguistics, cognitive
linguistics, neurolinguistics, clinical phonetics and linguistics, sign
language, acoustics, computational modelling, educational linguistics, and the
application of new technologies. 

Special Lectures:

Typologies of Child Speech Disorder: A survey and possible synthesis
Martin J. Ball, Bangor University, UK

Prosodic development in infancy: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence
Barbara Höhle, University of Potsdam, Germany

Ingram’s contributions to the study of first language acquisition, according
to Ingram
David Ingram, Arizona State University, USA

The unpredictable world of the bilingual child: Empty transfer, full
acceleration and stop and go
Conxita Lleó, University of Hamburg, Germany

International Scientific Committee:

Åsa Abelin (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Martine Adda-Decker (Paris, France)
Elena Babatsouli (Chania, Greece)
Maria de Fátima de Almeida Baia (Bahia, Brazil)
Martin J. Ball (Bangor, UK)
Hans Basböll (Odense, Denmark)
Avivit Ben-David (Jerusalem, Israel)
Barbara May Bernhardt (Vancouver, Canada)
Caroline Bowen (Wentworth Falls, Australia)
Ferenc Bunta (Houston, USA)
Barbara Davis (Austin, USA) 
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Poznań, Poland)
Leah Fabiano-Smith (Tucson, USA)
Maria João Freitas (Lisbon, Portugal)
Fiona Gibbon (Inverness, UK)
Amy Glaspey (Missoula, USA) 
Brian Goldstein (Philadelphia, USA)
David Ingram (Tempe, USA)
Margaret Kehoe-Winkler (Geneva, Switzerland)
Ghada Khattab (Newcastle, UK)
Laila Kjærbæk (Odense, Denmark)
Giovanna Lenoci (Pisa, Italy)
Conxita Lleó (Hamburg, Germany)
Andrea MacLeod (Montreal, Canada)
Sharynne McLeod (Bathurst, Australia)
Peggy Mok (Hong Kong)
Eleni Morfidi (Ioannina, Greece)
Nicole Müller (Cork, Ireland)
Katerina Nicolaidis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Michelle Pascoe (Cape Town, South Africa)
Brechtje Post (Cambridge, UK)
Lucrecia Rallo-Fabra (Palma, Spain)
Irene Ricci (Pisa, Italy)
Yvan Rose (St. John's, Canada)
Eirini Sanoudaki (Bangor, UK)
Ellen Simon (Ghent, Belgium)
Anna Sosa (Flagstaff, USA)
Dimitrios Sotiropoulos (Chania, Greece)
Carol Stoel-Gammon (Seattle, Washington)
Stavroula Stavrakaki (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Isao Ueda (Osaka, Japan)
Magdalena Wrembel (Poznań, Poland)
Naomi Yamaguchi (Paris, France)
Mehmet Yavas (Miami, USA)
Virginia Yip (Hong Kong)
Krisztina Zajdó (Györ, Hungary)

2nd Call for Papers:

ICPC 2018 invites abstracts for both oral and poster presentations for regular
sessions. Besides contributions for regular sessions, ICPC 2018 encourages the
organization of special symposia, each symposium comprising 3-6 oral

The child phonology conference covers all aspects of children's language
development and use in L1, bilingualism, multilingualism, dialects, and early
second language acquisition, in typical and atypical contexts. ICPC encourages
a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach across phonology, phonetics,
relationships between phonological development and other aspects of language
acquisition, production and perception, psycholinguistics, cognitive
linguistics, neurolinguistics, clinical phonetics and linguistics, sign
language, acoustics, computational modelling, educational linguistics, and the
application of new technologies. Theoretical, experimental, observational, and
computational contributions are welcome.

Abstracts consist of 300-400 words (excluding references) and 3-7 keywords.
They should not exceed one A4 page including references. The format is: 12
point Times New Roman font, single-lined, margins set to 2.54 cm (1 inch) all
around. Doulos SIL (http://scripts.sil.org/DoulosSILfont) is to be used for
phonetic symbols.

Abstracts for regular sessions will be submitted to submit at ismbs.eu as email
attachments in both word and pdf versions by 5 February 2018. The word version
must include name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es),
while the pdf version excludes all these. Preference for oral or poster
presentation is indicated at the bottom of the abstract. Previously published
works, including own, must be cited using name and year in parenthesis.

Proposals for special symposia comprising 3-6 presentations each will be
submitted to submit at ismbs.eu by 20 November 2017. Upon submission of the
symposium proposal, please provide information on the theme of the special
symposium, the exact number of presentations, and the names of contributing
authors. Abstracts for the special symposia are to be submitted to the
symposium chair(s) by 5 February 2018.

Oral presentations receive maximum exposure: one session at a time - no
parallel sessions. Oral presentations will be allocated 30 minutes each
including a 5-minute discussion. Posters will also be displayed at one session
at a time that does not overlap with the oral session.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for symposium proposals: 20 November 2017
Abstract submission deadline for regular sessions and symposia: 5 February
Date of notification: by 20 February 2018
Early registration deadline: 30 April 2018
Registration deadline for presenting authors: 30 April 2018


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