33.1519, Summer Schools: Summer School on Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language at UCI / USA
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Fri Apr 29 21:27:27 UTC 2022
LINGUIST List: Vol-33-1519. Fri Apr 29 2022. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 33.1519, Summer Schools: Summer School on Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language at UCI / USA
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Goldfinch <sgoldfinch at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 17:26:34
From: Xin Xie [xxie14 at uci.edu]
Subject: Summer School on Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language at UCI / USA
Summer School on Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language at UCI
Host Institution: University of California, Irvine
Website: https://www.langsci.uci.edu/summerschool.php
Dates: 01-Aug-2022 - 05-Aug-2022
Location: Irvine, CA, USA
Focus: Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language
Minimum Education Level: BA
Special Qualifications:
The summer school is for postdocs, graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, and other researchers in cognitive science, linguistics, and related fields, especially people who do not have access to resources for learning these skills where they are now.
Courses will be taught using either Python, R, or WebPPL. We do not assume knowledge of any of these languages, but we do assume basic programming proficiency in some language coming into the summer school. If you do not have any programming background, please work through Lectures 1-6 of the MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python Course, available here: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/
The UCI Department of Language Science will be hosting a Summer School on
Computational Cognitive Modeling for Language, August 1-5. This was originally
going to be in 2020 but now it’s this year.
We will immerse students for five days in four daily tutorials:
- Computational modeling of language learning and adaptation with a focus on
phonetics and phonology
- Bayesian models of pragmatic language use
- Computational models of online language processing using information theory
- Modern neural-network-based machine learning as applied to natural language
in the field of natural language processing (NLP)
These will be taught by Xin Xie, Connor Mayer, Greg Scontras, Sameer Singh and
Richard Futrell. We will teach the theory behind these approaches as well as
the practicalities of applying them using datasets and experiments. Students
will do hands-on programming exercises in class.
We will also have a series of evening talks and panel discussions with invited
speakers, talking about controversial questions and potential directions for
the field of computational cognitive science.
Travel & Accommodation
The Department will provide funding up to $500 for students’ travel to and
from Irvine, and will provide them with lodging in UC Irvine’s campus housing
for the duration of the summer school.
Application is open!
Apply by May 23, 2022
Registration: 27-Apr-2022 to 23-May-2022
Contact Person: Xie
Email: xxie14 at uci.edu
Apply on the web: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqLozDWOzWPxDjzU2Lkp2qpJFXo_wXZE1H02NNkipxFAtKAQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Registration Instructions:
Application available here:
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