30.4641, FYI: Call for Chapters: Latin Americans in Europe

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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-4641. Sat Dec 07 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.4641, FYI: Call for Chapters: Latin Americans in Europe

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Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2019 03:38:56
From: Víctor Fernández-Mallat [vf109 at georgetown.edi]
Subject: Call for Chapters: Latin Americans in Europe

Call for Chapters
We would like to inform you of a call for chapters for an edited volume
proposal titled Latin Americans in Europe: Sociolinguistic issues to be
presented to Routledge.

Rationale and description of the volume

As García (2017) notes, “displacements and movements of people into different
spaces characterize the world today” (p. 11). As a result, not only have
migrants become deterritorialized, but also their referential linguistic
practices, identities and beliefs. Languages/varieties, identities and
ideologies considered “local” elsewhere are increasingly spoken, performed and
held within diasporic communities in receiving societies in which other
languages or varieties of languages, identities and sets of values enjoy
“local” status. The linguistic practices, identities and ideologies of
diasporic members as they evolve in the light of their everyday contact with
new languages, new language varieties and repertories has predominantly
focused on ‘dialect contact zones’, processes of ‘dialectal accommodation’,
and the emergence of new ‘varieties’, with English constituting the focus of
attention par excellence (e.g., Britain and Cheshire 2003, Hinrichs 2011,
Pennycook 2007, Poplack and Tagliamonte 2001).
Spanish, particularly the contact between speakers of different varieties of
Spanish, has received less sociolinguistic attention with the exception of the
US. In the US, the existence of ‘autochthonous’ speakers of Spanish as a
result of early Latinx settlement, the Mexican cession in 1848, and (more)
recent, sustained migration from different Spanish-speaking Latin American
countries has been echoed by the sociolinguistic interest it has generated
(García 2015). The language practices of relatively large Latinx populations
across the country have been examined and their identifying features mapped
(see, for example, Lynch 2000 on Cubans in Miami and Carter and Callesano 2018
on attitudes toward varieties of Spanish in Miami for the Southeastern region
of the US; Rivera-Mills 2000 on intra-ethnic attitudes among Latinx in
Northern California and Hernández and Maldonado 2012 on accommodation among
Salvadoran transmigrants in Texas for the Southwestern region of the US;
Otheguy and Zentella 2012 on dialect levelling in New York and Zentella 1997
on growing up bilingual in New York for the Northeastern region of the US;
Potowski 2016 on MexiRican Spanish in Chicago and Rosa 2015 on the emergence
of linguistic symbols of Latinx panethnicity in Chicago for the Midwestern
region of the US; Villa, Lapidus Shin and Robles Nagata 2014 on the
Spanish-speaking populations of the state of Washington for the Northwestern
region of the US; and Roca and Lipski 1993, Fuller 2013 and Escobar and
Potowski 2015 for more comprehensive accounts of Spanish in the United
States). This mosaic of Latinx diversity is geographically anchored to areas
in terms of history of migration and settlement. In these, by and large,
Latinx, and other groups, despite their history therein, have been shown to
continue suffering various forms of social injustice, including racism in
their daily lives (see Hill 1998 on Mock Spanish; Rosa 2018 on
In contrast to the spread and long history of contact between the US and Latin
America, Latin American migration to Europe has been relatively small despite
its steady increase in the last two decades (Kalir 2010). Census data
indicates that, since the 1960s, Europe is a popular destination for Latinx
migrants. Early arrivals (1960-1980) were for the most part fleeing
dictatorial regimes, mainly from Argentina and Chile, and relocated mostly in
