35.2308, Calls: Figurative Thought and Language 8
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Thu Aug 22 17:05:02 UTC 2024
LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2308. Thu Aug 22 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.2308, Calls: Figurative Thought and Language 8
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 20-Aug-2024
From: Alexander Onysko [alexander.onysko at aau.at]
Subject: Figurative Thought and Language 8
Full Title: Figurative Thought and Language 8
Short Title: FTL 8
Date: 09-Jul-2025 - 11-Jul-2025
Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Contact Person: Alexander Onysko
Meeting Email: ftl8 at aau.at
Web Site: https://www.aau.at/en/english/conferences/ftl8
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Discourse
Analysis; General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2025
Meeting Description:
The 8th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language
(FTL 8) will be hosted by the Department of English at the University
of Klagenfurt. Continuing the tradition of the conference series,
which offers inspiring venues for research on Figurative Thought and
Language from multiple perspectives and approaches, the conference
theme of FTL 8 is Diversity in Figurative Thought and Language.
Call for Papers:
Contributions are invited across a wide range of diverse aspects of
figurativeness in thought and in various semiotic modes. Diversity is
intended to comprise modes of figurative enactment, discourses and
representations of figurative meaning making, methods of analyses,
theoretical approaches and applications, topics of investigation,
sources and actors of figurativeness, as well as recipients of
figurative processes.
Some suggested areas of research on figurative thought, language and
other semiotic modes are listed below. Proposals for individual paper
presentations and theme sessions are invited in these areas and
-Investigating figurative processes on all levels of language (e.g.
semantics, lexis, morphosyntax, pragmatics)
-Production and producers of figurative acts
-Reception and recipients of figurative language
-The relationship of figurative processes and grammar
-Figurativeness in language development and acquisition
-Figurativeness in multimodal settings
-Figurative processes in gestures and sign languages
-Cognitive poetics and stylistics
-Diachronic aspects of figurativeness
-Figurative aspects of humour
-Cultural diversity in figurative processes
-Artificial intelligence and figurativeness
Submission of individual papers
Please send your abstracts for paper presentations (20min presentation
+ 5min discussion) as doc or pdf files to ftl8 at aau.at by January 15,
2025. Abstracts should not exceed 400 words (excluding references) and
will undergo anonymous peer review. Notifications will be sent out by
the end of February 2025. Please provide author(s) details and contact
information on a cover page preceding the abstract.
Submission of thematic sessions
A limited amount of thematic sessions can also be accommodated in the
programme. Applications for prospective theme sessions should consist
of a general description (600 words max., excluding references) and
provide a list of planned paper titles and presenters. Theme sessions
should consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 papers. Proposals
for theme sessions need to be submitted by December 5, 2024, and
notification of acceptance will be sent out by mid-December, 2024.
Abstracts of theme session papers need to be submitted individually by
the presenters to ftl8 at aau.at by January 15, 2025 and are subject to
peer review. The title of the theme session has to be stated on the
Submitting multiple papers
Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts for presentation. It is
possible to submit one single authored and one co-authored or two
co-authored abstracts.
More information on the event (e.g. travel, accommodation,
registration/conference fee, social programme, etc.) can be found on
the conference website: https://www.aau.at/en/english/conferences/ftl8
We look forward to meeting you in Klagenfurt!
For the organizers,
Alexander Onysko
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2308
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