34.2870, Calls: 8th International Conference on Late Modern English
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2870. Tue Oct 03 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2870, Calls: 8th International Conference on Late Modern English
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 02-Oct-2023
From: Javier Ruano-García [fjrg at usal.es]
Subject: 8th International Conference on Late Modern English
Full Title: 8th International Conference on Late Modern English
Short Title: LModE-8
Date: 02-Oct-2024 - 04-Oct-2024
Location: Salamanca, Spain
Contact Person: Javier Ruano-García
Meeting Email: lmode8 at usal.es
Web Site: https://lmode8.usal.es
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Language Documentation;
Ling & Literature; Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Language Family(ies): Germanic
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2024
Meeting Description:
We are pleased to announce that the 8th International Conference on
Late Modern English (LModE-8) will be held on 02-04 October 2024 at
the University of Salamanca (Spain). It will be organised by members
of the DING (English Dialectology and the History of the English
Language) research group.
Following on from the previous successful conferences in Edinburgh
(2001), Vigo (2004), Leiden (2007), Sheffield (2010), Bergamo (2013),
Uppsala (2017) and Ragusa (2022), the theme of the next conference in
Salamanca will be ‘Unheard voices, forgotten Englishes in Late Modern
times’. This edition of the LModE conference aims to bring together
scholars working on the ‘other’ Englishes of the Late Modern period in
England and beyond. We expect, therefore, that LModE-8 can be a forum
to share ongoing research on overseas varieties of English, provincial
speech, the language of specific social groups / individuals, as well
as archival materials and methodologies that can advance our knowledge
of less-investigated forms of English during this time. Of course,
proposals that deal with other topics related to Late Modern English
will also be considered.
The following plenary speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Prof. Anita Auer (Université de Lausanne)
- Prof. Lynda Mugglestone (University of Oxford)
- Prof. Laura Wright (University of Cambridge)
As in previous editions, LModE-8 will run over three days in parallel
sessions and will offer a number of social activities that include a
walking tour of the historic city centre, a visit to the Old Library,
and a trip to the beautiful village of La Alberca or to Zamora, a
Romanesque town near Salamanca.
The first Call for Papers and further particulars will be circulated
in September 2023. Individual papers and proposals for round tables
will be welcome.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: lmode8 at usal.es. You
can also find us at @latemode8 on Twitter!
We look forward to welcoming you in Salamanca in 2024!
The organising committee
Call for Papers:
We are pleased to announce that the CFP for the 8th International
Conference on Late Modern English (LModE-8) is already open. The
conference will be held at the University of Salamanca on 2-4 October
2024, organised by members of the DING (English Dialectology and the
History of the English Language) research group.
The theme of the conference is ‘Unheard voices, forgotten Englishes in
Late Modern times’. We invite abstracts on the ‘other’ Englishes of
the Late Modern period in England and beyond, with special emphasis on
overseas varieties of English, provincial speech, the language of
specific social groups / individuals, as well as archival materials
and methodologies that can advance our knowledge of less-investigated
forms of English during this time. Proposals that deal with other
topics related to Late Modern English will also be welcome.
Our plenary speakers and the titles of their lectures are:
· Prof. Anita Auer (Université de Lausanne): ‘Voices from below the
social spectrum: The language of the labouring poor in Late Modern
· Prof. Lynda Mugglestone (University of Oxford): Title to be
· Prof. Laura Wright (University of Cambridge): ‘On how the London
placename Limehouse became enregistered in Late Modern English’
As in previous editions, LModE-8 will run over three days in parallel
sessions and will offer a number of social activities that include a
walking tour of the historic city centre, a visit to the Old Library,
and a trip.
The CFP will be open from 2 October 2023 until 31 January 2024, and we
invite abstracts for the following formats:
1. Full papers: 20-min. presentation + 10-min. discussion.
Abstracts of full papers should be 300-400 words (excluding
references) and should clearly indicate the main research question(s),
the methodology, and (anticipated/ provisional) findings. They should
be anonymous and submitted via EasyAbs at:
2. Thematic panels: 4 / 5 papers (20-min. + 10-min. discussion each)
on a shared topic(s) within the remit of the conference theme.
Authors interested to convene a thematic panel should address their
proposals to lmode8 at usal.es. The proposals (in Word format) should
include (a) the title of the panel; (b) the names and affiliations of
the proposed participants; (c) a description (c. 500 words) of the
rationale, topic(s) and aim(s) of the panel; as well as (d) the
abstracts of the 4 / 5 papers to be presented during the session.
Panel convenors would be responsible for contacting participants and
putting their abstracts together before submitting their proposal. The
abstracts, which will be reviewed by the LModE-8 scientific committee,
should be 300-400 words (excluding references), and indicate the main
research question(s), their methodology and main findings, as well as
how they contribute to the overarching topic(s) of the panel.
* Please note that authors may submit up to two abstract proposals
only if one of them is a contribution to a thematic panel (e.g. full
paper + panel paper OR panel paper + panel paper).
If you have any questions, please contact us at: lmode8 at usal.es
Information about the conference fee, accommodation, etc. will be
posted on the conference website in early 2024, keep an eye on it and
follow us on Twitter @latemode8!
We look forward to welcoming you in beautiful Salamanca in 2024!
The organising committee
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