30.1106, Summer Schools: Frankfurt Summer School: Linguistics track/Germany

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Tue Mar 12 20:26:33 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1106. Tue Mar 12 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1106, Summer Schools:  Frankfurt Summer School: Linguistics track/Germany

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 16:26:26
From: Manfred Sailer [sailer at em.uni-frankfurt.de]
Subject: Frankfurt Summer School: Linguistics track/Germany


Frankfurt Summer School: Linguistics track

Host Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt
Coordinating Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt
Website: http://summerschool.uni-frankfurt.de/

Dates: 05-Aug-2019 - 30-Aug-2019
Location: Frankfurt a.M., Hessen, Germany

Focus: The linguistics track of the Frankfurt Summer School offers a 4-weeks course package in research methods in linguistics. Participants can attend German language courses and join an excursion program.
Minimum Education Level: Undergraduate

The linguistics track of the Frankfurt Summer School consists of two module in
research methods in linguistics. The modules are open to all interested
students, but are particularly useful for students of disciplines in which
language plays an essential role, such as linguistics, philology, literary
studies, media studies, gender studies, ethnology, (foreign) language teaching

Module 1: Basic Research Methods in Linguistics (05.08.–15.08.)

Language is an essential feature of all humans that distinguishes us from all
other known species. The study of human languages is not only the study of a
central social skill but it also provides a unique window to the human mind.
In this course students will get an overview of the basic toolkit in
linguistics research: presenting and interpreting linguistic data, linguistic
argumentation, and writing like a linguist. We will analyse datasets from
different areas of linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax) and practice
interpreting data from languages we do not speak. We will also discuss how our
own introspective judgments and examples in the literature can be supplemented
by working with informants and with small questionnaires. The course will
comprise lectures, group work and problem sets.

Module 2: Data-oriented Methods in Linguistics (19.08.-30.08.)

Traditional linguistic research was based on laborious manual data collection,
or, especially in the second half of the 20th century, on the introspective
evaluation of artificially created examples by individual researchers. This
has radically changed with the advent of large electronic resources and the
adaptation or development of statistical and computational tools for
linguistic analysis. This course will focus on methods for collecting and
analysing larger sets of data for linguistic research. We will discuss corpus
and experimental methods to study questions in grammar and language
interpretation, and we will use various techniques from the computational
toolkit of modern linguistics to visualize processes and results. Students
will have the opportunity to work with corpus linguistic and statistical tools
to study language use, language change, and translation. The course will
comprise lectures, group work and problem sets.

General program

- The seminars are held in English (about 50 contact hours).
- Excursions and study tours to the German city of Heidelberg as well as a
weekend visit to the French town of Strasbourg and an optional trip to Berlin
are also part of the programme.
- The optional German language courses for beginners and advanced learners
take place in small learning groups

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Tuition: 2100 EUR

Tuition Explanation: Tution fee includes accommodation in  dormitory, seminar  and  cultural 
programme,  the German  language  courses,all  study  material, health, 
liability  and  accident insurance and  the transportation fee within
Frankfurt. Excursion fees are extra.

Registration: 27-Feb-2019 to 31-Mar-2019

Contact Person: Manfred Sailer
                Phone: +49 69 798 17247
                Email: summerschool at em.uni-frankfurt.de

Apply on the web: http://summerschool.uni-frankfurt.de/application/

Registration Instructions:
– Fill in the online application form:

– Once you have created your account in our online application system, you
will be required to upload the following documents:

1. Your updated CV

2. Letter of motivation which includes the reasons why you would like to
participate in Frankfurt Summer School

3. Copy of your higher education certificate or your high school diploma or
equivalent (if you are enrolled at a university in a Bachelor Programme)

4. Transcript of records or list of courses you have completed (if you are
enrolled at a university in your first semester of a Bachelor programme)

Please note that no proof of your proficiency in English is required. However,
your English skills should at least correspond to the B2-level of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages in order to follow the academic


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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1106	

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