France, Germany, Portugal, the Scandinavian countries, Spain, Switzerland, and
the United Kingdom. More recent arrivals (1990s and beyond) have fled their
countries because of politico-economic considerations (e.g., persisting
economic difficulties) and have relocated to a large extent in Southern Europe
(i.e., Italy, Portugal, and Spain). Due to historical and cultural links, and
more importantly for linguistic reasons, Spain has been perceived by
Spanish-speaking Latin Americans as a “natural” destination (Retis 2004) In
addition, recent economic turbulent times in Latin America (e.g., the
Venezuelan crisis, El Corralito 2001) and the tightening of immigration
controls and visa regimes in the US spurred recent flows from Latin America to
‘traditional’ destinations and, of Latin Americans to secondary destinations
(e.g., from Spain to the Germany, UK – Pellegrino 2004). Latin Americans in
Europe now represent a significant minority in some countries such as Spain,
and a political minority in others (McIlwaine 2011), especially in countries
with little prior direct contact with Spanish beyond connections with Spain. A
Latin American presence is nonetheless clearly felt in cities such as London,
Milan and Lisbon, to mention a few, where some neighborhoods are dressed with
Spanish and Latin American signs (e.g. flags, images of what is considered the
typical food of certain regions, commercial brands from Latin America, amongst
many others) and the Spanish language can reign over. Against this presence,
Latin Americans in Europe are largely made invisible by their insertion into
the service sector (e.g., cleaning, catering, looking after children and the
elderly often under precarious conditions) with varying possibilities of
learning the language of the receiving society or accessing some public
Sociolinguistic research has analysed the linguistic practices of more
established and emergent Latin American communities (Márquez Reiter and Martín
Rojo 2015), offering us a first panorama of the vitality of Spanish in Europe
and of the connection between linguistic practices and contexts of emergence.
In bringing together contemporary sociolinguistic research on Latin Americans
across European locales into one collection, we explore the links between
linguistic convergence/divergence and wider processes of identification,
boundary marking/levelling, and processes of social differentiation among
Latin Americans across interactional arenas and geographies. Knowledge gained
aims to offer a broader understanding of the everyday sociolinguistic
realities of Latin Americans as they engage in or reflect on different forms
of mobility (social, economic, political) as part of sustaining a livelihood
in Europe. Recent studies have shown how subjects control their repertoires
(Martín Rojo and Márquez Reiter 2019) and perform cultural identities
(Patiño-Santos and Márquez Reiter 2018) in contexts of exclusion and social
Both in Spanish as in other languages, processes of linguistic and/or cultural
accommodation, and the emergence of new varieties and/or linguistic and
cultural identities have received attention. However, more process rather than
product-oriented research is needed to capture the fluid nature of linguistic
practices and their context-dependency. Transnational/diasporic subjects have
shown to carefully craft their communicative repertoires and/or identities
based on their reading of the in-the-moment contexts in which their linguistic
and/or cultural repertoires and/or identities (either emergent or referential)
become (ir)relevant. The proposed volume brings together research on the
unfolding of the linguistic practices of various groups of Latin Americans in
diverse European settings with its own idiosyncrasies; yet, united by its
focus on contexts of little or partial social inclusion. In so doing, the
collection of essays will help to raise the profile of the groups included and
their everyday struggles. We are
particularly interested in receiving papers that address all forms of
mobility, transnationalism and identity.

