29.2487, Calls: Cognitive Science/Japan
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Tue Jun 12 03:05:34 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2487. Mon Jun 11 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2487, Calls: Cognitive Science/Japan
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 23:01:06
From: Yo Matsumoto [yomatsum at ninjal.ac.jp]
Subject: 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Full Title: 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Short Title: ICLC-15
Date: 06-Aug-2019 - 11-Aug-2019
Location: Nishinomiya, Japan
Contact Person: Yo Matsumoto
Meeting Email: iclc2019 at 2jcla.jp
Web Site: https://iclc2019.site/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 05-Nov-2018
Meeting Description:
ICLC is the biennial conference of the International Cognitive Linguistics
Association (ICLA; http://www.cognitivelinguistics.org/). ICLC 15 will be
hosted by the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. More information
about the conference can be found at the following page:
We invite a broad range of papers on any topic taking a cognitive, functional,
typological, or discourse approach to the study of language and cognition.
Typical topics treated in the conference include (but are not limited to) the
- cognitive grammar
- construction grammar
- metaphor and metonymy
- frame semantics
- prototype and categorization
- cognitive phonology
- discourse analysis
- pragmatics and cognition
- corpus linguistics
- language processing
- neurolinguistics
- language change and grammaticalization
- cognitive typology
- motion and space
- first language acquisition
- applied linguistics and pedagogy
- language evolution
- translation and cognition
- multimodality
- sign language
- writing systems
- cognitive sociolinguistics
- cognitive semiotics
The conference has the special theme “Crosslinguistic Perspectives on
Cognitive Linguistics,” and so papers relevant to this topic are especially
Plenary speakers at the conference include the following:
- William Croft, University of New Mexico
- Nick Enfield, University of Sydney
- Martin Hilpert, Université de Neuchâtel
- Sotaro Kita, University of Warwick
- Jeannette Littlemore, University of Birmingham
The language of the conference is English.
There is no requirement to be an ICLA member for conference participation,
but members will get a substantial reduction in the conference fees as well as
enjoy other benefits (more information and member signup via the ICLA
The ICLA has set up a fund for student scholarships; students who have their
abstract for a poster or presentation accepted can apply for a scholarship.
More details can be found at
Call for Papers:
There are three different types of sessions, and submission processes are
Theme Session:
There are two stages for submissions for a theme session. First, theme session
organizers should submit their theme session proposals directly to the
conference organizers at the following address by September 15, 2018.
iclc2019themesessions at 2jcla.jp
Theme session proposals should include: the session title, the name and
affiliation of the theme session organizer, an introduction of up to 400 words
explaining the theme, a list of the authors and titles of the individual
papers, and all abstracts of the papers in the proposed theme session (100
words each) in a suitable order.
The conference schedule particularly suits sessions comprised of 6, 7 or 11
slots (25 minutes each). Indicate in the proposal whether you would like to
have a 25-minute time slot for an introduction and/or a general discussion. We
strongly encourage diversity at the level of the affiliations involved in the
theme session—one third of the papers should be contributed by authors outside
the affiliation of the theme session organizer. The acceptance of theme
session proposals will be made in mid-October.
Once a theme session has been accepted as a whole, individual theme session
authors will need to submit their abstracts for review, following the same
guidelines of submission for general and poster sessions below. Papers need to
be individually accepted in order to form a theme session.
General Session and Poster Session:
Abstracts for general (oral) sessions and poster sessions are to be submitted
through an abstract submission page, following the guidelines below. On the
submission page you are asked to state whether the paper should be considered
for oral session only, poster session only, or both.
Each presentation in a general session will be 25 minutes long, including
questions and discussion.
New for this ICLC is that we plan to have more posters than at previous
conferences. Efforts will be made to render the poster session into a pleasant
and inspiring locus of exchange. Posters will be allocated to dedicated,
timetabled sessions.
Abstract Submission:
Each author may submit maximally one single-authored and one co-authored
paper, regardless of whether they are intended for the general, poster, or
theme session. All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the
abstract submission page, using a link appearing at:
The submission page will be active during the submission period, which is
August 1 – November 5, 2018.
Abstracts must not exceed 1 page in A4 or letter-size paper, with 2.54 cm (1
inch) margins on all sides and 12-point Times New Roman font (complex data,
figures, and references can be included on an additional page). They must be
in a pdf file, and the file size should not exceed 5 MB. Author names should
not appear anywhere on abstracts (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the
third person for previously published work).
The title must be at the top of the abstract. Please include a list of five
keywords that describe the research right below the title to assist in the
reviewing process. Theme session authors should also make sure to note the
title of the theme session at the top of their abstracts.
Important Dates:
Deadline for theme session proposals: September 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance of theme session proposals: Oct 15, 2018
Deadline for abstract submission: November 5, 2018
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2019
Please direct all enquiries to iclc2019 at 2jcla.jp.
ICLC 15 Organizing Committee
Yo Matsumoto (Chair; NINJAL); see the conference website for a complete list
of members.
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