34.3812, Calls: 24th Szklarska Poręba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3812. Wed Dec 20 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3812, Calls: 24th Szklarska Poręba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 18-Dec-2023
From: Lotte Hogeweg [lotte.hogeweg at ru.nl]
Subject: 24th Szklarska Poręba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics
Full Title: 24th Szklarska Poręba Workshop on the Roots of
Short Title: Szklarska Poręba
Date: 08-Mar-2024 - 11-Mar-2024
Location: Szklarska Poręba, Poland
Contact Person: Lotte Hogeweg
Meeting Email: lotte.hogeweg at ru.nl
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/view/24thszklarskaporebaworkshop
Linguistic Field(s): Philosophy of Language; Pragmatics;
Psycholinguistics; Semantics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 22-Dec-2023
Meeting Description:
The 24th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics will be held on the
top of the Szrenica mountain in the Giant Mountains on the border of
Poland and the Czech Republic on March 8-11, 2024. On top of our
general theme, this year's special theme is The Limits of the Lexicon.
2nd Call for Papers:
The call for papers for the yearly Szklarska Poręba Workshop has been
extended to 22 December.
Linguists, logicians, philosophers, psychologists, and interested
researchers from other areas are cordially invited to join the 24th
Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics on March 8 to 11, 2024.
We especially invite papers on this year's special theme: the limits
of the lexicon. This theme addresses questions concerning the scope of
lexical meaning and (cognitive and universal) constraints on the
lexicon. Possible topics include:
- Rich versus thin lexical meanings
- Under- versus overspecification
- Thick concepts
- Expressive and social lexical meaning
- Lexical meaning and emotion
- Conventional versus non-conventional lexical meaning
- Distributional semantics
- Universals in lexical meaning
- The processing of lexical meaning
This year's invited speakers are:
- Mora Maldonado (Université de Nantes)
- Agustin Vicente (Ikerbasque Foundation of Science)
- Dan Zeman (University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy)
- Jakub Dotlačil (Utrecht University)
We also welcome contributions relevant to any of the more classical
subjects of this workshop series. Experimental as well as theoretical
approaches are welcome. We in particular encourage the presentation of
innovative ideas, even if still in need of later refinement and
submissions by students who have no previous experience presenting at
international workshops.
More traditional Szklarska Poręba themes include:
- Coordination on meaning
- Inference in natural language
- Experimental semantics and pragmatics
- Bayesian models of interpretation
- Quantum cognition and language
- Grammaticalisation and other approaches to diachrony
- Language typology and semantics/pragmatics
- Game theoretical pragmatics
- Formal models of language acquisition
- Explicature and implicature
- The architecture of the syntax/semantics interface
- Licensing of polarity elements, quantification etc.
- The evolution of communication and language
- Optimality theory
Submission instructions
We invite submission of BLIND abstracts in PDF format, to be sent to:
szklarskaworkshop (AT) gmail (DOT) com by December 22, 2023.
Acceptance decisions will be made by mid January.
Abstract guidelines are:
No longer than one A4 page including references, 2.5cm margins, 11pt.
If this is your first presentation outside of your home institution,
please indicate this in your cover email.
See the website for more information about the workshop:
Please consider donating to the Linguist List https://give.myiu.org/iu-bloomington/I320011968.html
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3812
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