Submission procedure:

We welcome submissions from academics, professionals and graduate students.
Please send an extended abstract of 450-500 words to vf109 at georgetown.edu by
January 7, 2020.

Your proposal should include the following information:

- Title of the chapter
- Name of the author(s), affiliation(s), email(s)
- Abstract main body (450-500 words to include the objective,
methods/framework and some preliminary findings)
- List of references

Following this, we will contact all submitters about acceptances by the end of
February 2020. We expect selected authors to send us their full manuscripts by
July 1, 2020. Following this, manuscripts will be sent out to for external
reviewing. The reports will be made available to authors by September 15,
2020, who will have three months to revise and resubmit their manuscripts. We
aim to submit the edited volume to Routledge by January 7, 2021.
We thank you for considering this volume,

Víctor Fernández-Mallat (Georgetown University), Rosina Márquez Reiter (The
Open University UK) and Adriana Patiño-Santos (University of Southampton)


Britain, David. and Jenny Cheshire. 2003.Social Dialectology. In honour of
Peter Trudgill. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Carter, Phillip M. & Salvatore Callesano. 2018. The social meaning of Spanish
in Miami: Dialect perceptions and implications for socioeconomic class,
income, and employment. Latino Studies 16(1). 65-90.
Escobar, Anna María & Kim Potowski. 2015. El español de los Estados Unidos.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fuller, Janet M. 2013. Spanish speakers in the USA. Bristol: Multilingual
García, Ofelia. 2015. Afterword: The Sociolinguistics of Latino Diasporas. In
Rosina Márquez Reiter & Luisa Martín Rojo (eds.), A sociolinguistics of
diaspora: Latino practices, identities and ideologies, 197-201. New York:
García, Ofelia. 2017. Problematizing linguistic integration of migrants: The
role of translanguaging and language teachers. In Jean-Claude Beacco,
Hans-Jürgen Krumm, David Little & Philia Thalgott (eds.), The linguistic
integration of adult migrants: Some lessons from research, 11-26. Berlin: De
Hill, Jane. 1998. Language, Race, and White Public Space. American
Anthropologist 100 (3):680-689.
Hinrichs, Lars. 2011. The Sociolinguistics of Diaspora: Language in the
Jamaican Canadian Community Texas Linguistics Forum 54:1-22 Proceedings of the
Nineteenth Annual Symposium About Language and Society – Austin April 15-17,
Kalir , Barak. 2010. Latino Migrants in the Jewish State: Undocumented Lives
in Israel.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Lynch, Andrew. 2000. Spanish-speaking Miami in sociolinguistic perspective:
Bilingualism, recontact, and language maintenance among the Cuban-origin
population. In Ana Roca (ed.), Research on Spanish in the United States:
Linguistic issues and challenges, 271-283. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
Márquez Reiter, Rosina & Luisa Martín Rojo. 2015. The dynamics of
(im)mobility: (in)transient capitals and linguistic ideologies among Latin
American migrants in London and Madrid. In Rosina Márquez Reiter & Luisa
Martín Rojo (eds.), A sociolinguistics of diaspora: Latino practices,
identities and ideologies, 83-101. New York: Routledge.
Martín Rojo, Luisa & Rosina Márquez Reiter. 2019. Language surveillance:
Pressure to follow local models of speakerhood among Latinx students in
Madrid. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 257: 17-48.
McIlwaine, Cathy (ed.). 2011.Cross-border migration among Latin Americans:
European perspectives and beyond. New York: Palgrave.
Otheguy, Ricardo & Zentella, Ana Celia. 2012. Spanish in New York: Language
contact, dialectal leveling, and structural continuity. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Patiño-Santos, Adriana & Rosina Márquez Reiter. 2019. Banal interculturalism:
Latin Americans in Elephant and Castle, London. Language and Intercultural
Communication 19(3). 227-241.
Pellegrino, Adela. 2004. “Migration from Latin America to Europe: Trends and
Policy Challenges”. IOM Migration Research Series, No.16.
Pennycook, Alastair. 2007. Global Englishes and transcultural flows. London:
Poplack, Shana & Sali Tagliamonte. 2001. African American English in the
diaspora. Malden: Blackwell.
Potowski, Kim. 2016. IntraLatino language and identity: MexiRican Spanish.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Retis, Jessica. 2004. La imagen del otro: inmigrantes latinoamericanos en la
prensa nacional española. Sphera Pública, (4), 119-139.
Rivera-Mills, Susana V. 2000. New perspectives on current sociolinguistic
knowledge with regard to language use, proficiency, and attitudes among
Hispanics in the U.S.: The case of a rural northern California community.
Lewiston: E. Mellen Press.
Roca, Ana & John M. Lipski. 1993. Spanish in the United States: Linguistic
contact and diversity. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Rosa, Jonathan. 2015. Nuevo Chicago? Language, diaspora, and Latino/a
panethnic formations. In Rosina Márquez Reiter & Luisa Martín Rojo (eds.), A
sociolinguistics of diaspora: Latino practices, identities and ideologies,
31-47. New York: Routledge
Rosa, Jonathan. 2018. Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race
Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Learning of Latinidad. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Villa, Daniel J., Naomi Lapidus Shin & Eva Robles Nagata. 2014. La nueva
frontera: Spanish-speaking populations in Central Washington. Studies in
Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 7(1). 149-172.
Zentella, Ana Celia. 1997. Growing up bilingual: Puerto Rican children in New
York. Malden: Blackwell.

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics
                     Discourse Analysis

Subject Language(s): Spanish (spa)



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