33.1907, Calls: General Linguistics / Slavia Meridionalis (Jrnl)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-33-1907. Wed Jun 01 2022. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 33.1907, Calls: General Linguistics / Slavia Meridionalis (Jrnl)
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Billy Dickson
Managing Editor: Lauren Perkins
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Goldfinch, Nils Hjortnaes,
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Goldfinch <sgoldfinch at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2022 02:52:57
From: Dorota Klimek-Jankowska [dorota.klimek-jankowska at uwr.edu.pl]
Subject: General Linguistics / Slavia Meridionalis (Jrnl)
Full Title: Slavia Meridionalis
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Slavic
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2022
Calls for Papers:
Slavia Meridionalis 23
Topic: Comparative and Typological Approaches to Slavic Languages
The 23rd volume of the journal Slavia Meridionalis will be devoted to various
problems of comparative and typological approaches to Slavic languages.
We welcome contributions in all subdisciplines of linguistics whose goal is to
understand and explain patterns of variation within the family of Slavic
languages from a comparative or micro-typological perspective. We are
particularly interested in comparative research related to the syntax and
semantics of word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions), as well as
functional and semantic categories (tense, aspect, mood, voice, definiteness,
negation, case, gender, number, etc.). Papers reporting research based on
novel data from at least two Slavic languages or one Slavic and one non-Slavic
language are preferred, especially comparisons with South Slavic languages.
Our intention is to bring together submissions from Slavic linguists from
eastern and western linguistic traditions to facilitate a valuable academic
discussion between scholars whose interest is in Slavic linguistics but who
belong to different schools of thought or whose research has been published in
languages other than English and hence received less international recognition
than deserved. For this reason, we invite submissions in English and all
Slavic languages (provided that the latter will be submitted by the Author in
the English version after the reviewing process).
We are open to research applying experimental and corpus methods. In addition
to theoretical contributions, we also invite papers which are original at the
descriptive level, presenting new comparative data and observations without
any formal analysis.
The key questions we want our volume to address are:
- semantic and syntactic universals and parameters of variation in the family
of Slavic languages
- micro-typology of functional categories in different Slavic languages
- micro-typology of different predicate classes
- grammaticalization and lexicalization of semantic categories, analyticity
and syntheticity in Slavic languages
- diachronic processes underlying different aspects of variation within the
family of Slavic languages
Slavia Meridionalis is a multidisciplinary Open Access journal featuring
papers in the areas of literature, culture, history, ethnology and languages
of southern Slavic countries, as well as their dynamic interactions and their
connections with other cultural regions. It is indexed in various databases,
including SCOPUS and Web of Sciences.
We will also consider publishing papers in English outside the main topic – in
the “Imponderabilia” section, intended for contributions addressing
particularly important linguistic issues within the thematic scope of the
Authors are invited to submit English-language papers (or translations of
Slavic-language papers approved in the reviewing process) of up to 40,000
characters with spaces (including bibliography). All the submissions should
present original ideas not published elsewhere. They will be reviewed by two
anonymous reviewers.
Please submit articles via the OJS platform:
Deadline for submission: 30 September 2022
Planned date of publication: 2023
Detailed information about the journal and guidelines for authors can be found
on the journal's website: https://ispan.waw.pl/journals/index.php/sm/about
Questions should be addressed to all the editors-in-charge of the volume:
Jakub Banasiak, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences,
jakub.banasiak at ispan.waw.pl
Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska, University of Łódz, juliamaz100 at yahoo.com
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